The co detector — What it is and why you need?

In the days before historical materialism and global warming, when Gazprom has not yet spread their iron tentacles across the planet and the furnace heating was the main way to keep oak in our harsh climate, one of the most dangerous household effects were "waste". From him, sometimes killed whole families. And why? And because they don't have such a useful device:
The carbon monoxide detector from the company Dadzhet designed for alarm about the presence in the air of dangerous concentrations of carbon monoxide, CO. This is "carbon monoxide", which is produced from the combustion of carbon or compounds based on it (such as gasoline) in terms of lack of oxygen. As it is formed in a domestic environment?
Two basic ways to burn (don't try this at home):
1. If in a heated furnace or fireplace remains reprographie coals, and a view of the pipe was closed. The most frequent cause of intoxication in earlier times – the economical peasants were necessarily covered tube after firing the furnace, as through a furnace, the thrust was left of the heat Victorova hut. If this is done a bit earlier than necessary, dotiwala in the preheated furnace coal was allocated.
2. In our time, when furnace heating are more rare and fireplaces, because of a more open design, less prone to the formation of co, the most frequent cause of intoxication is getting the car, standing with motor running in the garage. Especially during the morning warm – cold engine, working on rich mixture, emits a huge amount. And if you think that the open gate will save you, no, nothing like that. The concentration grows VERY quickly, through the gates ventilated no time. Death, of course, hardly rock, but the head then will be sore, so that the living will envy the dead.
In General, the detector, this very – thing more than necessary, especially for me, a person living in a private home with stove and fireplace, as well as having as a hobby the tinkering with the cars in the garage.
Thus, the detector:

White plastic housing, digital LCD display, one button, three LEDs, grating siren-chants.
The indicator shows two types of data – the temperature of the air in the room:

...and content in the air FROM – to PPM, i.e. parts per million — parts per million. Table portability (at a concentration you will need glue for the fins) is in the instructions, but, from a practical point of view – any concentration which will detect such a detector (25 PPM) requires immediate reaction of the user to understand how the frenzy.

There is also a battery charging indicator. The batteries themselves are hidden behind, under cover of the mounting (on the wall) element:

Plastic socket screwed to the wall with two screws and fastened the device itself.

The batteries in the compartment are spring loaded with special plastic stops, so that when removing the device from the base and strive to jump and gain speed in the corners.

If the device is disassembled, the visible electrochemical sensor:

This is the element that responds to the chemical composition of the air changes the electrical conductivity. Of the co molecule enters into the electrochemical reaction on the electrode and allow the use of a direct linear dependence of the current on concentration of the measured component.
Black is a hole – plutonically PT-3534FP, 105dBA, 2900Hz to 3900Hz. Bloody loud thing unusually nasty sound – Wake up with a guarantee.
On the reverse side of the Board the two chips:

One of them is HT16218, the controller of the LCD indicator, and the second zalecana that I do not understand.
To verify that the device has "Test" button — you can click on it and listen to how loud it screams. But, you see, it's not the most reliable validation method. Want to tell a more realistic experience.
Of course, it is possible to heat the stove, close the damper and see what happens before I'll die or indicator works, but my trust in technology is not so great, and then ventilate torment, especially since it's freezing outside.
So to increase the co content in the test scope I decided an easier way – substituting detector under the car's exhaust.
Put plastic bottles by the neck in the exhaust pipe, put it in her device and started the engine. Cold motor spat out at the start so much that the detector screamed instantly, showing MAC. As the heating readings decreased, but still breathing from this flask is definitely not worth it...

In General, the audit showed that the device is operating, and it solemnly took his seat in the house:

(Round thing next to the smoke detector, which is also not superfluous in the presence of a stove). Since is lighter than air, place the detector higher is better, but not the ceiling:

For those who have a house like mine, fired the stove – a real must-have. Maybe this thing is never going to work, but the only fire will save the life of anyone who is in the house. The same closed fireplaces with doors. For it is definitely worth to give 2950 rubles – and let them hang. When quiescent current 80мкА batteries will last for a long time.
Also highly recommend to all fans to Tinker in the garage – there is a possibility to breathe WITH more. Unfortunately, the characteristics specified operating temperature range of the detector. Suggest that in sub-zero temperatures electrochemical sensor may not work properly, and the batteries do not like cold. So, in an unheated garage in the winter sense of it is a bit... Well, wanting to rattle the keys in the cold too, not Legion. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: geektimes.ru/company/dadget/blog/274152/
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