The 10 most highly paid professions related to science
The skillful choice of profession can not only satisfy their curiosity at the expense of taxpayers, but also to earn good money. We present 10 of the most popular and highly paid professions related to science, the example of the United States.
In this profession, researchers are developing new ways of improving the production of oil and gas. The area of the oil and gas industry constantly needs new tools and techniques and it's ready to pay the developers.
In this industry a lot of different professions, but the highest wages of engineers directly involved in the production of oil and gas.
Average annual salary: $127 520.
Physics, which not only taught in universities, and is actively involved in relevant research, usually make good money. Some theorize and find new laws that explain phenomena in nature, other spetsializiruyutsya on the practical application of physical laws and phenomena.
Average annual salary: $106 440.
Specialist in Informatics and computer Sciences
Choosing a career as a specialist in computer science are engaged in theoretical problems of programming and data processing, solve the problems regarding both software and technical support.
Information systems, electronic data systems analysis and computer programming – all this on a separate computer science, the development of which pay well.
Average annual salary: $100 900.
Engineer hardware
This work offers professional training in electrical engineering, computer testing, design and integration of hardware and software. Require these professionals in almost all sectors: government, commercial, scientific and military.
Average annual salary: $100 180.
Engineer in nuclear engineering
The application of scientific and technical data related to nuclear physics, to problems of production of nuclear energy and efficient elimination of radioactive waste is the main tasks of an engineer-scientist.
Average annual salary: $ 99 750.
From kids who love to count the stars in the sky, you can get a real astronomers. This area of science is studying phenomena in space and expands the knowledge of mankind about the Universe. This knowledge can help improve our lives on Earth.
Average annual salary: $ 99 730.
The software engineer
Software engineers have been researching, developing and testing operating systems software for computers and computer networks, both local and global to private, public and military sectors.
Average annual salary: $ 94 520.
Of course, teaching math in school a lot of money not earn, but mathematicians engaged in serious research, getting a good salary. In the scope of their activities includes primarily the application of mathematical apparatus for science and industry.
Average annual salary: $ 94 960.
Engineer in aerospace engineering
Design, construction and testing of missiles, aircraft and other aircraft is the main task of specialists in aerospace engineering.
Average annual salary: $ 93 980.
Chemists, biologists, and other "naturalists" earned slightly less of astronomers and physicists, but still at a decent life, at least in the US, plenty of them.
Average annual salary: $ 91 850. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: naked-science.ru/article/top/10-highest-paid-science-jobs
In this profession, researchers are developing new ways of improving the production of oil and gas. The area of the oil and gas industry constantly needs new tools and techniques and it's ready to pay the developers.
In this industry a lot of different professions, but the highest wages of engineers directly involved in the production of oil and gas.
Average annual salary: $127 520.
Physics, which not only taught in universities, and is actively involved in relevant research, usually make good money. Some theorize and find new laws that explain phenomena in nature, other spetsializiruyutsya on the practical application of physical laws and phenomena.
Average annual salary: $106 440.
Specialist in Informatics and computer Sciences
Choosing a career as a specialist in computer science are engaged in theoretical problems of programming and data processing, solve the problems regarding both software and technical support.
Information systems, electronic data systems analysis and computer programming – all this on a separate computer science, the development of which pay well.
Average annual salary: $100 900.
Engineer hardware
This work offers professional training in electrical engineering, computer testing, design and integration of hardware and software. Require these professionals in almost all sectors: government, commercial, scientific and military.
Average annual salary: $100 180.
Engineer in nuclear engineering
The application of scientific and technical data related to nuclear physics, to problems of production of nuclear energy and efficient elimination of radioactive waste is the main tasks of an engineer-scientist.
Average annual salary: $ 99 750.
From kids who love to count the stars in the sky, you can get a real astronomers. This area of science is studying phenomena in space and expands the knowledge of mankind about the Universe. This knowledge can help improve our lives on Earth.
Average annual salary: $ 99 730.
The software engineer
Software engineers have been researching, developing and testing operating systems software for computers and computer networks, both local and global to private, public and military sectors.
Average annual salary: $ 94 520.
Of course, teaching math in school a lot of money not earn, but mathematicians engaged in serious research, getting a good salary. In the scope of their activities includes primarily the application of mathematical apparatus for science and industry.
Average annual salary: $ 94 960.
Engineer in aerospace engineering
Design, construction and testing of missiles, aircraft and other aircraft is the main task of specialists in aerospace engineering.
Average annual salary: $ 93 980.
Chemists, biologists, and other "naturalists" earned slightly less of astronomers and physicists, but still at a decent life, at least in the US, plenty of them.
Average annual salary: $ 91 850. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: naked-science.ru/article/top/10-highest-paid-science-jobs