Quotes by Boris Akunin about life
Boris Akunin’s books are useful to read at any age. Reading the same text, you can discover something new. Through the prism of lived years and personal experience, the words of the writer suggest thoughts about life. We see not only interesting adventures of heroes, but also thoughtfully read their monologues.
Wise quotes about life Today editorial "Site" suggestive Quotes about life with deep meaning from the books of Boris Akunin. The words of the author can be refuted or agreed with them, but there is some truth in them.
About what old age is, Boris Akunin says: Not physical withering, not intellectual decline, but simply dries up vital energy. When you encounter an obstacle, you don’t want to jump higher to jump over the barrier. I want to sit down, give up and be saddened by the injustice of the world.”
This description does not apply to all older people. At any age, there are times when you give up, that’s normal. The main thing is to be able to get out of the state of apathy and continue to live and enjoy every day. Some old people don't even know they've been retired for a long time. These people can give a head start to the young.
Is it possible to call an old man who gets up every morning for a run, defends his rights at rallies and does not stop traveling? It is not about the number of years lived, but the desire to take the maximum from life. And the path to such a philosophy for some people is calculated more than a dozen years. The older we get, the more we realize that life is short and no one will make us happy except ourselves.
“For we are what we feel, not how we look from the outside,” is a very wise phrase that can be interpreted in many ways. If we talk about old age, it does not matter how old we are, it is important to feel and mood. If a person leads an active lifestyle, then he will be cheerful at 60 and 80 years.
“Growing old” means “mature,” that is, becoming not worse, but better – stronger, wiser, more complete. If a person, trying, feels not gain, but loss, then his ship has lost its course.”
The quote is ambiguous, because our life does not last forever. The truth is that wisdom comes with time. By acquiring new knowledge, we lose precious moments of life, and this cannot be changed.
“Every day of God is a gift, and gifts should be received with gratitude and appreciated. And even if it seems that nothing significant happened, it is from a lack of mind or deafness of heart. There are no empty days in life. At all. Except for people who look and do not see, listen and do not hear. In a person who is attentive to himself and to the world, important events happen every day, at least in the soul.
And we become attentive with age, more often think about what we have achieved in life, what we have managed to do, what is yet to be done. We are overtaken by slowness, awareness and calmness. Sad quotes about life The most valuable, they give an opportunity to learn something from someone else’s bitter experience.
It always makes sense to think about what we want, whether we are moving in the right direction. The sooner we define our life goals, the more likely we are to achieve them. Do not be afraid of old age and weakness, you need to enjoy every moment and appreciate your time, because you never know when it will expire.

Wise quotes about life Today editorial "Site" suggestive Quotes about life with deep meaning from the books of Boris Akunin. The words of the author can be refuted or agreed with them, but there is some truth in them.

About what old age is, Boris Akunin says: Not physical withering, not intellectual decline, but simply dries up vital energy. When you encounter an obstacle, you don’t want to jump higher to jump over the barrier. I want to sit down, give up and be saddened by the injustice of the world.”

This description does not apply to all older people. At any age, there are times when you give up, that’s normal. The main thing is to be able to get out of the state of apathy and continue to live and enjoy every day. Some old people don't even know they've been retired for a long time. These people can give a head start to the young.

Is it possible to call an old man who gets up every morning for a run, defends his rights at rallies and does not stop traveling? It is not about the number of years lived, but the desire to take the maximum from life. And the path to such a philosophy for some people is calculated more than a dozen years. The older we get, the more we realize that life is short and no one will make us happy except ourselves.

“For we are what we feel, not how we look from the outside,” is a very wise phrase that can be interpreted in many ways. If we talk about old age, it does not matter how old we are, it is important to feel and mood. If a person leads an active lifestyle, then he will be cheerful at 60 and 80 years.

“Growing old” means “mature,” that is, becoming not worse, but better – stronger, wiser, more complete. If a person, trying, feels not gain, but loss, then his ship has lost its course.”
The quote is ambiguous, because our life does not last forever. The truth is that wisdom comes with time. By acquiring new knowledge, we lose precious moments of life, and this cannot be changed.

“Every day of God is a gift, and gifts should be received with gratitude and appreciated. And even if it seems that nothing significant happened, it is from a lack of mind or deafness of heart. There are no empty days in life. At all. Except for people who look and do not see, listen and do not hear. In a person who is attentive to himself and to the world, important events happen every day, at least in the soul.
And we become attentive with age, more often think about what we have achieved in life, what we have managed to do, what is yet to be done. We are overtaken by slowness, awareness and calmness. Sad quotes about life The most valuable, they give an opportunity to learn something from someone else’s bitter experience.

It always makes sense to think about what we want, whether we are moving in the right direction. The sooner we define our life goals, the more likely we are to achieve them. Do not be afraid of old age and weakness, you need to enjoy every moment and appreciate your time, because you never know when it will expire.