Recipes of the famous Daria Zvek
Since childhood, I remember how beckoned by the fragrant aroma of homemade pastries, the idea for which my mother often found in the book Sweet Cookies by Daria Zvek.
These carefully written recipes have passed through the years and generations, and today we invite readers to use them again to bake homemade biscuits, crustaceans, verdunas and curlers, as did “sweet Daria”.
True family warmth and authentic culinary traditions are transmitted from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter. So it was with Daria Zvek, who since her school years began to write down the recipes heard from her natives.
In 1960, stacks of written notebooks turned into a book. Daria’s first recipe book, Sweet Cookies, immediately became popular and was republished nine times.
"On weekdays and holidays", "Holiday table", "To children and parents". Housewives from Ukraine and Russia, Belarus and Poland pass these books by inheritance to their daughters.
In an interview, Daria, 90, said: I love young people very much. What I write is for our young people. Because grandmothers have long been able to do this, but youth does not know. I had no time or from whom to learn.”
Buns from Daria Zvek
My mother often baked according to the recipe of Daria Zvek amazingly delicious bay buns.
The ingredients
The ingredients
Marble muffin
The ingredients
Baking muffins is actually the most exciting thing to do. You can choose the ingredients for yourself, because this dessert can have almost any taste: chocolate, banana, cherry.
The ingredients
Having prepared at least something according to the recipe of Daria Zvek, you will understand that her books were not in vain with a total circulation of 5 million copies! Baking turns out to be incredibly tasty, lush and appetizing. Be sure to try and see it firsthand.

These carefully written recipes have passed through the years and generations, and today we invite readers to use them again to bake homemade biscuits, crustaceans, verdunas and curlers, as did “sweet Daria”.
True family warmth and authentic culinary traditions are transmitted from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter. So it was with Daria Zvek, who since her school years began to write down the recipes heard from her natives.

In 1960, stacks of written notebooks turned into a book. Daria’s first recipe book, Sweet Cookies, immediately became popular and was republished nine times.
"On weekdays and holidays", "Holiday table", "To children and parents". Housewives from Ukraine and Russia, Belarus and Poland pass these books by inheritance to their daughters.

In an interview, Daria, 90, said: I love young people very much. What I write is for our young people. Because grandmothers have long been able to do this, but youth does not know. I had no time or from whom to learn.”
Buns from Daria Zvek

My mother often baked according to the recipe of Daria Zvek amazingly delicious bay buns.
The ingredients
- 250g flour
- 100 ml of milk
- 3 eggs
- 20g fresh yeast
- 50g butter
- 50g sugar
- 0.5 tsp salt
- 3 tbsp.
- 1-2 tsp powdered sugar
- half-peel
- Heat the milk and pour it into a small bowl, add yeast and a tablespoon of sugar. Stir and leave for half an hour to make a opara.
- Ask for flour in a deep bowl, add salt. In a separate container, beat the yolks with the remaining sugar until the mass whitens. Wash the lemon, separate the half and graze the lemon peel.
- When the opara is ready, add it to the middle of the flour, there also pour whipped yolks and peel from half a lemon. Stir and add the melted butter.
- Mix the dough. Please note that this dough should be stirred carefully for 10 minutes. Lubricate the bowl with vegetable oil, put dough in it, cover with a small piece of food film and send for an hour in a warm place.
- Form for baking lubricated with vegetable oil. The finished dough is divided into 12 parts of approximately 42-50 grams. The dough is sticky, so it is better to work with it on an oil-oiled table, oil your hands too. Make the balls out of the dough, then divide into flatbreads, lay out the filling and pinch well, then lightly roll and lay out in the form. Daria Zvek formed “coves” in the form of a rectangular block of buns clumped on all sides with filling, like a “friendly family” pie.
- Cover the bun form with food film and leave it for another hour.
- Lubricate the buns with whipped protein and put in the oven heated to 180 degrees and bake for 20-25 minutes. Put powdered sugar on the finished buns.
- That's it, cove buns Ready. Bon appetit!

The ingredients
- 250g flour
- 1 egg
- 3 yolks
- 50g sugar
- 50g butter
- 1/2 tbsp sour cream
- 1 tbsp vinegar
- 50g vodka
- 1/2 tsp salt
- vegetable-oil
- Cube the butter and put it in the freezer for 15 minutes.
- Mix sifted flour with soda.
- With the help of knives, a food processor or a mixer with a shovel nozzle, “crack” oil with flour.
- Add to the same egg, yolks, sugar, sour cream, vinegar, salt and vodka.
- Mix the dough, as on dumplings, thinly roll, cut into strips with a width of two fingers and cut strips of 15 cm long from them.
- In the middle of each strip make a longitudinal (5 cm) incision, stretch through it one end of the strip, straighten and immediately fry in heated vegetable oil.
- When the verdunes are roaring, fold them on a napkin, sprinkle with sugar or powdered sugar with vanilla.
Marble muffin

The ingredients
- 500g flour
- 250g margarine
- 300g sugar
- 6 eggs
- 1 piece sour cream
- 2 tbsp cocoa
- 1 bag of vanilla sugar
- 1 tsp baking powder
- Mix sifted flour with baking powder.
- Beat a soft margarine with sugar, adding one yolk, a spoonful of flour and rubbing all the time.
- Mix the resulting mass with whipped proteins.
- Divide it into 2 parts.
- To one, add cocoa and vanilla sugar, stir.
- In the form, oiled with fat and sprinkled with flour, pour a spoonful of dark and light mixture.
- Bake for 45 minutes in an oven heated to 200 degrees.
- Bon appetit!
Baking muffins is actually the most exciting thing to do. You can choose the ingredients for yourself, because this dessert can have almost any taste: chocolate, banana, cherry.

The ingredients
- 200g flour
- 100g oil
- 2 boiled yolks
- 1 protein
- 50g sugar
- 50g ground nuts
- vanilla
- Rub the boiled yolks through the sieve.
- Blow the squirrel into the foam.
- Mix the flour with sugar, vanillin, butter and grated yolks.
- Add to the mass of ground nuts and kneads a dense dough.
- From 2/3 dough roll a rectangular crust and grease it with protein foam.
- On top of the crust, sod the remaining dough on a large grater.
- Cut the crusts into squares 4 by 4 cm.
- Place the squares on a pan covered with baking paper.
- Bake in an oven heated to 200 degrees until the cookies are roaring.
- More hot curlers sprinkle powdered sugar and serve for tea.
- Bon appetit!
Having prepared at least something according to the recipe of Daria Zvek, you will understand that her books were not in vain with a total circulation of 5 million copies! Baking turns out to be incredibly tasty, lush and appetizing. Be sure to try and see it firsthand.