How to prepare doughnuts on condensed milk
There are many funny theories about the origin of the donut. According to one of them, donuts were invented by Danish sailor Hanson Gregory. He was on watch eating a sweet cake. Suddenly, a storm arose, and the captain had to take the helm with both hands.
Finding nothing better, he put his cake on the handle of the steering wheel. In fact, the shape of a classic doughnut is most likely due to the fact that the dough with a hole is roasted faster and more evenly. But if the doughnuts are small, it is quite possible to do without it.
In Soviet times, the recipe for this delicacy was probably in the notebook of every mistress. Delicious doughnuts on condensed My grandmother used to bake. I still remember how much joy these delicious golden balls brought us, little ones!
Can of condensed, 2 eggs, a little flour, and a treat with the taste of childhood is ready! Its preparation will take you 5-6 minutes, and the result will be appreciated by both adults and children.
Donuts on condensed Ingredients
Especially good doughnuts on condensed with heat and with milk ... The recipe is very simple, and the result, as you can see, is amazing!
An unusual and more useful replacement for doughnuts can be apple rings in crate, the recipe for which the editorial office has prepared for you. "Site".
We've all heard about the dangers of donuts. However, the taste of this golden delicacy is difficult to forget. We offer you a recipe for donuts with the addition of cottage cheese, which will bring your taste buds into true ecstasy!

Finding nothing better, he put his cake on the handle of the steering wheel. In fact, the shape of a classic doughnut is most likely due to the fact that the dough with a hole is roasted faster and more evenly. But if the doughnuts are small, it is quite possible to do without it.

In Soviet times, the recipe for this delicacy was probably in the notebook of every mistress. Delicious doughnuts on condensed My grandmother used to bake. I still remember how much joy these delicious golden balls brought us, little ones!

Can of condensed, 2 eggs, a little flour, and a treat with the taste of childhood is ready! Its preparation will take you 5-6 minutes, and the result will be appreciated by both adults and children.
Donuts on condensed Ingredients
- 1 can of condensed milk
- 2 eggs
- wheat flour - as much as the dough will take
- pinch
- soda
- odorless vegetable oil
- powdered sugar for decoration (not necessary)
- Beat the eggs, add condensed milk, stir and add salt and soda, then gradually add flour - until you have a soft, well-stretched, slightly sticky dough.
- Roll a finger-thick sausage out of dough. It is desirable to do this on a dry table, that is, do not use flour, because if you roll on flour, its particles will remain on the donuts and it will burn when roasted.
- Cut the sausage into pieces 2-3 cm long and roll balls from them.
- Pour odorless vegetable oil into the pan, heat it and roast the balls from all sides until ready on a small fire. On a high fire, the doughnuts will burn outside and remain damp inside.
- If you want, decorate your donuts with powdered sugar.
- Lush doughnuts on condensed Ready. Bon appetit!
Especially good doughnuts on condensed with heat and with milk ... The recipe is very simple, and the result, as you can see, is amazing!
An unusual and more useful replacement for doughnuts can be apple rings in crate, the recipe for which the editorial office has prepared for you. "Site".
We've all heard about the dangers of donuts. However, the taste of this golden delicacy is difficult to forget. We offer you a recipe for donuts with the addition of cottage cheese, which will bring your taste buds into true ecstasy!