Why food spoils in the refrigerator
How do most people (including me) use a refrigerator? Just put any products on the first vacant place.
“These products have no place in the fridge, son!” my mother writes me a note over and over. Mom is alone and I don’t want to upset her. After all, what is not eaten, expired or lost, goes straight to the garbage can along with wasted money.
There's a way. Make the refrigerator a place where products will be stored for as long as possible and at the same time will not lose their taste, help tips from the company. "Site".
A refrigerator is not a panacea, there are foods that can not be stored in the refrigerator or they simply do not need cold.
With these tips, you will stop throwing food in the trash. They will last much longer and will retain their taste and useful properties.

“These products have no place in the fridge, son!” my mother writes me a note over and over. Mom is alone and I don’t want to upset her. After all, what is not eaten, expired or lost, goes straight to the garbage can along with wasted money.

There's a way. Make the refrigerator a place where products will be stored for as long as possible and at the same time will not lose their taste, help tips from the company. "Site".
A refrigerator is not a panacea, there are foods that can not be stored in the refrigerator or they simply do not need cold.
- Onions of reptile
Almost no dish is complete without onions: salads, patties, soups... Growing onions in your garden is only half the battle, it still needs to be properly preserved.
In the cold, the heads can become moldy, quickly deteriorate. And under no circumstances wrap it in plastic. Onions do not like this material, high humidity and lack of ventilation will quickly lead to its decay.
In wooden boxes, wicker baskets, fabric bags, you can create good ventilation, but it is difficult to protect the bulbs from contact with neighboring bulbs, one of which can be rotten and can spoil up to 2 kg of crop.
A simple and effective way to store onions is in old women’s tights. Over this habit of our grandmothers at one time satirists laughed enough, but it nevertheless works and protects onions from rotting. - Tomatoes
Tomatoes are complicated. Immature is better to put in a warm and dark place, and ripe - on the top shelf of the refrigerator, closer to the door. If you remove immature fruits into the cold, they will quickly turn black and spoil. - Cucumbers
To cucumbers do not wither, store them not in the refrigerator and away from tomatoes and bananas, which emit gas that contributes to rapid wilting. - Garlic
Moisture and low temperature cause garlic to become soft and inedible. The main recommendation is to store the heads and especially garlic slices in a dry and inaccessible place for moisture (you can along with onions).
There are many ways to prepare garlic for the winter, so you can choose the right one for your needs. So fragrant garlic will always be at your fingertips until the next harvest. - Potatoes
The refrigerator is not the best place to store potatoes. The cold turns starch into sugar, which changes not only the taste of the tubers, but also the structure. Be prepared for the potatoes in the refrigerator to become sweet and lethargic.
It is best to store potatoes in a dry dark cabinet at medium temperature, away from the stove and oven. - Bananas
Bananas, like tomatoes, are difficult. At a temperature in the refrigerator chamber from 3 to 6 degrees, the ripening of bananas slows down, and the skin quickly darkens.
At the same time, the pulp in the cold deteriorates more slowly, so in this way they preserve already ripe sweet fruits. Thus, storing bananas in the refrigerator is permissible, but only if they are already ripe and there is a need to slightly extend the shelf life. - Bread.
Don't. fridge. The bread pulp will eventually become wet and hard. If you plan to eat a loaf in the next four days, leave it in the breadbox or on the table with a napkin. When it comes to longer term, wrap the bread with a soft paper towel and send it to the freezer. - Honey
With proper storage honey-life It's practically unlimited. It is better to keep it in a tightly closed glass jar in a dark place and at a temperature of 5 to 20 degrees. If the apartment is hot, then for some time (a week or a month) the product can survive in the refrigerator. But to call the refrigerator a suitable place for honey is still impossible. Cold promotes the crystallization of honey and changes its taste.
In any refrigerator there are many smells, and sweet treats do not like them. Therefore, make sure in advance that the packaging is tight. Otherwise, honey will absorb all foreign smells. - Vegetable oil
Oil does not like cold and heat, the optimal storage temperature is indicated on the product packaging. Try to store it in a cool dark place at a temperature of 5 to 20 degrees.
In the refrigerator, the oil can begin to layer, there may be precipitation, a change in the consistency of the product from liquid to denser, loss of taste. - avocado
Avocado fruits will never ripen in the cold, so it is better to remove them from the refrigerator and leave them for 4-5 days at room temperature. Previously "Site" 13 Reasons to Include Avocados in Your Diet It is difficult to tell how useful this excellent fruit is! - Chocolate.
Candy and chocolate tiles in the refrigerator “gray”. This happens because groups of cocoa butter crystals at low temperatures increase in size and form white spots on the surface of chocolate.
If the chocolate has turned white, but its shelf life has not yet come out, then you can use such chocolate in cooking recipes.
With these tips, you will stop throwing food in the trash. They will last much longer and will retain their taste and useful properties.