Why European Housewives Don't Store Their Eggs in the Fridge
Keeping eggs should not be difficult. There is a special compartment in the refrigerator for this purpose. But it turns out that the place where you put the fresh product, depends on it. egg-life.
What is the problem and why does this topic not lose its relevance? Editorial "Site" I decided to figure it out. So write down our recommendations and don't forget to get your eggs out of the fridge!
To answer our questions, we will turn to European standards. It turned out that housewives from Europe keep eggs room temperature. Moreover, they believe that storing eggs in the refrigerator is a bad option.
With a sharp temperature drop on the shell of eggs accumulate bacteria. Given the semi-permeability of the eggshell, harmful microorganisms penetrate inside. Therefore, the use of such a product can cause various problems.
According to the recommendations of European experts, the storage temperature ranges from 19 to 21 degrees Celsius. But keep in mind that this indicator is relevant for the autumn-winter period. And in spring and summer it is best to store eggs at +21-23 degrees Celsius. Also important. humidity. It should be within 70-85%.
Egg shelf life In room conditions, eggs are stored not more than 10 days. And in the refrigerator, the shelf life is increased to 45 days. It is not surprising that the owners of the post-Soviet space prefer this method of storage.
In addition, buying eggs in the store, we do not know for sure how many days the product has already been on the shelf. Therefore freezer It seems obvious to us. But the quality of the eggs in this case can only hope.
To protect yourself and your family, it is best to find people who offer their own products. Of course, that's not always possible. Therefore, it is also possible to find egg-producer. This way, you will be sure that the eggs will be fresh.
Storage of eggs in the refrigerator
If you keep eggs in the refrigerator, remember a few important nuances. First of all, it's the perfect storage place. bottom-shelf. The temperature and humidity are always stable. Do not keep eggs near other foods. Like meat and dairy. They easily absorb the flavors of other food and are exposed to Salmonella. But the latter is possible if the eggs themselves are infected.
How to check the freshness of eggs
There is no salmonella in fresh eggs. But how to make sure the product is fresh? It's very simple. Put the egg in the water. and watch him. If it sinks to the bottom and lies on its side, then the egg is fresh. And if it remains on the surface of the water and looks out, this is a sure sign of spoiled product. In addition, this trick will help determine the expiration date of the egg. If it has sunk to the bottom, but it remains to “stand”, it can no longer be stored for a long time.
Is it necessary to wash eggs
Often, after returning from the store, housewives wash shop eggs. But it's not worth it. First, water. flush from the shell. Secondly, it leads to contamination of bacteria, that is, the transition of microorganisms to other surfaces. Even European manufacturers do not wash their eggs.
Of course. egg-life It increases significantly in the refrigerator. But following the European recommendations, this should be abandoned. Agree, excess reinsurance will not hurt. Especially when it comes to our health. In addition, it is worth knowing about the nuances of storage and other food products. Share this information with your friends. We're sure they'll need it!

What is the problem and why does this topic not lose its relevance? Editorial "Site" I decided to figure it out. So write down our recommendations and don't forget to get your eggs out of the fridge!

To answer our questions, we will turn to European standards. It turned out that housewives from Europe keep eggs room temperature. Moreover, they believe that storing eggs in the refrigerator is a bad option.

With a sharp temperature drop on the shell of eggs accumulate bacteria. Given the semi-permeability of the eggshell, harmful microorganisms penetrate inside. Therefore, the use of such a product can cause various problems.

According to the recommendations of European experts, the storage temperature ranges from 19 to 21 degrees Celsius. But keep in mind that this indicator is relevant for the autumn-winter period. And in spring and summer it is best to store eggs at +21-23 degrees Celsius. Also important. humidity. It should be within 70-85%.
Egg shelf life In room conditions, eggs are stored not more than 10 days. And in the refrigerator, the shelf life is increased to 45 days. It is not surprising that the owners of the post-Soviet space prefer this method of storage.

In addition, buying eggs in the store, we do not know for sure how many days the product has already been on the shelf. Therefore freezer It seems obvious to us. But the quality of the eggs in this case can only hope.

To protect yourself and your family, it is best to find people who offer their own products. Of course, that's not always possible. Therefore, it is also possible to find egg-producer. This way, you will be sure that the eggs will be fresh.
Storage of eggs in the refrigerator

If you keep eggs in the refrigerator, remember a few important nuances. First of all, it's the perfect storage place. bottom-shelf. The temperature and humidity are always stable. Do not keep eggs near other foods. Like meat and dairy. They easily absorb the flavors of other food and are exposed to Salmonella. But the latter is possible if the eggs themselves are infected.
How to check the freshness of eggs

There is no salmonella in fresh eggs. But how to make sure the product is fresh? It's very simple. Put the egg in the water. and watch him. If it sinks to the bottom and lies on its side, then the egg is fresh. And if it remains on the surface of the water and looks out, this is a sure sign of spoiled product. In addition, this trick will help determine the expiration date of the egg. If it has sunk to the bottom, but it remains to “stand”, it can no longer be stored for a long time.
Is it necessary to wash eggs

Often, after returning from the store, housewives wash shop eggs. But it's not worth it. First, water. flush from the shell. Secondly, it leads to contamination of bacteria, that is, the transition of microorganisms to other surfaces. Even European manufacturers do not wash their eggs.
Of course. egg-life It increases significantly in the refrigerator. But following the European recommendations, this should be abandoned. Agree, excess reinsurance will not hurt. Especially when it comes to our health. In addition, it is worth knowing about the nuances of storage and other food products. Share this information with your friends. We're sure they'll need it!
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