Why wisely experienced housewives roll eggs in cans
As it turns out, there are people who literally roll. No, we've heard of pickled eggs cooked in America, but that's different. This is our way, the way we hurry to tell. Here's how to store jarSo that they do not spoil for several months.
How can it happen that eggs have nowhere to buy and need to be stored for a long time? A reasonable question and here is the possible answer. Let’s say that you live in a village, winter, chickens run badly (and not only from you), you can buy, but expensive and little. Isn't it better to stock up? Editorial "Site" There's a lot to say about it.
Why do you need a jar if you have a refrigerator? It's also reasonable, but how many eggs can you fit in there? In addition, the refrigerator constantly opens, the temperature changes, the eggs will not benefit. So you have two hundred eggs and you want to spend a couple of months not thinking about where to get them.
Ideally, if you have it for that purpose. freezer. You can set it to a temperature of about 0 degrees Celsius and hammer it with eggs to the top. In this case, they will last a record seven months, and shrinkage will be some 3-4%. This is if you have electricity all the time. What to do if the lights are cut off in the whole village?
Here and remember about banks and how to store eggs in the cellar (you have it anyway). I must say that this method is not too common - many have heard about it, but few did. At the end of the article, you can watch the original video, in which the Ukrainian hostess clearly demonstrates what’s up there.
Let's prepare the eggs first. Let’s say you have 200 of them and you’re going to keep them as long as possible. It is very important: the eggs should be fresh, no more than two weeks from the moment they were laid by the hen. Those that are older will be worse off. How freshen And prepare for storage?
Since the most running containers are three-liter cans, we will use them. Approximately 30-35 eggs are placed in one jar, depending on their size. Carefully lower them in the jar so as not to accidentally hit, and then cook. calcareous. For this, we will need quenched lime, which we will dilute with ordinary water.
You do not need much lime, a few tablespoons per 10 liters of water. That's about what we need for 5-6 cans. Stir thoroughly, and then pour the solution under the neck so that it completely covers the eggs. Cover the lid and roll it like this, if it were jam. Make another solution if that's not enough.
Done! The hostess guarantees that the eggs in the banks will stand quietly until spring, or even longer. The lime solution will clog the egg pores, and its bactericidal properties will not allow various microorganisms to develop. Well, let's see! All that's left to do is test it.
We have heard of a similar method of storage, in which instead of lime stands liquid-glass. It should be diluted in the same proportions as lime, however, you can not roll the lid, but simply cover with parchment. They say that for this method more suitable pottery. As with lime, the solution should cover the eggs completely.
In addition, the hostess uses Vaseline. sunflower and animal fats, which create a thin protective film around the egg. So the storage time increases by more than two months. The eggs are simply immersed in slightly heated fat, and then folded into a convenient container.
We know that some store eggs in grain, millet and even in dry ash. Grain “keeps” a constant temperature and humidity, which allows eggs to be stored for at least several months. And if you smear them with oil or fat before then, the effect will be even better - they say that they can really last a very long time.
From the editorial board, this is so much fun! Be sure to share your thoughts on this in the comments, and at the same time tell about your methods of storing eggs. We recommend watching the same video in which the hostess from Ukraine closes her eggs in a lime solution. Everything is interesting there - the method and the reasons and practicality.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=d7AWSwdIXQ4
Eggs in a jar They can help in case we are caught by some cataclysm, and Noah is not around. That's how we'll survive on eggs. Of course it's a joke! Be sure to share this article with others, and then follow the link here to find out the recipe for poached egg in the manner of a restaurant dish. You still have a few eggs that didn't go to the jars, right?

How can it happen that eggs have nowhere to buy and need to be stored for a long time? A reasonable question and here is the possible answer. Let’s say that you live in a village, winter, chickens run badly (and not only from you), you can buy, but expensive and little. Isn't it better to stock up? Editorial "Site" There's a lot to say about it.
Why do you need a jar if you have a refrigerator? It's also reasonable, but how many eggs can you fit in there? In addition, the refrigerator constantly opens, the temperature changes, the eggs will not benefit. So you have two hundred eggs and you want to spend a couple of months not thinking about where to get them.
Ideally, if you have it for that purpose. freezer. You can set it to a temperature of about 0 degrees Celsius and hammer it with eggs to the top. In this case, they will last a record seven months, and shrinkage will be some 3-4%. This is if you have electricity all the time. What to do if the lights are cut off in the whole village?

Here and remember about banks and how to store eggs in the cellar (you have it anyway). I must say that this method is not too common - many have heard about it, but few did. At the end of the article, you can watch the original video, in which the Ukrainian hostess clearly demonstrates what’s up there.
Let's prepare the eggs first. Let’s say you have 200 of them and you’re going to keep them as long as possible. It is very important: the eggs should be fresh, no more than two weeks from the moment they were laid by the hen. Those that are older will be worse off. How freshen And prepare for storage?

- Immerse them in water (it is still desirable to wash them before rolling), fresh eggs will disappear under water, later ones will swim or even float. It is better to put them aside and use them first.
- Next, be sure to check the integrity of the shell - because of one such egg, all the others will spoil, and this is not good for anything. They can be lighted or gently tapped. If you suspect a crack, put it aside.
- Before placing eggs in jars, they must be dried and wiped to keep them clean. That's all, now we're gonna roll them into the banks.
Since the most running containers are three-liter cans, we will use them. Approximately 30-35 eggs are placed in one jar, depending on their size. Carefully lower them in the jar so as not to accidentally hit, and then cook. calcareous. For this, we will need quenched lime, which we will dilute with ordinary water.

You do not need much lime, a few tablespoons per 10 liters of water. That's about what we need for 5-6 cans. Stir thoroughly, and then pour the solution under the neck so that it completely covers the eggs. Cover the lid and roll it like this, if it were jam. Make another solution if that's not enough.
Done! The hostess guarantees that the eggs in the banks will stand quietly until spring, or even longer. The lime solution will clog the egg pores, and its bactericidal properties will not allow various microorganisms to develop. Well, let's see! All that's left to do is test it.
We have heard of a similar method of storage, in which instead of lime stands liquid-glass. It should be diluted in the same proportions as lime, however, you can not roll the lid, but simply cover with parchment. They say that for this method more suitable pottery. As with lime, the solution should cover the eggs completely.
In addition, the hostess uses Vaseline. sunflower and animal fats, which create a thin protective film around the egg. So the storage time increases by more than two months. The eggs are simply immersed in slightly heated fat, and then folded into a convenient container.

We know that some store eggs in grain, millet and even in dry ash. Grain “keeps” a constant temperature and humidity, which allows eggs to be stored for at least several months. And if you smear them with oil or fat before then, the effect will be even better - they say that they can really last a very long time.
From the editorial board, this is so much fun! Be sure to share your thoughts on this in the comments, and at the same time tell about your methods of storing eggs. We recommend watching the same video in which the hostess from Ukraine closes her eggs in a lime solution. Everything is interesting there - the method and the reasons and practicality.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=d7AWSwdIXQ4
Eggs in a jar They can help in case we are caught by some cataclysm, and Noah is not around. That's how we'll survive on eggs. Of course it's a joke! Be sure to share this article with others, and then follow the link here to find out the recipe for poached egg in the manner of a restaurant dish. You still have a few eggs that didn't go to the jars, right?
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