Each marsonavtu - a bouquet of NASA. Test of survival of conventional plants on Mars

As you know, the conditions on Mars are not the most favorable, even for microorganisms. Nevertheless, by 2030, NASA hopes to send people to Mars. Now there is a preparation for the event, including the study of Mars from orbit, with the Earth, and directly from the surface of the planet, using the rovers.
Over the past decade, the study of Mars received a huge amount of data. Nevertheless, it is not known how to feel the living organism, even when protected by an artificial atmosphere of the dome.
So, by 2021, NASA scientists expect to send to Mars live plants, Arabidopsis.
course, no one expects that the plants will be planted in the open ground, they will not survive. The plants are placed in a protective capsule with an artificial atmosphere, but - without protection from radiation. That's just the most worried about radiation scientists, and its action will be checked at the first living astronauts - plants.

Curiosity second generation to go to Mars with a "green colonists" on board. Rather, go to Mars is not the plants and their seeds, which germinate in Arabidopsis fast enough. Seeds will be in a special container, CubeSat, which will be attached to the body of the rover.

Fantasy artist - just like Spirit and Opportunity will be helping to plant gardens marsonavtam on Mars. I>
Experts believe that in 15 days it will be clear whether they feel good plants on Mars, with reduced gravity and increased radiation background, or not.
All of this interesting project was called Mars Plant Experiment (MPX).
Via Space.com
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/222103/