German military tested the 10-kilowatt laser installation HEL

The company Rheinmetall and German military tested a laser system, setting it to one of the military vehicles in Germany. During the test unit was mounted on a naval gun light MLG 27. HEL used, inter alia, to track potential targets, including the UAV and the ground objects.
During the test plant was first demonstrated in the case, before its existence was known, but the developers did not go into details. According to the participants of the experiment, it was all good, and in the future the company Rheinmetall plans to build other models such laser systems.
HEL was first presented during the International Exhibition of Defence and protective equipment, in September of last year. Its purpose - to hit small targets (including quite maneuverable objects in the air), both on the ground and in the air. Earlier laser tests were carried out on the ground, have now been implemented and the tests on the water.
Unfortunately, the test videos were not provided. But that is a plant, it can be judged by another video, which shows a laser gun Americans (called HEL MD).
And here's a bit of American Laser:
According to the company Rheinmetall, HEL - quiet and precise defensive weapon, which acts within a given field. If you send HEL optical system, a radio antenna radars, energy sources, it is possible to neutralize the enemy system without its total destruction.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/271476/