Kazan and Kazan in the 90s. a Portrait of the city and the whole country!
The nineties... For some, they were dashing, and someone remembered as the happiest and carefree years of childhood. Evgeny Kanaev, member of the Union of photographers of Russia, the Union of journalists of Russia, honored worker of culture of the Republic of Tatarstan. He participated in over 150 exhibitions, of which 14 personal, in Russia and abroad.
The site publishes photos from album "Kazan and Kazan in the 90s", in which he displayed not just one city, but the life of the whole country in the difficult 90s.
Photo source: Cameralabs.org
via cameralabs.org/10657-fotograf-evgenij-kanaev-kazan-i-kazantsy-v-90-e-portret-ne-odnogo-goroda-a-vsej-strany
The site publishes photos from album "Kazan and Kazan in the 90s", in which he displayed not just one city, but the life of the whole country in the difficult 90s.

Photo source: Cameralabs.org

via cameralabs.org/10657-fotograf-evgenij-kanaev-kazan-i-kazantsy-v-90-e-portret-ne-odnogo-goroda-a-vsej-strany
The guy 2 weeks received photos of a cute Korean girl and managed not to notice IT!
That's what happens to your body after one Cup of coffee