Oils for the hair.

Pumpkin oil
Excellent helper for hair loss. Promotes rapid cell regeneration due to the content of vitamin E, polyunsaturated acids, and beta carotene.
Avocado oil
Most often it is used in hair mask. It contains a huge amount of vitamins (A, B3, B2; F; E, D), carbohydrates, protein and many other nutrients. Helps to remove heavy metals from the body, regulates fat exchange, restores blood circulation.
Burdock oil
It is known from the times of our grandmothers. Long since it is used to strengthen the hair, to the best of their growth. It helps the itching and dandruff. Rub the oil should be every week, it increases blood circulation and metabolism.
His oil composition resembles lipids of the skin, has the ability to penetrate into the hair structure and restore the damage. Excellent help in the treatment of cross-section of the tips. Added to creams and masks. Shampoos on the basis of jojoba oil is good for dry hair, not only soften the hair and scalp.
Castor oil
Like burdock helps to speed up hair growth. Shampoo with castor oil makes hair silky, smooth and manageable.
Hemp oil
Excellent retains moisture. Perfect for damaged, dry, brittle, curly hair. It improves structure gives flexibility, shine, obedience. Well protects hair from environmental influences.
Linseed oil
Storehouse of vitamins F, A and E, omega acids, thanks to which improves the structure of the hair, adds vitality.
Hypericum oil
It has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and regenerative properties. It is widely used baldness. A greater amount acts as a tonic for the hair.
Camellia oil
Able to restore Ph. It softens the hair and scalp. Excellent restores the structure after a perm and coloring.