The new technology will allow to charge electric bus in 15 seconds
ABB has signed a contract with the transport of Geneva representative for the development of high-speed recharging systems for electric buses. Public transportation will be able to recharge the electric in just 15 seconds. Pilot tests of the technology has been successful.
ABB equips charging technology TOSA 12 buses and 13 elektrozapravochnyh stations that will be installed along the route of Line 23 - it connects the Geneva airport with the suburb. Buses will connect to the charging slots in one second, and the whole energy recharge process takes 15 seconds. This time will be sufficient to produce 600 kW. The full charge cycle takes 4-5 minutes.
Buses on electric will serve 10,000 passengers daily - about the person uses Line 23 route every day. The road will extend specifically to connect the airport and the new area of Praia Akashi-Vernier, which concentrated 11 000 new apartments and office space designed for 11 000 employees.
An estimated ABB, electrobuses network will annually reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions by 1,000 tons. Since electrobuses engines do not produce noise, noise pollution is also reduced.
It is expected that electric buses hit the streets of the Swiss city next year.
A number of companies is developing power systems for electric vehicles. Startup Proterra in early July, has introduced a new high-speed elektrozapravki technology, which will provide a 10-minute bus running 50 km. It's faster than filling with diesel fuel or receiving power station Tesla Supercharger.
Since June, Toshiba started to test the high-speed wireless charging system for electric buses. on the basis of magnetic resonance technology allows you to charge a vehicle in 15 minutes.
This spring, scientists from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the US Department of Energy created a highly efficient wireless charging capacity of 20 kW. Compared with a wired manner, this method takes three times faster, and its efficiency is 90%.
ABB equips charging technology TOSA 12 buses and 13 elektrozapravochnyh stations that will be installed along the route of Line 23 - it connects the Geneva airport with the suburb. Buses will connect to the charging slots in one second, and the whole energy recharge process takes 15 seconds. This time will be sufficient to produce 600 kW. The full charge cycle takes 4-5 minutes.

Buses on electric will serve 10,000 passengers daily - about the person uses Line 23 route every day. The road will extend specifically to connect the airport and the new area of Praia Akashi-Vernier, which concentrated 11 000 new apartments and office space designed for 11 000 employees.
An estimated ABB, electrobuses network will annually reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions by 1,000 tons. Since electrobuses engines do not produce noise, noise pollution is also reduced.
It is expected that electric buses hit the streets of the Swiss city next year.
A number of companies is developing power systems for electric vehicles. Startup Proterra in early July, has introduced a new high-speed elektrozapravki technology, which will provide a 10-minute bus running 50 km. It's faster than filling with diesel fuel or receiving power station Tesla Supercharger.

Since June, Toshiba started to test the high-speed wireless charging system for electric buses. on the basis of magnetic resonance technology allows you to charge a vehicle in 15 minutes.
This spring, scientists from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the US Department of Energy created a highly efficient wireless charging capacity of 20 kW. Compared with a wired manner, this method takes three times faster, and its efficiency is 90%.
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