Why include onions in the diet
Without it, no vegetable dressing is complete, it is impossible to imagine stewed, fried, baked dishes and preservation without it. Oh, onions, every housewife needs you in the kitchen. The only drawback is the intrusive smell, which is very difficult to get rid of.
Traditional medicine does not cease to surprise, onions, despite the characteristic smell, can replace painkillers, relieve cold symptoms and put on the feet of a person with a weak immune system.
The suggestion to eat a fresh beam is more like a joke than serious advice. Since ancient times, this vegetable is very appreciated, and those who know about its beneficial properties, never neglect it. Editorial "Site" will tell about the most unobvious properties of onions, which can be useful not only during a cold.
In ancient Egypt, the onion was called “the musk of the poor,” and it was banned in monasteries for the same reasons. Onions in those days were considered a symbol of longevity and strength, so it was eaten in large quantities. After a spicy dinner with onions, the husband becomes affectionate, friendly and will crave kisses.
Onions promote metabolism in the body, cleans the blood, has a diuretic effect. Onions contain quercithin, which is used to treat oncology. If you have a headache, smell a piece of fresh onion, this method helps many along with pain pills.
Thanks to the vitamins in the composition, onions help reduce cholesterol in the blood. Although onions have more sugar than apples, there are onion diets for weight loss. The condition of such diets was the daily use of onion soup. By the way, the calorie content of onions is the same: 41 kcal per 100 g of product.
Onion husks should also not be thrown away, not just for painting eggs at Easter. A decoction of onion husk removes inflammation, has expectorant properties, strengthens hair.
The benefits of using onions are overshadowed only by an unpleasant smell from the mouth, but there are contraindications. It is better to refrain from using onions with stomach ulcers and problems with the cardiovascular system. Lean on fresh onions should also not be for people with allergies, pregnant women and with bronchial asthma. Before going to bed, onions should also not be consumed, it can cause insomnia.
Otherwise, onions at least sometimes need to be eaten raw, it will only benefit your health. About that, which onion is more usefulIt is difficult to judge, each variety is useful in its own way and you need to rely on your taste. For example, shallots are sweeter, and yellow onions are the most nuclear. And yet the great benefit of onions brings exactly in raw form.
Just like other products, onions should be consumed fresh, with prolonged storage, it loses some of its useful properties. Few people want to eat even the freshest vegetable from the garden in raw form, but it is difficult to refuse from onion toasted patties with a crispy crust. A snack for meat dishes from pickled onions is made instantly, tasty even without meat.
Write in the comments about your favorite dish with onions. Tell me, What is useful onions for the body, friends on social media.
Traditional medicine does not cease to surprise, onions, despite the characteristic smell, can replace painkillers, relieve cold symptoms and put on the feet of a person with a weak immune system.

The suggestion to eat a fresh beam is more like a joke than serious advice. Since ancient times, this vegetable is very appreciated, and those who know about its beneficial properties, never neglect it. Editorial "Site" will tell about the most unobvious properties of onions, which can be useful not only during a cold.

In ancient Egypt, the onion was called “the musk of the poor,” and it was banned in monasteries for the same reasons. Onions in those days were considered a symbol of longevity and strength, so it was eaten in large quantities. After a spicy dinner with onions, the husband becomes affectionate, friendly and will crave kisses.

Onions promote metabolism in the body, cleans the blood, has a diuretic effect. Onions contain quercithin, which is used to treat oncology. If you have a headache, smell a piece of fresh onion, this method helps many along with pain pills.

Thanks to the vitamins in the composition, onions help reduce cholesterol in the blood. Although onions have more sugar than apples, there are onion diets for weight loss. The condition of such diets was the daily use of onion soup. By the way, the calorie content of onions is the same: 41 kcal per 100 g of product.

Onion husks should also not be thrown away, not just for painting eggs at Easter. A decoction of onion husk removes inflammation, has expectorant properties, strengthens hair.

The benefits of using onions are overshadowed only by an unpleasant smell from the mouth, but there are contraindications. It is better to refrain from using onions with stomach ulcers and problems with the cardiovascular system. Lean on fresh onions should also not be for people with allergies, pregnant women and with bronchial asthma. Before going to bed, onions should also not be consumed, it can cause insomnia.
Otherwise, onions at least sometimes need to be eaten raw, it will only benefit your health. About that, which onion is more usefulIt is difficult to judge, each variety is useful in its own way and you need to rely on your taste. For example, shallots are sweeter, and yellow onions are the most nuclear. And yet the great benefit of onions brings exactly in raw form.

Just like other products, onions should be consumed fresh, with prolonged storage, it loses some of its useful properties. Few people want to eat even the freshest vegetable from the garden in raw form, but it is difficult to refuse from onion toasted patties with a crispy crust. A snack for meat dishes from pickled onions is made instantly, tasty even without meat.
Write in the comments about your favorite dish with onions. Tell me, What is useful onions for the body, friends on social media.