Traditions on St. Luke's Day

Today, October 31, Orthodox believers celebrate the Day of Remembrance of St. Luke and pray for his help. Apostle Luke He is the author of the four Gospels and a companion of the Apostle Paul. It has always been revered among the people, and over time the holiday has gathered around itself many traditions and rituals.

So today's editorial office. "Site" remembers the life of the Apostle Luke, and also tells about all the traditions and prohibitions on Lucky Day..

The Apostle Luke, according to legend, was born in the Syrian city of Antioch. The saint received a very good education: he was a doctor, and also had a good command of the art of painting. But one day Luke heard about Jesus Christ and went to Palestine, with all his heart wanting to hear His words and to receive the Divine Light.

Together with the 70 apostles, Luke listened to Jesus’ first sermon on the kingdom of heaven, and these words sank into his soul. Since then, he himself began to preach the word of Christ. Luke became the most humble disciple of the Savior. He was not in the pureness of the twelve chosen apostles, but with true faith in his heart he admired the works of Christ.

The apostle was one of the first to see the resurrected Savior appearing to Luke and Cleope on his way to Emmaus. Since then, the apostle began to perform the feat prepared for him, he preached with sincere faith and light in his heart. Luke also witnessed the Ascension of the Lord and the descent on the apostles of the Holy Spirit of the Comforter.

DepositPhotos Luke was a faithful companion of the Apostle Paul. He was with him on his second missionary journey, and they have since become inseparable. Even when everyone left Paul, Luke remained with him, continuing to share all the difficulties of preaching and to heal the apostle. He was with him until the last days, and after Paul's death, Luke left Rome and began to preach in Libya, Egypt and Thebaid.

In Rome, St. Luke performed his main deed: by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he wrote the Gospel and the book of Acts of the Holy Apostles. For writing the Gospel and sincere sermons, the people venerate St. Luke and even now celebrates the day of his memory.

Traditions on St. Luke’s Day on October 31 in all Orthodox churches will be held solemn services in memory of the apostle. According to Orthodox tradition, on this day it is customary to visit the temple and remember the life of St. Luke. Some venerate him as an evangelist, and others as the first icon painter who painted the icon of the Most Holy Mother of God.

On this day, you must go to the temple and pray, ask the saint for help. He gladly helps those who ask for love, marriage and family well-being. The saint is also considered the patron saint of fishermen, gardeners and painters.

Our ancestors called this holiday “Luke Day” and always tried to celebrate it according to all customs. It was believed that on this day you need to eat at least one head of onions to attract happiness to the house and protect yourself from diseases. On this day, our ancestors held onion bazaars.


There are also strict bans on this day. It was believed that on Luke Day you can not borrow money, take water or bread from people. It was also forbidden to send matchmakers and marry themselves. Our ancestors considered it a bad omen to mention the deceased by name on this holiday.

It was strictly forbidden to buy dolls for girls, it was believed that then they would not be able to have children. You cannot boast about your health today, so as not to lose it and protect yourself from terrible diseases. A bad omen was the shoes left on the table or chair - to the suicide in the house.

People believed that on this day onions acquire special strength and become amulets. In order for the family to be healthy all year, on this day it was necessary to set the festive table and serve onion dishes.


It is said that the babies born on October 31 have a happy fate and the talent of the artist is hidden in them. Our ancestors believed that these children will be under the patronage of the apostle throughout their lives, and some of them he will give the gift of healing.


Folk signs
  1. If there are still leaves on the cherries, the snow that has fallen will melt quickly.
  2. The horns of the month look north - the weather in the coming days will be dry, and if south, the slush will last until mid-November.
  3. The pale and murky moon on October 31 is a harbinger of rain and snow.


On this day it is impossible not to remember another great saint with the same name - Luke of Crimea. This is a saint not from ancient times, but more modern. He was born in 1877 in Crimea. He was also interested in painting, but then decided to become a doctor to help people.

Luke Krymsky was also engaged in scientific activities, defended his thesis on local anesthesia. As a doctor, he often took part in spiritual disputes, where he refuted the thesis of scientific atheism. Then, hearing one of Luke’s speeches, Bishop Innocent suggested that he become a doctor.

The saint agreed and was soon ordained a deacon, and then elevated to the rank of priest. He did not give up his medical career and at the same time worked as a doctor, professor and priest. He did not do many services, but he succeeded in preaching.


The life of the saint was full of tragedies and trials. Exiles, illnesses, privations – all these difficulties fell to the lot of Luke of Crimea, but until the last days he held services and preached the word of God, and also did not give up medical practice. He was famous for the many miracles he performed.

About the life of Luke Krymsky you can write a separate article. Would you like to know about the miracles of Luke Krymsky? Tell us in the comments, and we will definitely prepare the material.


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