How an Older Person Can Deal With Stress
The new pension reform has proved cold water for many people. Now we are discussing what negative consequences will entail. pension reformHow to move on and what to do at all. These changes are putting enormous pressure on everyone, especially those in their 40s and 50s. People do not know what awaits them, and because of this they are in constant stress.
Famous psychologist Marjana Bezrukikh tells how to cope with stress and survive the pension reform. "Site" sharing it with you.
A person of any age is difficult to cope with abrupt changes in life, and pension reform has become just that. As a result, we get stress and uncertainty.
The psychologist comments: “In general, stress associated with uncertainty is a feature of our time. We can talk as much as we like about the disadvantages of the planned economy, forced distribution after university, but before a person knew what would happen to him in 5, 10 years or more. What do modern 50-year-olds have? Only a lack of understanding of what will happen next.”
DepositPhotos People don’t know what will happen next when they retire and what this pension will be. Perhaps the initiators of the reform did not think about it, but uncertainty is a stress that will affect both the psychological and physical health of people. But you can not give in to stress, you need to fight it. Who will save us if not ourselves? As they say, saving the drowning... So let's learn to deal with stress.
Often people ignore stress and do not associate it with worsening. We were taught to ignore stress, and we have suffered from it since childhood. Often the child is sick because he is too busy. We began to drive ourselves at a young age, and now we duplicate the same behavior, only there is more reason for breakdowns. It is important to recognize stress in advance.
After recognition, stress should be analyzed, and then switch. You can not constantly cook in this state, winding yourself up more and more. Especially if you can’t change anything. Can you do something? Yeah? Then get started, and if not, do something else. Find an outlet, a hobby that will help you relax. Dancing, yoga, Nordic walking are ideal options for distraction and health improvement.
The current circumstances put us in harsh conditions, where we simply have to age a little later. Biological age often does not match the figure that is prescribed in the passport. People in our country work hard in conditions that destroy health. Not everyone has enough resources to work at 60. But no one takes into account the psychological and physiological resources of a person.
And you can complain and resent for a long time, but it is better to do something. First of all, you need to take care of yourself and try to make life as comfortable and long as possible. And, of course, get old as soon as possible. In order not to age for a long time, you need to take care of your brain, constantly give it food, stimulate.
Our brains, and therefore we, age unless we form new neural connections. And they are formed only if we destroy a variety of stereotypes: motor, emotional, intellectual.
In other words, many new and unconventional tasks need to be addressed. This is important, on the one hand, in order to learn to relieve stress, and on the other hand, to gain new knowledge and skills so as not to be left without work.”
If you are 60, this is not a reason to fold your hands and stop learning something new. My grandmother mastered the computer at 72, now she can call me on Skype and use the Internet. It is never too late to develop. And it's not just about professional fitness, you need to engage in creativity, find hobbies, communicate with people so that the brain is busy performing tasks, does not relax. Constant brain development is what will take you away from senile dementia and from old age in general.
Fighting stress is important for a person at any age, because health depends on it. In life there are many things that cause breakdowns, stress and leads to chronic fatigue. But we have no choice but to learn to cope with it and try to make life better.
Solace and joy can be found in anything: playing sports, an interesting hobby, watching your favorite movies or communicating with interesting people. For example, Alexander Drozennikov, our beloved and respected healer, manages stress with just one exercise. Try it, maybe this is what you need!
What do you think? on pension reform? Did it affect you? Tell me in the comments!

Famous psychologist Marjana Bezrukikh tells how to cope with stress and survive the pension reform. "Site" sharing it with you.
A person of any age is difficult to cope with abrupt changes in life, and pension reform has become just that. As a result, we get stress and uncertainty.
The psychologist comments: “In general, stress associated with uncertainty is a feature of our time. We can talk as much as we like about the disadvantages of the planned economy, forced distribution after university, but before a person knew what would happen to him in 5, 10 years or more. What do modern 50-year-olds have? Only a lack of understanding of what will happen next.”

DepositPhotos People don’t know what will happen next when they retire and what this pension will be. Perhaps the initiators of the reform did not think about it, but uncertainty is a stress that will affect both the psychological and physical health of people. But you can not give in to stress, you need to fight it. Who will save us if not ourselves? As they say, saving the drowning... So let's learn to deal with stress.
Often people ignore stress and do not associate it with worsening. We were taught to ignore stress, and we have suffered from it since childhood. Often the child is sick because he is too busy. We began to drive ourselves at a young age, and now we duplicate the same behavior, only there is more reason for breakdowns. It is important to recognize stress in advance.

After recognition, stress should be analyzed, and then switch. You can not constantly cook in this state, winding yourself up more and more. Especially if you can’t change anything. Can you do something? Yeah? Then get started, and if not, do something else. Find an outlet, a hobby that will help you relax. Dancing, yoga, Nordic walking are ideal options for distraction and health improvement.

The current circumstances put us in harsh conditions, where we simply have to age a little later. Biological age often does not match the figure that is prescribed in the passport. People in our country work hard in conditions that destroy health. Not everyone has enough resources to work at 60. But no one takes into account the psychological and physiological resources of a person.

And you can complain and resent for a long time, but it is better to do something. First of all, you need to take care of yourself and try to make life as comfortable and long as possible. And, of course, get old as soon as possible. In order not to age for a long time, you need to take care of your brain, constantly give it food, stimulate.
Our brains, and therefore we, age unless we form new neural connections. And they are formed only if we destroy a variety of stereotypes: motor, emotional, intellectual.
In other words, many new and unconventional tasks need to be addressed. This is important, on the one hand, in order to learn to relieve stress, and on the other hand, to gain new knowledge and skills so as not to be left without work.”

If you are 60, this is not a reason to fold your hands and stop learning something new. My grandmother mastered the computer at 72, now she can call me on Skype and use the Internet. It is never too late to develop. And it's not just about professional fitness, you need to engage in creativity, find hobbies, communicate with people so that the brain is busy performing tasks, does not relax. Constant brain development is what will take you away from senile dementia and from old age in general.

Fighting stress is important for a person at any age, because health depends on it. In life there are many things that cause breakdowns, stress and leads to chronic fatigue. But we have no choice but to learn to cope with it and try to make life better.
Solace and joy can be found in anything: playing sports, an interesting hobby, watching your favorite movies or communicating with interesting people. For example, Alexander Drozennikov, our beloved and respected healer, manages stress with just one exercise. Try it, maybe this is what you need!
What do you think? on pension reform? Did it affect you? Tell me in the comments!