6 perfect post-workout recipes

Eating after exercise is a continuation of the cycle of building your muscles: to achieve results, you need to replenish amino acids and glycogen in the body. To support increased protein synthesis, you need an immediate dose of protein and carbohydrates.
Many athletes already in the habit — after a workout, eat chicken rice with this dish protein shake. But the monotony in the diet eventually begins to oppress — you want something new, not less nutritious and healthy. In addition, the consumption of various ingredients is essential for obtaining a wider range of elements and nutrients required for normal metabolism.
Try these 6 recipes for cooking, which not only enhance your productivity, but will also delight you with its taste.
1. Protein pancakes
Mix 4 egg whites, ½ Cup oatmeal, ½ Cup cottage cheese, 1/8 teaspoon baking powder and ½ teaspoon vanilla. Cook on preheated griddle on medium heat, fry on both sides. The finished pancakes are especially tasty and healthy with fresh berries or banana slices.
Benefits: This dish is perfect for those who want to preserve and build muscle tissue. This is a great protein mix with a small amount of carbohydrates.
Nutritional value: calories 421, protein — 51 g, fat — 6g, carbohydrates — 39 g.
2. Beef with pumpkin sauce
This dish can satisfy even those who have after a workout particular hunger. Boil or fry on a dry pan 200 g beef with salt and pepper to taste. Also within 30-45 minutes prepare the pumpkin. Mix with the meat and sauté the mixture in a saucepan until tender. Finally, add 100g of any favorite sauce.
Advantages: Contained in the recipe creatine will give you energy, a little animal fat will help to keep the sense of fullness and a pumpkin, thanks to its starchy structure, will be a long time to digest, which also will save you from hunger.
Nutritional value: 628 kcal protein — 70 g fat — 18 g, carbohydrates — 38 g.
3. Tuna with crackers
Take a jar of yellow fin tuna and mix with a handful (1/2 Cup) shredded whole grain crackers. For flavor, add a little pepper, olive oil, mustard and chopped pickles.
Benefits: This dish is suitable for those who have a busy schedule and those who are accustomed to eating on the go. This simple dish can also be used as a lunch at work: easy, nutritious and economical! The carbohydrates that are contained in the crackers, will raise the level of insulin in blood which will allow you to quickly deliver nutrients to your muscles.
Nutritional value: calories 379, protein 41 g, fat — 13 g, carbohydrates — 24 g.
4. High protein cereal
Mix ½ Cup of oatmeal, 1-2 cap of your favorite protein powder ½ Cup frozen or dried fruit and a handful of chopped almonds. Pour a mixture of ½ glass of water or skim milk and leave overnight in the fridge. Before use, add cinnamon or stevia to taste.
Advantages: Very original, simple and quick recipe, perfect for a meal after the morning workouts. Oatmeal is often used in diets for bodybuilders and using additives in the form of fruits and nuts you will enrich not only the taste but also the nutritional value of the mixture. This option is suitable for those who want to build mass, and for those who need to dry.
Nutritional value: calories 422, protein — 31 g, fat — 12.5 g, carbohydrates — 48g.
5. Omelet with vegetables
Whisk 4 eggs with 2 extra egg whites, add one Cup mixture of chopped vegetables and herbs, spinach, onions, mushrooms and red pepper, and ¼ Cup diced lean ham or bacon. If you want more carbs, then after the main course, eat some fruit.
Benefits: Egg whites are an excellent source of protein, but since this ingredient is used too often, it gets old quickly. Yolks also enrich your body with omega-3 fats, vitamins and minerals. Ham or bacon will add calories and flavor, and the vegetables will make the consistency of food is more dense and Supplement nutrients. This recipe is for those who adhere to a low calorie diet, but it requires protein for the formation of muscles and fats for satiety.
Nutritional value: 520 kcal, protein 37 g, fat — 23 g, carbs — 29 g.
6. Chicken with sweet potatoes
Take 200 g of chicken breast, cut into cubes, toss in the pan, after adding a little olive oil. Then mix it with sweet potatoes and apples, also diced (about half a Cup of each ingredient). Season the dish with cinnamon, salt and pepper to taste. It can be prepared for several days and store in the fridge.
Benefits: This dish has a wonderful taste that will satisfy even gourmets. Sweet potatoes — excellent source of slow-digesting carbohydrates, which provide systematic nutrition of the muscles.
Nutritional value: 300 kcal, protein — 51 g, fat — 5 g, carbohydrates — 30 g.
Source: fitfixed.com/training/advise/6-idealnyh-posttrenirovochnyh-receptov/