COPD treatment folk remedies
People's pharmacy has a large Arsenal of tools to help with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Among them: antibacterial and expectorant, immunomodulatory and mucolytic funds, as well as antioxidants. Given the changes occurring in the lungs with COPD, the traditional methods are designed to eradicate the infection, to liquefy and excrete phlegm, heal and restore the mucous, promote General and local immunity.
Thirty eight million six hundred twelve thousand two hundred thirty three
Recipes from plants
• Nettle and sage mixed in a ratio of 2:1, add hot boiled water, to insist 1 hour. Drinking a rough 2 months for 0.5 cups. • Linden, chamomile and flax seeds to connect (2:2:1). 15 g powder steamed with boiled water. Divided into three doses per day.
• Berries, anise, flax seed, licorice root, chamomile and marshmallow to take in equal shares. Brewing with boiling water, to insist, to drink every day, 0,5 St.
• A tablespoon of eucalyptus to boiling water (about Cup). Take the spoon of 3 p/day. Alternatively, you can drink a tincture according to the instructions.
• To use plantain leaves in form of infusion, tincture or juice. 10 g of leaves to insist in 200 ml boiling water or a glass of 20% alcohol. Drinking: infusion of half a Cup 4 p./day tincture 20 drops of juice – one teaspoon three times a day.
• 1,5 – 2 tbsp of comfrey to dissolve in 0,5 l of boiling milk. Infuse for about 6 h. Dosage: 15 ml, 3 times a day.
• Infuse a tablespoon of bees in a glass of boiling water. A day to drink three times 10 ml (tablespoon).
• 2,5 – 3 table spoons of roots of Primula 1 liter of water; to boil, to insist. To drink when eating, three tbsp. l. 3 R/day.
• Witch hazel will fit in either the form of juice (15 – 20 drops 3 R/day), either in the form of decoction (1:10 ratio). Dosage: three times daily during the meal of 15 ml.
• A tablespoon of mother-and-stepmother (no slides) steamed with boiling water (about 200 ml), it is good to insist. Drink 3 spoons with an interval of 2 hours.
• Infusion or decoction of elecampane root. In the first case, to take 100 grams of vodka or alcohol, add 1.5 tbsp of the roots, let it brew. Drink 20 – 25 drops 3 R/day. To take a decoction of honey and elecampane (one teaspoon of honey two L. herbs), bring to boil 200 ml of water. Take before meals three times a day.
• Brew instead of tea Iceland moss (per liter of water take 2 tablespoons of moss). Drinking just before meals and at bedtime. You can add honey. Before bedtime drink should be hot.
• Anise seeds (5 – 10g) of steamed Cup of boiling water. Insist. To eat before meal 0.25 Cup 4 p./day.
• Steamed mother-and-stepmother spread on gauze and place on the chest. Keep for about an hour.
• Mix honey, dry mustard and flour to form a dough. Roll the 2 tortillas and put on the lung area front and back for the night. Milk
• 200 ml of hot milk add a few drops of ammonia-anise drops, honey and butter. Drink a hot drink before bedtime. • Brew a teaspoon of Iceland moss in the milk (1 tbsp.). A day to drink three times of 100 ml.
• 250 ml hot milk — 1 teaspoon of suet or fat badger. Stir. Drink of the night.
• 1 liter of milk, 6 heads of onions, a head of garlic boil for 10 – 15 minutes, to insist. Take 0.5 glass after each meal.
• Boil about half a liter of milk and a mashed clove of garlic. Well insist, add honey. To drink during the day, warming up before use. Inhalations
The most effective method of treatment of COPD. Pair directly into the lungs deliver therapeutic agents. While expanding blood vessels, increasing the metabolism, removed swelling and inflammation. In addition, the medicinal inhalation vapor destroys pathogens, restores the mucous membrane of the lungs. When using inhalations, be sure to follow some rules: not to do a steam inhalation in acute inflammatory process, since the warming will further strengthen edema of the tissue and will further enhance the vessels; the procedure may not last more than ten minutes; after the exercise and food should take at least half an hour. Recipes for inhalation:
• Breathe the decoctions of herbs: oregano, mint, calendula, chamomile, pine needles, rosemary. Herbs can be combined.
• Slice onions, put in a glass. Press the glass firmly to his mouth. Deeply inhale the sweet smells of onions mouth, delaying exhalation. Exhale through the nose.
• In a pot of boiling water, add essential oils of pine, eucalyptus, chamomile. Oil to use in very minute amounts. Enough 3 – 5 drops to Breathe in pairs, covered with a towel.
• Breathing vapors boiled peelings of potatoes.
• Steam inhalation with sea salt: 3 tbsp/liter.
• Another option: a single glass of water and 5 g of baking soda.
Respiratory gymnastics
To folk remedies also include breathing exercises and physical exercise. They aimed at getting rid of shortness of breath, strengthening the intercostal and diaphragmatic muscles. In addition, exercise lead to normal gas exchange and improves lung ventilation. • In a jar with water by sticking a straw for a cocktail. Take a deep breath, gaining air as much as possible and then slowly exhale into the straw. To be done within 10 minutes.
• Count "one, two, three," while as much as possible to exhale, the abdomen should be pulled. At the expense of "four" bulging of the abdominal wall as much as possible and to breathe (the diaphragm). Drastically reduce muscle and cough.
• Lie on your back. On the exhale, tighten the legs to his, bending them at the knee joint, to fix by hand. Exhale to the inhale aperture ( as in the previous exercise) and take the starting position.
• The standing position. Hand in hand. Inhale, then quickly "hug yourself" and exhale strongly. Often simple folk recipes to cope with the disease better than advertised "superproperty". The main thing – to choose the products, the contraindications (and there are plants enough). You should also maintain a multidimensional approach to treatment. That is, use and decoctions and inhalations, and compresses. And COPD is bound to be defeated!
Always consult your doctor before applying any of the methods.
Source: natural-medicine.ru
Thirty eight million six hundred twelve thousand two hundred thirty three
Recipes from plants
• Nettle and sage mixed in a ratio of 2:1, add hot boiled water, to insist 1 hour. Drinking a rough 2 months for 0.5 cups. • Linden, chamomile and flax seeds to connect (2:2:1). 15 g powder steamed with boiled water. Divided into three doses per day.
• Berries, anise, flax seed, licorice root, chamomile and marshmallow to take in equal shares. Brewing with boiling water, to insist, to drink every day, 0,5 St.
• A tablespoon of eucalyptus to boiling water (about Cup). Take the spoon of 3 p/day. Alternatively, you can drink a tincture according to the instructions.
• To use plantain leaves in form of infusion, tincture or juice. 10 g of leaves to insist in 200 ml boiling water or a glass of 20% alcohol. Drinking: infusion of half a Cup 4 p./day tincture 20 drops of juice – one teaspoon three times a day.
• 1,5 – 2 tbsp of comfrey to dissolve in 0,5 l of boiling milk. Infuse for about 6 h. Dosage: 15 ml, 3 times a day.
• Infuse a tablespoon of bees in a glass of boiling water. A day to drink three times 10 ml (tablespoon).
• 2,5 – 3 table spoons of roots of Primula 1 liter of water; to boil, to insist. To drink when eating, three tbsp. l. 3 R/day.
• Witch hazel will fit in either the form of juice (15 – 20 drops 3 R/day), either in the form of decoction (1:10 ratio). Dosage: three times daily during the meal of 15 ml.
• A tablespoon of mother-and-stepmother (no slides) steamed with boiling water (about 200 ml), it is good to insist. Drink 3 spoons with an interval of 2 hours.
• Infusion or decoction of elecampane root. In the first case, to take 100 grams of vodka or alcohol, add 1.5 tbsp of the roots, let it brew. Drink 20 – 25 drops 3 R/day. To take a decoction of honey and elecampane (one teaspoon of honey two L. herbs), bring to boil 200 ml of water. Take before meals three times a day.
• Brew instead of tea Iceland moss (per liter of water take 2 tablespoons of moss). Drinking just before meals and at bedtime. You can add honey. Before bedtime drink should be hot.
• Anise seeds (5 – 10g) of steamed Cup of boiling water. Insist. To eat before meal 0.25 Cup 4 p./day.
• Steamed mother-and-stepmother spread on gauze and place on the chest. Keep for about an hour.
• Mix honey, dry mustard and flour to form a dough. Roll the 2 tortillas and put on the lung area front and back for the night. Milk
• 200 ml of hot milk add a few drops of ammonia-anise drops, honey and butter. Drink a hot drink before bedtime. • Brew a teaspoon of Iceland moss in the milk (1 tbsp.). A day to drink three times of 100 ml.
• 250 ml hot milk — 1 teaspoon of suet or fat badger. Stir. Drink of the night.
• 1 liter of milk, 6 heads of onions, a head of garlic boil for 10 – 15 minutes, to insist. Take 0.5 glass after each meal.
• Boil about half a liter of milk and a mashed clove of garlic. Well insist, add honey. To drink during the day, warming up before use. Inhalations
The most effective method of treatment of COPD. Pair directly into the lungs deliver therapeutic agents. While expanding blood vessels, increasing the metabolism, removed swelling and inflammation. In addition, the medicinal inhalation vapor destroys pathogens, restores the mucous membrane of the lungs. When using inhalations, be sure to follow some rules: not to do a steam inhalation in acute inflammatory process, since the warming will further strengthen edema of the tissue and will further enhance the vessels; the procedure may not last more than ten minutes; after the exercise and food should take at least half an hour. Recipes for inhalation:
• Breathe the decoctions of herbs: oregano, mint, calendula, chamomile, pine needles, rosemary. Herbs can be combined.
• Slice onions, put in a glass. Press the glass firmly to his mouth. Deeply inhale the sweet smells of onions mouth, delaying exhalation. Exhale through the nose.
• In a pot of boiling water, add essential oils of pine, eucalyptus, chamomile. Oil to use in very minute amounts. Enough 3 – 5 drops to Breathe in pairs, covered with a towel.
• Breathing vapors boiled peelings of potatoes.
• Steam inhalation with sea salt: 3 tbsp/liter.
• Another option: a single glass of water and 5 g of baking soda.
Respiratory gymnastics
To folk remedies also include breathing exercises and physical exercise. They aimed at getting rid of shortness of breath, strengthening the intercostal and diaphragmatic muscles. In addition, exercise lead to normal gas exchange and improves lung ventilation. • In a jar with water by sticking a straw for a cocktail. Take a deep breath, gaining air as much as possible and then slowly exhale into the straw. To be done within 10 minutes.
• Count "one, two, three," while as much as possible to exhale, the abdomen should be pulled. At the expense of "four" bulging of the abdominal wall as much as possible and to breathe (the diaphragm). Drastically reduce muscle and cough.
• Lie on your back. On the exhale, tighten the legs to his, bending them at the knee joint, to fix by hand. Exhale to the inhale aperture ( as in the previous exercise) and take the starting position.
• The standing position. Hand in hand. Inhale, then quickly "hug yourself" and exhale strongly. Often simple folk recipes to cope with the disease better than advertised "superproperty". The main thing – to choose the products, the contraindications (and there are plants enough). You should also maintain a multidimensional approach to treatment. That is, use and decoctions and inhalations, and compresses. And COPD is bound to be defeated!
Always consult your doctor before applying any of the methods.
Source: natural-medicine.ru