How easy it is to get rid of acne in a week
Our skin is the best indicator of how healthy we are and how we have learned to recognize the amazing signs that our body speaks to us. Skin health is completely in our hands. Every product we use affects us more than we can imagine.
And food is not just "filling "the car with fuel" to work every day. The human body can fail from the food that we eat. If the food is for some reason not digested, so it is converted to toxins – here is a good side effect of poor digestion.
Of course, there is no one single cause, which causes all health problems. Food Allergy and immunity substances, hormonal dibalansa caused by stress and unhealthy diet, autoimmune disease, low "good" bacteria from birth (by the way, a common cause of colic in infants), use of antibiotics and contraceptives, drugs, heavy metals, environment and low propensity for the absorption of ingredients – are the main reasons of our poor health.
And the body can show us that we are not healthy in different ways: fatigue, weakness, stomach problems, and most often through the skin.
Looking for the root causes of acne: intestinal health
When the gut is not healthy, it affects the skin. Acne is perhaps the most obvious manifest skin problems and to a signal indicating the imbalance of "good" and "bad" intestinal bacteria.
A diet rich in sugar, grains, animals and processed food leads to disruption of the hormonal balance, improves insulin levels, the growth of microorganisms of the genus Candida and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. So, food is both the reason and the solution.
It is important to note that the one only proper nutrition will not save you from all problems, but it really means a lot to our body. Our body can break down whole foods and extract nutrients, which is not true of processed foods as "natural" they may seem. Moreover, eating different kinds of foods, we reduce the number of good bacteria in the intestine, and hence your immune system.
So, if your skin is suffering from acne, know that you can cure it completely, reducing the intake of toxins in the body and began to regulate his digestion. The first changes you'll notice just after a week of adherence to a clean diet.
Below we give a list of rules which should adhere to to keep bowel and skin healthy life.
1. Eat orange vegetables
Pumpkin, Butternut squash, sweet potato, carrots, orange bell peppers – rich in antioxidant beta-carotene (which the body converts to vitamin a). All of these vegetables have a bright orange pigment (this is beta-carotene), it improves the immune system, most of which are located in the digestive tract.
Beta-carotene also improves skin pigmentation and helps fight different diseases because it reduces inflammation, one of the forms of which are acne. Try to include in your diet these foods each day; baked or grilled sweet potatoes and Butternut squash, pumpkin smoothies, cereals, or soups.
2. Add spinach and other leafy greens to each meal
Spinach is rich in b vitamins, which improve skin health and vitamin E that acts as an antioxidant, reducing inflammation and the formation of free radicals. Spinach is also rich in protein, which is involved in the construction of collagen the skin. In addition, spinach is a great source of iron, and therefore improves blood flow to the skin and improves metabolism.
Adding the spinach a little lemon juice, you can use vitamin C to improve the absorption of non-heme iron from any plant source. Other leafy greens that you can add to your diet for healthy skin – chard, Kale, Romaine, parsley, cilantro.
3. Eat fermented foods every day
To fermented foods include sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, pickles, Apple cider vinegar and Kombucha. They are full of probiotic cultures that increase the number of good bacteria and fight bad bacteria.
You can choose a non-dairy kefir or yogurt made from coconut and coconut water. When you choose sauerkraut or kimchi, check that they are stored in the cooling sections of the stores, as live cultures are very sensitive to conditions and are killed at high temperatures.
4. Do not eat fried and processed food
Junk food, fast food and other fried and processed food slows down the process of freeing the body of toxins and leads to the death of "good" bacteria. They also increase the proliferation of bad bacteria, and as a result you don't feel well.
All because your body spends too much energy to deal with them. And all these neperedavaemye the toxins through the skin is the largest organ of our body. Many people don't see the connection, but it is obvious. Don't be one of those who sees no relationship between the consumed food debris and inflammation on the face. Think about what you eat!
5. Increase water intake
It is not even about those notorious 6 glasses a day, and how water-rich the foods you eat. Water purifies the body, facilitates the digestion process, so try to include in your diet more water rich drinks such as herbal teas and homemade smoothies.
6. Eat sources of vitamin C
Vitamin C helps to reduce inflammation and improve the skin's appearance. Fortunately, food sources for vitamin C a great many, among them: lemons, limes, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, spinach, Romaine lettuce, Kale, parsley, dandelion, chard, argula, zucchini and apples.
Oranges, melons and even bananas also contain it. If you are sensitive to citrus, look for other sources, for example, if you love Superfoods, Goji and camu camu will help you to enrich your diet with vitamin C.
7. Don't forget about healthy fats
Healthy fats help to maintain skin health. Fats help to reduce inflammation and restore the integrity of the skin, which is very important for acne. To see the result, not necessarily have too much fat, just 1-2 tablespoons of oil per day.
The best friends of the skin in this business: olives, raw almonds, raw cashews, raw pumpkin seeds, raw Brazil nuts, raw walnuts, raw pecans, raw cacao powder and avocados. All these products contain the particular amount of omega-3, amino acids, b vitamins and minerals such as selenium and iron. Coconut, coconut and olive oils also have excellent anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory effect.
See also: headache — check the liver!
5 saving home remedies for dermatitis
Focus your attention on the wrong foods you can't eat and that which you can. Use this advantage on the road to healthy skin. In order to populate the intestine with beneficial bacteria, you can try to drink probiotics. Fill your plate with antioxidants, and your skin will soon tell you "Thank you!". published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vegetarian.ru/articles/kak-izbavitsya-ot-akne-za-nedelyu-s-pomoshchyu-pitaniya.html
And food is not just "filling "the car with fuel" to work every day. The human body can fail from the food that we eat. If the food is for some reason not digested, so it is converted to toxins – here is a good side effect of poor digestion.

Of course, there is no one single cause, which causes all health problems. Food Allergy and immunity substances, hormonal dibalansa caused by stress and unhealthy diet, autoimmune disease, low "good" bacteria from birth (by the way, a common cause of colic in infants), use of antibiotics and contraceptives, drugs, heavy metals, environment and low propensity for the absorption of ingredients – are the main reasons of our poor health.
And the body can show us that we are not healthy in different ways: fatigue, weakness, stomach problems, and most often through the skin.
Looking for the root causes of acne: intestinal health
When the gut is not healthy, it affects the skin. Acne is perhaps the most obvious manifest skin problems and to a signal indicating the imbalance of "good" and "bad" intestinal bacteria.
A diet rich in sugar, grains, animals and processed food leads to disruption of the hormonal balance, improves insulin levels, the growth of microorganisms of the genus Candida and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. So, food is both the reason and the solution.
It is important to note that the one only proper nutrition will not save you from all problems, but it really means a lot to our body. Our body can break down whole foods and extract nutrients, which is not true of processed foods as "natural" they may seem. Moreover, eating different kinds of foods, we reduce the number of good bacteria in the intestine, and hence your immune system.

So, if your skin is suffering from acne, know that you can cure it completely, reducing the intake of toxins in the body and began to regulate his digestion. The first changes you'll notice just after a week of adherence to a clean diet.
Below we give a list of rules which should adhere to to keep bowel and skin healthy life.
1. Eat orange vegetables
Pumpkin, Butternut squash, sweet potato, carrots, orange bell peppers – rich in antioxidant beta-carotene (which the body converts to vitamin a). All of these vegetables have a bright orange pigment (this is beta-carotene), it improves the immune system, most of which are located in the digestive tract.
Beta-carotene also improves skin pigmentation and helps fight different diseases because it reduces inflammation, one of the forms of which are acne. Try to include in your diet these foods each day; baked or grilled sweet potatoes and Butternut squash, pumpkin smoothies, cereals, or soups.

2. Add spinach and other leafy greens to each meal
Spinach is rich in b vitamins, which improve skin health and vitamin E that acts as an antioxidant, reducing inflammation and the formation of free radicals. Spinach is also rich in protein, which is involved in the construction of collagen the skin. In addition, spinach is a great source of iron, and therefore improves blood flow to the skin and improves metabolism.
Adding the spinach a little lemon juice, you can use vitamin C to improve the absorption of non-heme iron from any plant source. Other leafy greens that you can add to your diet for healthy skin – chard, Kale, Romaine, parsley, cilantro.
3. Eat fermented foods every day
To fermented foods include sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, pickles, Apple cider vinegar and Kombucha. They are full of probiotic cultures that increase the number of good bacteria and fight bad bacteria.
You can choose a non-dairy kefir or yogurt made from coconut and coconut water. When you choose sauerkraut or kimchi, check that they are stored in the cooling sections of the stores, as live cultures are very sensitive to conditions and are killed at high temperatures.
4. Do not eat fried and processed food
Junk food, fast food and other fried and processed food slows down the process of freeing the body of toxins and leads to the death of "good" bacteria. They also increase the proliferation of bad bacteria, and as a result you don't feel well.
All because your body spends too much energy to deal with them. And all these neperedavaemye the toxins through the skin is the largest organ of our body. Many people don't see the connection, but it is obvious. Don't be one of those who sees no relationship between the consumed food debris and inflammation on the face. Think about what you eat!

5. Increase water intake
It is not even about those notorious 6 glasses a day, and how water-rich the foods you eat. Water purifies the body, facilitates the digestion process, so try to include in your diet more water rich drinks such as herbal teas and homemade smoothies.

6. Eat sources of vitamin C
Vitamin C helps to reduce inflammation and improve the skin's appearance. Fortunately, food sources for vitamin C a great many, among them: lemons, limes, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, spinach, Romaine lettuce, Kale, parsley, dandelion, chard, argula, zucchini and apples.
Oranges, melons and even bananas also contain it. If you are sensitive to citrus, look for other sources, for example, if you love Superfoods, Goji and camu camu will help you to enrich your diet with vitamin C.
7. Don't forget about healthy fats
Healthy fats help to maintain skin health. Fats help to reduce inflammation and restore the integrity of the skin, which is very important for acne. To see the result, not necessarily have too much fat, just 1-2 tablespoons of oil per day.
The best friends of the skin in this business: olives, raw almonds, raw cashews, raw pumpkin seeds, raw Brazil nuts, raw walnuts, raw pecans, raw cacao powder and avocados. All these products contain the particular amount of omega-3, amino acids, b vitamins and minerals such as selenium and iron. Coconut, coconut and olive oils also have excellent anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory effect.
See also: headache — check the liver!
5 saving home remedies for dermatitis
Focus your attention on the wrong foods you can't eat and that which you can. Use this advantage on the road to healthy skin. In order to populate the intestine with beneficial bacteria, you can try to drink probiotics. Fill your plate with antioxidants, and your skin will soon tell you "Thank you!". published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vegetarian.ru/articles/kak-izbavitsya-ot-akne-za-nedelyu-s-pomoshchyu-pitaniya.html