How to get rid of acne?
Acne is a common condition, and if before it was considered a teenage problem, currently, doctors consider acne as a disease, the chances of development of which is equal to all people, regardless of age and gender. Provoking acne reasons are many.
Paramount is considered a genetic predisposition: the likelihood of developing acne the child has significantly increased in the presence of the disease in at least one of the parents.
The second important reason is the significant hormonal changes in the body, which can meet the completely different groups of people. It is established that the male sex hormone testosterone (present in both male and female body) increases the secretion of sebum as the main stage of its metabolism occurs in the skin. The increase of its concentration in the body is especially during puberty, therefore, the incidence of acne is high in young people group. In addition, the level of certain hormones may rise significantly, and during other periods of life. For example, women in a particular phase of the menstrual cycle (a few days before the onset of menstruation), postpartum period.
Eighty seven million four hundred sixty three thousand seven hundred
The above reasons can be called internal, caused by processes in the body, however, there are also external factors that are the instigators of acne. Uncontrolled use of anabolic steroids (in sports) and some oral contraceptives leads to iskusstvennomu increase the concentration of some hormones in the blood that increases the risk of acne. In addition, the designation of certain groups of drugs leads to the development of so-called medicinal acne.
Professional working conditions can also cause acne. This work with chlorinated pesticides, household cleaning products, paints for a long time.
In addition, hot and humid climate, wrong selection of cosmetics, as well as irrational care for the skin, for example, the use of cosmetics with a high content of vaseline, lanolin, paraffin oil (it is worth noting that these drugs are now rare), trauma neosalanx comedones (mechanical squeezing) also provoke the development of acne.
Sixty eight million one hundred thirty one thousand one hundred forty
And, of course, none of us is immune from stressful situations, whether it be exams, job change or other life events, which the body also responds by increasing production of certain hormones that influence metabolism in the skin.
Source: globalscience.ru
Paramount is considered a genetic predisposition: the likelihood of developing acne the child has significantly increased in the presence of the disease in at least one of the parents.
The second important reason is the significant hormonal changes in the body, which can meet the completely different groups of people. It is established that the male sex hormone testosterone (present in both male and female body) increases the secretion of sebum as the main stage of its metabolism occurs in the skin. The increase of its concentration in the body is especially during puberty, therefore, the incidence of acne is high in young people group. In addition, the level of certain hormones may rise significantly, and during other periods of life. For example, women in a particular phase of the menstrual cycle (a few days before the onset of menstruation), postpartum period.
Eighty seven million four hundred sixty three thousand seven hundred
The above reasons can be called internal, caused by processes in the body, however, there are also external factors that are the instigators of acne. Uncontrolled use of anabolic steroids (in sports) and some oral contraceptives leads to iskusstvennomu increase the concentration of some hormones in the blood that increases the risk of acne. In addition, the designation of certain groups of drugs leads to the development of so-called medicinal acne.
Professional working conditions can also cause acne. This work with chlorinated pesticides, household cleaning products, paints for a long time.
In addition, hot and humid climate, wrong selection of cosmetics, as well as irrational care for the skin, for example, the use of cosmetics with a high content of vaseline, lanolin, paraffin oil (it is worth noting that these drugs are now rare), trauma neosalanx comedones (mechanical squeezing) also provoke the development of acne.
Sixty eight million one hundred thirty one thousand one hundred forty
And, of course, none of us is immune from stressful situations, whether it be exams, job change or other life events, which the body also responds by increasing production of certain hormones that influence metabolism in the skin.
Source: globalscience.ru