How to remove marks from acne
The remaining traces of the skin from acne can spoil even the most pretty female face. Lucky owners of dry skin, which after a day or two it usually disappears without consequences. But what about those "lucky women" who have markings from acne? The spectacle is very unsightly traces of acne have the appearance of scars, scars, red spots. And with age the problem is often compounded. The traces of pimples how to get rid of this scourge? Or (about horror!) it will last a lifetime? Do not panic! Itself of course will not work, but the method certainly is. And not even one. The question is how effective it will be for your skin. It will likely have to try several options before the skin on your face will be beautiful and smooth. However, it's worth it! And there the princes on the white horses around the corner...
How to get rid of so that once and for all? Since ancient times, women fought for the beauty of the skin quite radical ways. In Turkey it was singeing with fire in India – caustic urea. These, though barbarous methods carrying the idea of replacing the old problematic skin young and smooth. In our days this procedure is called cleaning or peeling. If your face scars and deep old scars in a large number, then the problem is quite serious. Therefore, to solve it better on a professional level. In cosmetic centers know how to remove traces of acne. What you can offer in the beauty salon? The most effective way is cleaning your face. It can be mechanical or manual, chemical, ultrasonic, vacuum and atraumatic. Purification by ultrasound is not only smoothing of rough layers of the epidermis and improves circulation, but also smooths fine lines and wrinkles.
Chemical peels are different. It all depends on the used chemical solution. Usually choose funds on the basis of glycolic acid. The procedure is a superficial burn of the skin with subsequent exfoliation. With the right approach a chemical peel is the least traumatic. It solves the problem of removing traces after minor pimples, acne and evens skin tone. The uniqueness of the atraumatic cleaning is in its painlessness and the absence of swelling or even mild redness. That is, after the session, you can immediately "see the light", the face looks fresh and rejuvenated.Vacuum is negative pressure. The tip of a special tube massaging the problem areas, increasing metabolic and regenerative processes. The contraindication rosacea. Beware of the "gotchas" From mechanical cleaning can expect significant results. Here only disadvantages of this procedure stops some of the fair sex. The purification process lasts a long time and is not suitable for pregnant women and those who have low pain threshold. Moreover, often the skin reacts to mechanical cleaning pustular rash. This can occur due to infections or other reasons, to determine which can only be a dermatologist. Asking the question "how to remove marks from acne?" it should be remembered that the approach here should be comprehensive (including medical). Is determined and eliminated the cause or causes of pimples on the skin, not just the outward manifestation of the consequences.
Homemade ways: despite the variety of salon methods many people prefer home remedies. How to repair the traces after acne, how to get rid of them quickly and inexpensively?
Almost any home first aid kit has aspirin, which can be used to cook aspirin mask. Acetylsalicylic acid – a great helper in the struggle with the consequences of acne. Mix 1 tsp of Mature honey, a few drops of oil jojoba, a little water and four crushed aspirin tablets. Mass should not be thick. Applied the mask after 15-20 minutes, wash off with warm water and lubricate the face moisturizer. This mask makes the skin supple and prevent new inflammation. As emergency measures to remove redness on the face will fit toothpaste or ordinary nasal drops on the basis of Xylometazoline. Both would work fast, but with dry skin type to abuse means not recommended. Badyagi powder is a common remedy for scars and spots. However, before you use this mask you need to make a "test", apply a portion mixed with water and powder on the wrist (where the skin is more gentle) and hold 25 minutes. Then check for severe redness. The mask from the traces of pimples of concoctions to do better with warm olive oil, then rubbing the ground with fingertips. After 15 minutes, rinse. Slight redness or tingling sensation is considered normal. Help and old family recipes, such as lemon juice or Apple cider vinegar, which has good bleaching properties. It is better to put on the places where spots from acne moistened gauze. Remove all traces of lead a light massage twice a day with oils of tea tree, olive, or almond.
When is the result? Don't expect an instant miracle. Your skin will need time to have it renewed and regained some of its former beauty. Typically, exfoliation, tailored to you competent expert helps to remove the effects of acne in 3-6 treatments. Here much depends on how old spots or scars. When you use homemade masks all individually. Plays the role of natural products, the correctness of recipes and your perseverance in achieving the goal. Want, to leave behind the traces of pimples? How to get rid of them you now know!
Source: natural-medicine.ru

How to get rid of so that once and for all? Since ancient times, women fought for the beauty of the skin quite radical ways. In Turkey it was singeing with fire in India – caustic urea. These, though barbarous methods carrying the idea of replacing the old problematic skin young and smooth. In our days this procedure is called cleaning or peeling. If your face scars and deep old scars in a large number, then the problem is quite serious. Therefore, to solve it better on a professional level. In cosmetic centers know how to remove traces of acne. What you can offer in the beauty salon? The most effective way is cleaning your face. It can be mechanical or manual, chemical, ultrasonic, vacuum and atraumatic. Purification by ultrasound is not only smoothing of rough layers of the epidermis and improves circulation, but also smooths fine lines and wrinkles.

Chemical peels are different. It all depends on the used chemical solution. Usually choose funds on the basis of glycolic acid. The procedure is a superficial burn of the skin with subsequent exfoliation. With the right approach a chemical peel is the least traumatic. It solves the problem of removing traces after minor pimples, acne and evens skin tone. The uniqueness of the atraumatic cleaning is in its painlessness and the absence of swelling or even mild redness. That is, after the session, you can immediately "see the light", the face looks fresh and rejuvenated.Vacuum is negative pressure. The tip of a special tube massaging the problem areas, increasing metabolic and regenerative processes. The contraindication rosacea. Beware of the "gotchas" From mechanical cleaning can expect significant results. Here only disadvantages of this procedure stops some of the fair sex. The purification process lasts a long time and is not suitable for pregnant women and those who have low pain threshold. Moreover, often the skin reacts to mechanical cleaning pustular rash. This can occur due to infections or other reasons, to determine which can only be a dermatologist. Asking the question "how to remove marks from acne?" it should be remembered that the approach here should be comprehensive (including medical). Is determined and eliminated the cause or causes of pimples on the skin, not just the outward manifestation of the consequences.

Homemade ways: despite the variety of salon methods many people prefer home remedies. How to repair the traces after acne, how to get rid of them quickly and inexpensively?
Almost any home first aid kit has aspirin, which can be used to cook aspirin mask. Acetylsalicylic acid – a great helper in the struggle with the consequences of acne. Mix 1 tsp of Mature honey, a few drops of oil jojoba, a little water and four crushed aspirin tablets. Mass should not be thick. Applied the mask after 15-20 minutes, wash off with warm water and lubricate the face moisturizer. This mask makes the skin supple and prevent new inflammation. As emergency measures to remove redness on the face will fit toothpaste or ordinary nasal drops on the basis of Xylometazoline. Both would work fast, but with dry skin type to abuse means not recommended. Badyagi powder is a common remedy for scars and spots. However, before you use this mask you need to make a "test", apply a portion mixed with water and powder on the wrist (where the skin is more gentle) and hold 25 minutes. Then check for severe redness. The mask from the traces of pimples of concoctions to do better with warm olive oil, then rubbing the ground with fingertips. After 15 minutes, rinse. Slight redness or tingling sensation is considered normal. Help and old family recipes, such as lemon juice or Apple cider vinegar, which has good bleaching properties. It is better to put on the places where spots from acne moistened gauze. Remove all traces of lead a light massage twice a day with oils of tea tree, olive, or almond.
When is the result? Don't expect an instant miracle. Your skin will need time to have it renewed and regained some of its former beauty. Typically, exfoliation, tailored to you competent expert helps to remove the effects of acne in 3-6 treatments. Here much depends on how old spots or scars. When you use homemade masks all individually. Plays the role of natural products, the correctness of recipes and your perseverance in achieving the goal. Want, to leave behind the traces of pimples? How to get rid of them you now know!
Source: natural-medicine.ru