The Ukrainian hostess told how to cook flasks in Vinnytsia correctly
Meat offal can be an excellent ingredient for hot dishes. Recently I learned from one Ukrainian hostess an interesting recipe for thick soup, which is based on beef scars. I will say this: “Brew 2 pots at once, one will definitely not be enough.” This is delicious!
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you how to cook. flask Right. Gourmet joy!
Fläcks, fläcks or scars are the first dish (essentially a thick soup) of Polish origin. However, it is widely distributed among food (Central regions of Ukraine). The difference is that in Poland flasks are only the first dish, and in Ukraine it can be served as the first in the form of ears with porridges, and the second as boiled gibberries seasoned with spices.
The most common composition includes scarring (less often - calf; sometimes - pork stomach), broth boiled with roots (carrots, root parsley, celery) spices (bay leaf, nutmeg, black and fragrant pepper, salt). They can also add onions, flour and lard. Serve flasks hot, in deep plates or bowls.
The ingredients
Editorial Board I also suggest to learn how to cook a hard-boiled Hutsul bogarach. Traditional recipe!
Beef scar is not beef meat, as you might assume, it is the part of the cow's stomach that refers to cheap by-products. And the cheapest. However, the cost of this ingredient does not affect the taste and benefits.
After trying this soup, I realized that now I will buy scars not only for my pets, but also for myself. Soup with scars gives an exquisite taste, and at a pleasant price! And for the holiday you can use the original bread-plate. That’s how authentic national restaurants are served!
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you how to cook. flask Right. Gourmet joy!

Fläcks, fläcks or scars are the first dish (essentially a thick soup) of Polish origin. However, it is widely distributed among food (Central regions of Ukraine). The difference is that in Poland flasks are only the first dish, and in Ukraine it can be served as the first in the form of ears with porridges, and the second as boiled gibberries seasoned with spices.
The most common composition includes scarring (less often - calf; sometimes - pork stomach), broth boiled with roots (carrots, root parsley, celery) spices (bay leaf, nutmeg, black and fragrant pepper, salt). They can also add onions, flour and lard. Serve flasks hot, in deep plates or bowls.

The ingredients
- 1kg beef scarring
- 0.5 kg of beef bones
- 2 carrots
- 2 bulbs (one large and 1 small for broth)
- 1.5-2 tbsp flour
- 200g hard cheese
- parsley root, ginger and celery to taste
- vegetable and butter to taste
- spices (bay leaf, mixture of peppers, paprika, pepper peas, salt and oregano) to taste
- Carefully cleaned scar (1 kg) should be washed in clean water several times, pour cold water (2-2.5 l) and leave for 6-8 hours. During this time, you should change the water 4-5 times, each time thoroughly washing the scars.
- Then pour them with fresh water (it should completely cover the scar), bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes. Pour the water and thoroughly wash both the scar and the pan. Repeat the whole process of boiling, draining water and washing 3 more times.
- Cut the carrots with thin plates, grind the bow with a fine knife, cut the root of ginger with cubes, and celery root with plates. Onions, carrots and ginger lightly roast in a dry pan. Then from vegetables and beef bones cook broth. Add bay leaf and pea pepper to it.
- Now back to scarring. For the 4th time, put them back in the pan, pour half the broth and boil until soft. It takes about 3-4 hours (time depends on the age of the animal).
- Finished scars cut strips width of 0.7-0.8 cm.
- Pour the cut scar into the broth, bring it to a boil. Add some ginger, carrots, parsley root and celery to the broth.
- In a frying pan with a mixture of vegetable and butter stew onions until golden. Add the flour, stir, then pour some broth, stir. Add the resulting mixture to the pan to the flasks. Also season the soup with your favorite spices (regano, salt, pepper mixture, paprika) to taste.
- That's it, hearty Ready. When served, you can sprinkle soup with grated cheese. Bon appetit!
Editorial Board I also suggest to learn how to cook a hard-boiled Hutsul bogarach. Traditional recipe!
Beef scar is not beef meat, as you might assume, it is the part of the cow's stomach that refers to cheap by-products. And the cheapest. However, the cost of this ingredient does not affect the taste and benefits.
After trying this soup, I realized that now I will buy scars not only for my pets, but also for myself. Soup with scars gives an exquisite taste, and at a pleasant price! And for the holiday you can use the original bread-plate. That’s how authentic national restaurants are served!
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