The use of tea tree oil

Tea tree (Melaleuca Melaleuca) is a plant that since ancient times used as a natural antiseptic. How to apply tea tree oil for acne, how effective?
Helpful information For home plants it was used to heal wounds and burns: used the pounded leaves of the Melaleuca plant. Today from plant material extract essential oil – it possesses the active medicinal properties (antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, immunostimulant). The oil has a strong distinctive aroma. It not only disinfects the wound but also relieves inflammation, smooths the skin, removes puffiness. Its disinfectant properties, this product is superior to the alcohol in 5 times. Oil is used for the treatment of chronic or acute skin inflammations, herpes, dermatitis, eczema, stagnant inflammation. This product dries, so use it to care for problem and oily skin (shown external use). Part of the UM there are about 50 valuable organic components, some of which almost never occur in nature. It is important to remember that EM tea tree can cause allergies. It is necessary to use extreme caution during pregnancy (consult your doctor).
Essential oil no additives Tea tree for acne – what products you can use at home? The easiest way is the use of undiluted essential oils. Remember that it is only EM can be applied on the pimples in a pure form (the remaining oil add butter, honey, or other basis, otherwise you can get a chemical burn). Twice a day lubricate the rash of EM, using a cotton swab. The same method is applicable to acne (EM lightens the scars left from acne, removes puffiness).
Cosmetics Add EM in cosmetic products you use for skin care (10 g funds 2-3 drops of EM).
Lesion 10 grams of warm honey connect with EM tea tree (5 drops). Dissolve the honey in the still mineral water (3 tbsp). Instead of water you can use a herbal decoction (chamomile, calendula, sage, nettle). An additional component may be the lemon juice.
Protein, ER Protein mix well, add 10 ml of lemon juice and 3 drops of EM tea tree. Apply the mask twice (will update it after drying). This product is suitable for the care of greasy skin. If the skin is dry, apply cream on the area with pimples. Another egg recipe – 1 protein connect with 0.5 tbsp of honey and 1 tbsp yogurt. Drip into the mixture 3-5 drops of EM.
Clay and EM a Spoonful of blue or white clay, dilute with water to reach desired consistency. Add 3 drops of EM tea tree, mix well. The exposure time is 20 minutes.
Rice flour, ER, soda, clay Connect the dry ingredients – clay and rice flour (1 tsp), baking soda (0.5 teaspoon). Dilute the mixture with water, drip 5 drops of EM. Duration of exposure – 10-15 minutes.
Yolk, ER, vegetable oil, juice of Such a composition will benefit sensitive skin, and at the same time will dry your zits. Yolk connect with 2 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp of vegetable oil and EM tea tree (5 drops). Keep this mask can be 20-25 minutes.
Yogurt (kefir), EM tea tree Oil rescues from acne, if you combine it with a yogurt drink. 1 tbsp yogurt (kefir) dissolve 3 drops of EM.
Oil mixture 1 tbsp oil milk Thistle or black cumin connect with EM 3 drops of tea tree. The resulting tool was applied on the pimples.
Oil compress Connect with grape seed oil (1 tbsp) with rosehip oil (1 tsp). Drip 3 drops of EM tea tree. Soak in the resulting mixture, the cloth, apply to problem area.
Reviews tea tree Oil for acne help – this fact is confirmed by the reviews. Unfortunately, if the process is running, then only one of EM to do unlikely.
Source: updiet.info/