Beauty procedures: when you need to do an intimate lift, enlarge your chest and remove wrinkles. To every age!

Beauty fades over the years... But that was the case before, and these days, cosmetology and the beauty industry as a whole have gone so far that age-related changes are not scary. Swelling, wrinkles, flabbiness - all this can be prevented if you know what to do and when.

The main thing in this case is a sense of proportion and regularity. After all, you can cut yourself Botox at 50 and be like a Chinese doll, or you can start with peels from 20 to 30 years old and not use heavy artillery at all.


Editorial "Site" will share with you the opinion of experts about what age and what procedures will not hurt to do. Even those who do not need to contact cosmetologists, it does not hurt to know about trends and innovations in this field.

Beauty procedures 20-30 years
  1. Fighting acne
    Acne and various skin diseases in our time is an attack. Acne often appears after 20 years. Ecology, poor nutrition and lack of regimen make themselves felt. The best plan of action is: cleaning, mesotherapy with acne serum and vitamin C. Remove acne marks The course of surface-middle peels and mesotherapy will help best. If the situation with acne is very deplorable, it is better to do plasma therapy. From your own blood in the laboratory will extract plasma, enrich it with useful substances and make a series of injections of the resulting drug. Plasma-rich platelets relieves inflammation It normalizes processes in tissues.

    In total, the cosmetologist needs to go four times with an interval of two weeks. If the skin is problematic, you need to clean once a month, and so it is quite enough once every three months.


Surface peels remove the keratinized layer of skin, sebaceous plugs and slightly level the relief. This procedure is useful for everyone, and especially for those who smoke or lead an unhealthy lifestyle. Those who want to remove scars, scars, pigment spots are advised to do surface-middle peels. They are usually done with a bite of 3-5 procedures 1-2 times a year.


And nowadays women have the problem of unwanted facial hair. Therefore, depilation is simply necessary. You can make it wax or choose shugaring. For a longer effect, it is better to use a laser. After all, the face is a business card.


Aesthetic surgery
Uneven nose, hanging eyelids, lack of cheekbones - all this is now easily corrected. It is not necessary to go under the knife, now there are many non-surgical techniques, such as filling with fillers. Yes, in our time, young girls tend to ideal forms.


30-40 years
  1. Wetting and filling of wrinkles
    If the skin is dehydrated, lost tone, small wrinkles have already appeared in the corners of the eyes, specialists prescribe a course of biorevitalization, that is, injections of hyaluronic acid into the dermis. After 4 sessions at intervals per month, the skin will become smooth and tender. This procedure is used for the skin of the face, neck, neckline and hands. If the wrinkles are very deep, they are filled with fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

  2. Against cellulite
    The main cause of orange peel is a violation of lymphatic drainage. Therefore, first you need to remove excess water, and then act on the subcutaneous fat layer. And speed up from massage, doctors suggest the day before to make injections of carbon dioxide - it dilates blood vessels, which improves lymphatic drainage. Or pierce lipolytics - they are able to destroy fat cells, they are called "liposuction in a vial."

  3. Breast of dreams
    Children are happiness. But, alas, after feeding, the breast often loses its former beauty and elasticity. So implants are your true friends. They are absolutely safe and have passed the days when they exploded on an airplane. If you just insert silicone, the breast will be larger, because the skin stretched after feeding. Therefore, first you need to remove excess skin, and then insert the implant of the desired volume.

  4. Hair density
    After 35, gray hair may appear. And if you dye your hair, then after 30 they just need extra hydration and nutrition. Shallow injections of carbon dioxide into the scalp, lack of oxygen in the tissues activates blood circulation, improves the delivery of nutrients, and the follicles are awakened. The method is effective only if the cause of loss is stress. If hormonal changes are to blame, contact an endocrinologist.


40 years or more
  1. Intimate rejuvenation
    Yeah, it's not the same flower anymore. To return it to its former aesthetic appearance and sensitivity, a special laser correction will help. The laser evaporates the thinnest upper layer of the skin, returns it tone, smooth color without pigmentation and sharpness of sensations.


No bags under your eyes.
Only a surgeon can cope with bags under the eyes, an overhanging eyelid and lowering eyebrows in women over 50. If you decide to eliminate these problems, it makes sense to combine the procedure with an endoscopic forehead lift. Due to the tension of the skin on the forehead, the eyelids will also tighten, which means that rejuvenation will be performed with jewelry accuracy and the effect will be more natural.


Youth of the hands
Often, thin women in adulthood have bony hands, on which all wreaths are visible. Doctors offer injections of filler, which was previously used to correct cheekbones. It gives a pronounced volume, filling the voids between the bones. Just one injection in each hand - and the hands become graceful and without wrinkles.

Combating pigmentation
To combat pigmentation, doctors use 2 proven methods: Frael laser and phototherapy. Frael removes the thinnest layer of skin and starts the process of renewal, it is suitable for skin with strong pigmentation. Phototherapy will help those who have only a few spots, because it works much softer. But keep in mind that after such procedures you need to use creams with a high level of protection.


A smooth neck
And at 60 you can have a neck like a sixteen-year-old girl. Circular wrinkles can be removed in twenty minutes in the beautician's chair and then do not remember them for a year. And against necklineThe reason for which is not age, but hypertonic muscles, today use Botox. One injection will relax the muscle and smooth the skin for the next six months.

Remember.All procedures are selected individually and only from a good specialist. Tell us in the comments how you feel about the various salon procedures and plastic surgery. Share new products in the beauty industry with friends in social networks!

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