How to treat acne in the face

Since 8th grade, I went to the cosmetologist. I tried many expensive creams and underwent dozens of antibiotic treatments. It's nothing. By the age of 25, I had come to terms with this problem. To masking cosmetics, monthly trips to the cosmetic salon to clean the face were added.


Everything changed when my husband and I went to visit his relatives in Israel. In addition to rest, in Eilat, I managed to get an appointment with a dermatologist, who changed my view of life. acne. The first thing the doctor said was to give up dairy products. The second is to reduce the consumption of refined sugar products as much as possible.

At first, I was skeptical about changing my diet. I thought that the condition of the skin improved due to the change in cosmetics. A month later, she returned to her usual diet. Within a week, the pimples began to appear one after another! Every day they became more, peeling and red spots were added. I immediately remembered the words of an Israeli dermatologist: “Acne is not treated outside!”


Oddly enough, but the main enemy of the skin is sugar. Refined sugar causes fermentation in the intestines and promotes the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. The skin is the first to react to this imbalance. There are pustular pimples on the face. Even those who do not suffer from acne, but love sweets, eventually acquire a pale-earth skin color.


It also increases sugar. insulinIt stimulates the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Sharp jumps in insulin with the abuse of sweets have an excessive load on the adrenal glands.

The usual refined sugar causes glycation - excess glucose molecules attach to collagen and make collagen fibers inflexible. The skin loses its elasticity and becomes flabby. Pimples appear not only on the face, but also on the back, on the hands.

Lactose in dairy products is the most common cause food intolerance. With age, a person loses enzymes that can fully digest lactose. As a result, the immune system is constantly struggling with the inflammatory process, which affects the skin.


Repeated studies have shown that supermarket milk contains high levels of milk. hormone Chemicals that are foreign to humans. No chemical treatment eliminates these substances.

In people who consume a lot of dairy products, the balance of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone - is disturbed. The skin reacts to this imbalance by excessive growth of pore-blocking cells. Bacteria linger on the skin and rashes occur that do not go away for a long time.

To get rid of rashes, you need to identify causes of acne. Do not trust the expensive cream that helped your friend, but seek help from a specialist. Be prepared that the treatment of acne is long. To prepare yourself before a visit to the doctor, the editorial board "Site" I have made several recommendations.

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  1. Never press acne! Even if you really want to. At the site of acne, scars may appear, which will have to be removed for a very long time, and sometimes they remain forever. Try to touch your face with your hands less. Don't go to face cleansing and all that beautician stuff. Any skin problems should only be treated by a dermatologist!
  2. Pimples and pimples. The doctor must determine the nature of the disease, the usual acne or other disease. For example, demodicosis or banal allergies. The methods of treatment are completely different.


  3. Treatment for acne is long. Do not stop treatment after exacerbation in the early stages or rapid improvement. You will need at least 12 weeks to recover. In advanced situations - up to six months or longer.
  4. Do not use many drugs to treat sick skin. Many believe that acne All means are good, but they are not. The combination of different drugs makes the skin more irritated and aggravates the situation.


  5. Choose cosmetics marked "non-comedogenic" or "for skin prone to acne". Such cosmetics do not contain components that clog pores.
  6. Strictly adhere to the recommendations of the dermatologist and use the drugs correctly. Consistency in treatment is 50% of success.
  7. Do not stop treatment previously prescribed by the doctor. There is a risk that acne will return within 4-6 weeks. Continue to use at least one drug so that the inflammation of the skin does not recur.


  8. Proper nutrition is the key to clean and healthy skin. Limit the use of smoked, fried, spicy food. Under strict prohibition of crackers, chips, soda, alcohol.
  9. Try not to eat sweets and foods with sugar in the composition during treatment. For the absorption of sugar, the body requires calcium and vitamins of group B. They are responsible for a healthy complexion.
  10. Eliminate milk from the diet and minimize the use of dairy products (no more than 2 times a week). Think about what is more important to you: healthy skin or a cup of sweet latte?


The condition of the skin largely depends on the usual lifestyle. Few people know that daily harmless habits actually have a negative impact on the condition of the skin. Be sure to read it!

Also "Site" There is a useful list of foods that will make you better and help you stay healthy and beautiful. Eat right and your skin will always be healthy and radiant.

Have any of you, dear readers, won acne? Share your history and methods of dealing with the disease. And to tell your friends on social media, How to get rid of acne on the facePress the “Share on Facebook” button.


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