Pumped lips are no longer in fashion: trends in cosmetology for the coming year
We live in an amazing time when everything is available and everything is possible. Even fool Mother Nature. You want smooth skin without wrinkles? Please. Bigger lips? No problem. Fox eyes? No problem. But trends in this area are changing just as dynamically as in clothes or interiors. Finally. modern cosmetology Takes a course for naturalness.
Those women who did not have time to enlarge the lips, correct the collection of fillers or rejuvenate the face beyond recognition, can rejoice. In 2022, they will be feeling better. the most modern and beautiful. Now in cosmetic salons are looking for other services.
Are you afraid of Instagram girls in one face? Well, their finest hour is over. Duck lips, plastic faces, fox eyes, artificial noses. All this is slowly fading into the past.. Imagine, now it is fashionable to be the way nature created you!
Of course, this does not mean that cosmetologists will be out of work. Women will not stop craving for improvement. But turning from human to clone is an outdated tactic. The current approach is to preservation of natural beauty. Safe treatments for skin refreshment and easy rejuvenating effect will be popular.
For example, with the help of ultrasonic SMAS-lift, you can tighten your face without dangerous interventions. This procedure triggers the production of elastin and collagen in the deep layers of the skin. In addition, the effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure and continues to increase the first six months.
The good news is that the effects of some outdated cosmetic procedures wear off over time. Owners of inflated lips will have to wait about six months until everything returns to its place. But there are procedures that last for years. For example, permanentWhich women have been getting rid of en masse.
Five or ten years ago, graphics and combat colors were in honor. When the tattoo of eyebrows, eyelids and lips just appeared, many people liked this procedure. But those days are over, today the ball is ruled by natural beauty. Unfortunately, Getting rid of tattoos is not easy. You have to use laser techniques. Fortunately, now they are non-traumatic and almost painless.
Probably, the main problem of every woman is the appearance of wrinkles. Previously, cosmetologists recommended to eliminate them highly extreme procedures. Their essence lies in the fact that a substance is introduced under the skin that blocks nerve impulses. Thus, the muscle stops working and does not tighten the skin. As a result, the wrinkles disappear.
That sounds like it, doesn't it? As a result of these interventions We say goodbye not only to wrinkles, but also to facial expressions.Emotional. Excessive use of such techniques turns the face into a static plastic mask. It is good that modern cosmetology in the fight against wrinkles relies on improving the quality of the skin.
If the skin is cleaned of keratinized particles and properly strengthened, wrinkles will be more pronounced. For example, you can try. revolutionary RF lift. This is an absolutely safe hardware procedure that will help to cope with age-related skin changes. It activates the production of its own collagen in the skin, maintaining its elasticity.
At least a new trend called "Skinimalism" (from the English words skin and minimalism) - the minimum of everything on the skin. This applies not only to cosmetic procedures, but also makeup. However, only the owners of healthy clean skin can afford to go to people without a makeup. So how do you do that?
In the fight against shortcomings will help cleaning (not manual). Also, do not be afraid of light peels, which improve the appearance of the skin. Removal of keratinized particles will help get rid of postacne and black dots, refresh the complexion, make the skin smoother and radiant.
Going to the cosmetologist is good, but they do not cancel regular home care. Proper cleansing, toning and moisturizing should become a mandatory routine. Choose products that suit your skin type, pay attention to the composition. Do not hurt masks of simple ingredients, cooked at home.
Of course, do not mindlessly follow the latest trends. But the trends of 2021-2022 just seem reasonable and safe. And this means that they will retain popularity in the mass consciousness for years. And the biggest plus is that when trends change again, women don't have to eliminate the consequences. Well, what could be better than natural, well-groomed and natural beauty?

Those women who did not have time to enlarge the lips, correct the collection of fillers or rejuvenate the face beyond recognition, can rejoice. In 2022, they will be feeling better. the most modern and beautiful. Now in cosmetic salons are looking for other services.
Are you afraid of Instagram girls in one face? Well, their finest hour is over. Duck lips, plastic faces, fox eyes, artificial noses. All this is slowly fading into the past.. Imagine, now it is fashionable to be the way nature created you!

Of course, this does not mean that cosmetologists will be out of work. Women will not stop craving for improvement. But turning from human to clone is an outdated tactic. The current approach is to preservation of natural beauty. Safe treatments for skin refreshment and easy rejuvenating effect will be popular.
For example, with the help of ultrasonic SMAS-lift, you can tighten your face without dangerous interventions. This procedure triggers the production of elastin and collagen in the deep layers of the skin. In addition, the effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure and continues to increase the first six months.

The good news is that the effects of some outdated cosmetic procedures wear off over time. Owners of inflated lips will have to wait about six months until everything returns to its place. But there are procedures that last for years. For example, permanentWhich women have been getting rid of en masse.

Five or ten years ago, graphics and combat colors were in honor. When the tattoo of eyebrows, eyelids and lips just appeared, many people liked this procedure. But those days are over, today the ball is ruled by natural beauty. Unfortunately, Getting rid of tattoos is not easy. You have to use laser techniques. Fortunately, now they are non-traumatic and almost painless.
Probably, the main problem of every woman is the appearance of wrinkles. Previously, cosmetologists recommended to eliminate them highly extreme procedures. Their essence lies in the fact that a substance is introduced under the skin that blocks nerve impulses. Thus, the muscle stops working and does not tighten the skin. As a result, the wrinkles disappear.

That sounds like it, doesn't it? As a result of these interventions We say goodbye not only to wrinkles, but also to facial expressions.Emotional. Excessive use of such techniques turns the face into a static plastic mask. It is good that modern cosmetology in the fight against wrinkles relies on improving the quality of the skin.
If the skin is cleaned of keratinized particles and properly strengthened, wrinkles will be more pronounced. For example, you can try. revolutionary RF lift. This is an absolutely safe hardware procedure that will help to cope with age-related skin changes. It activates the production of its own collagen in the skin, maintaining its elasticity.

At least a new trend called "Skinimalism" (from the English words skin and minimalism) - the minimum of everything on the skin. This applies not only to cosmetic procedures, but also makeup. However, only the owners of healthy clean skin can afford to go to people without a makeup. So how do you do that?

In the fight against shortcomings will help cleaning (not manual). Also, do not be afraid of light peels, which improve the appearance of the skin. Removal of keratinized particles will help get rid of postacne and black dots, refresh the complexion, make the skin smoother and radiant.
Going to the cosmetologist is good, but they do not cancel regular home care. Proper cleansing, toning and moisturizing should become a mandatory routine. Choose products that suit your skin type, pay attention to the composition. Do not hurt masks of simple ingredients, cooked at home.

Of course, do not mindlessly follow the latest trends. But the trends of 2021-2022 just seem reasonable and safe. And this means that they will retain popularity in the mass consciousness for years. And the biggest plus is that when trends change again, women don't have to eliminate the consequences. Well, what could be better than natural, well-groomed and natural beauty?
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