Kramatorsk Post is deservedly popular on the Internet

A real media event was for more than 150 thousand Kramatorsk the appearance on the Internet of an independent publication about the life of the city called Kramatorsk Post. This online publication has become an indispensable source of information for those citizens who are interested in the life of their settlement, its development, and the opportunities to participate in the processes taking place here. Announcing its information product, its creators, a team of modern-minded journalists and analysts, sociologists emphasize that Kramatorsk Post will write about:
- events, not limited only to reports about what is happening, but trying to answer the questions “why” and “how”;
- the authorities, analyzing who and how manages the city, where its budget funds are spent and how this affects citizens;
- people, and those who need help, and those who provide it, dwelling on the stories of life and success stories.

About football and more
Of particular interest to visitors of this Internet resource, and not only football fans, is his page, visiting which at https:/ /www.kramatorskpost.com/komandi-premjer-ligi-angliyi-z-futbolu-spisok-ucasnikiv-istoriyi-prizvisk-ta-rekordi-klubiv_84170 you can find detailed information about the Premier League, one of the most popular and strong national club leagues in the world.
Informing its readers about English Premier League football teams, Kramatorsk Post introduces them to:
- news of the national championship, tables and layouts, results and reviews of matches;
- a list of all 20 clubs participating in the 2021/2022 season;
- the composition of the teams, focusing on the fact that the existing large difference in the selection of players, depending primarily on the financial condition of the club, still allows each of them to have at least a couple of leaders capable of deciding the outcome of the match;
- the history of the origin of unofficial names of clubs, such as “Retired” (“Chelsea”), “Tiskey” (“Everton”), “Foxes” (“Leicester”), “Saints” (“Southampton”), etc.;
- clubs record for the number of goals scored during the season, the history of their sports confrontation for decades.

The origins of popularity
In a very short period of its operation on the Web, Kramatorsk Post managed to attract the attention of not only residents of its city, but, practically, the whole of Ukraine. During the month it is visited by more than 70 thousand users with 180 thousand page views of the resource. Moreover, if 70% of visitors are residents of Kramatorsk and 8% of residents of Donetsk region, 15% are already residents of Kiev, and 7% are residents of Ukraine and the world.
Such a high popularity of "Kramatorsk Post" is due to the high journalistic potential of the publishing team, the ability not only to competently and informatively present events, but also to help their readers understand them.

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