Why our grandmothers looked a hundred times better than today’s beauties
“If you want to close your eyes beautifully or draw arrows, take a match and a pencil. Warm the pencil over the flame and it will become softer! – advised me in my student years. Her beauty lessons were not in vain, many tricks of those times are still relevant.
Previously, women did well without extended eyelashes, fillers and expensive newfangled cosmetics, and at the same time looked 100. Today's edition. "Site" I decided to take a look at the past and remember makeup our grandmothers and mothers. Some tips should be taken to yourself!
The first thing I came across in the preparation of this article is this advice from the magazine “Worker” (May 1958): “Cover your nails with a bright color varnish, it will remind you that you can not bite your nails!”
Earlier. nail-plate produced the Leningrad factory "Northern Lights". Getting beautiful shades was difficult, so women mixed transparent varnish with paste from a blue handle or with blue, green or permanganate solution. Then Kiki varnishes of bright youth shades appeared.
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Shellac from the USSR, the forerunner of all the current innovations and vagaries of design. Which dried up, did not have its own brush, and very easily peeled off the nails, literally after washing hands. Was it tried by me as a child? It was possible to open such a bottle exclusively with your teeth? what are the traces of it on the black lid of the bottle? It was a real dapper, not a varnish. Pearl "Northern Lights" of a bygone era ♥️ How has everything changed? #Sovietlak #ssr #backwards #beautifulgrandmothers #manicurvssr #beauty
A post shared by NailArtist•Manicure•Svetlana (@lakitka_nail_studio) on Jan 26, 2017 at 12:59am PST
By the way, then there were manicure services in the hairdressers. In the magazine “Worker” even indicated the cost of a manicure – 35 cents. But during the manicure you could do hair with curls. Salons received many clients, women came with babies, took books with them, or just talked to each other, discussing the hot news.
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A generation capable of reviving dried mascara, getting out scarce lipstick and tame powder like whitewash, probably knew a lot about caring for themselves. Our mothers and grandmothers are from the USSR. Did they do manicures and pedicures, or were there no services in the Soviet Union? Instead of “Cosmo” and “Glamour” everyone read “The Worker” and books-advice for women жен However, even then, they contained a call to keep your hands well-groomed, despite the production in which you work. It was required to get sharp “professional” forceps to get the opportunity to serve yourself х But scissors and a file could be purchased in the haberdashery departments х You will be surprised, but the masters at that time were also small corners in the hairdresser’s shop х You know so well: hands were kept in a warm soapy solution х #Softened leather was treated, removing the hairstyle in the Soviet era, #mystorovskaya was not so popular for example, Imuyulyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuy
A post shared by Mystique (@mystique_school) on May 6, 2020 at 8:12am PDT
And here's the importance hand-care In 1927, the newspaper The Worker wrote: “Be kind to your hands, they need care no less than your face.” Remember that hands are incorrigible informers, and nothing betrays the age and status of a woman like they do. Do everything that your hands say only good things about you.”
The hands were illuminated with lemon juice, the skin of a young cucumber, smeared with the cream “Nork” or “Scarlet Sails”. By the way, the creams were really great! Nourished and moisturized very well.
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Good Sunday morning everyone and a great mood! While everyone is sleeping, there is a bit of time for themselves. #autumn2016 #autumn #September #cosmetics #dior #diorcosmetics #nailglow #topcoatabricot #liquid cream
A post shared by @ gardner2808 on Sep 16, 2017 at 10:34pm PDT
Eye makeup lessons and now, actually, about makeup. The only in the arsenal of the then fashionistas mascara "Leningrad" for 40 kopecks, solid, with a white plastic brush. It was also called “spitting”, because before use in the box it was necessary to spit and soak dry paint based on soot.
Then the eyelashes were separated with a needle. When the mascara ended, my friends cooked mascara from black gouache, soap and other things, I don’t remember. The mascara turned out wonderful! – my grandmother once told me.
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We are constantly looking for the best carcass in the world. For most Soviet women, there was one single version of "Leningrad mascara", which had to spit to dissolve the hard pigment. Who remembers who used it? #mascara #Soviet cosmetics #tushleningrad
A post shared by Tatiana Kirillovskaya (@parfumselective) on Feb 5, 2015 at 1:34am PST
Long period of time shadow You run the ball. Blue, green shades were a sign of a real fashionista. In the absence of the desired shade of shadows, enterprising women used baby colored crayons for eye makeup. To do this, the necessary chalk was rubbed into powder, mixed with cream and boldly applied to the eyelids.
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Good girl Lida Natalia Selezneva turns 75 years old!?? It is hard to believe, because for us she will always be the girl with mischievous eyes from the Gaidayev comedies. Happy Birthday!? #news #Selezneva #NataliaSelezneva #gaidai #Ivanvasilyevich changes the profession #Caucasian captive #people's artist #days #daydays #artistUSSR #starassr #actress #affair #legend
A post shared by SHOUBISNESS NEWS (@showbusiness.rus) on Jun 19, 2020 at 7:57am PDT
There are women who still remain faithful to the ballet tonal cream. Although it creates the effect of an unnatural mask, it masks flaws well.
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Who remembers this cream? Today I decided to try what is this tonal cream for 35p? Reviews are ambiguous: someone admires, someone says that he smells terribly? But! If they talk, there is something in it!! And so: TONAL CREAM TON natural with LECITIN. Lecithin, which is part of this type of cream, is a strong antioxidant, it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, relieves small redness. Water, mineral oil, titanium dioxide, vegetable oil, stearic acid, lanolin, paraffin, PEG-400 oleate, emulsion wax, glycerol monostearate, talc, burine, lecithin, triethanolamine, dimethicone, cyclomethicone, perfume composition (benzyl salicylate, cinnamon, coumarin, citronellol), pigment red, pigment yellow, carbon, burl, burlatin, burylates, cylatin, and low temperature, this does not contain cortisolatel in autumn, it, it protects from cortisolololate, and lithane. ??? He showed up on my skin with a pinkie. I personally liked the smell. Such a pleasant smell. The texture is soft, pleasant, easy to stew. Reminds me of the day. But! If applied in several layers, it will be pretty dense tone on the skin. I have a combined skin (the T-zone is greasy), so it seemed greasy to me, but if you dip your face with a napkin and apply a thin layer of powder, there will be very nothing. Great for dry skin. The price is certainly surprising. Did I like him anyway? Of course not for a makeup artist's job!! I think you can try it all, the price will please those who are looking for a budget, but good cosmetics for themselves. It will be nice to hear the opinion of those who have tried it.? #reviewscosmetics #bis council #bisblog #budget tonal cream #crembalet
A post shared by Makeup artist? Makeup? Locks (@olga_zwiagina) on Sep 18, 2018 at 8:13am PDT
As if the "highlighter" was not known then, but its effect could be achieved by a much cheaper means - Vaseline. He could protect his lips from the cold.
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So that the smell does not weather longer, after you have applied perfume to the neck, wrists and neckline, lubricate these areas with a thin layer of Vaseline. The smell won't leave you all day. Perfumes from dry skin evaporate faster, due to the presence of alcohol in them, and Vaseline “glues” the aroma that allows it to smell longer. #bithiblog#meriblog#beautyblog #review#blog#post#blog#beauty#beautyblog#beautybloggers#cosmetics#organics#naturalcosmetics#beauty#vaselin
A post shared by ???????? (@meriblog_) on Mar 10, 2019 at 11:04pm PDT
The beauty of lipstick makeup was almost a favorite cosmetic in Soviet times. Its main advantage is a rich shade, for which lipstick was appreciated. Favorite shades of lipstick women were carrot and brown.
Some had bright red lipstick, but at the time they were not popular. Then released lipstick factory "Freedom", "New Dawn" and "Nevskaya cosmetics". However, many women tried to get lipstick from the Latvian factory Dzintars, and lipstick from Dior is just the limit of dreams.
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Svetlana Nemolyaeva (18.04.1937). Favorite films - Garage (1979), Service Novel (1977), Promised Heaven (1991). #svetlananemolyaeva #Soviet cinema #Soviet films #Soviet actresses
A post shared by ALL MOVIEW? (@bestmovies777) on Apr 18, 2020 at 12:53pm PDT
Lancome powder sometimes managed to buy "legally" in the store "Birch", pushing a couple of hours in line. A great tool to remove the shine and slightly powder the nose.
By the way, when the powder itself was finished, the packaging from this Soviet-era cosmetics Few people threw away - where else can you take such a folding comfortable mirror to put in a bag ...
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Lancome maquisatin powder with spare block. It's 250 rubles. Available in our online store http:/parfumell.ru/#lancome#powderlancome#cosmetics#cosmetics#cosmeticsdelivery#powderexpensive#powderlowprice#superlowprice#perfumes#perfumes#powderlotlancom#cosmeticaoptom#costlycosmetics#perfumes#perfumesdeldeldeldeldeldeldel#perfumespreparance#supply#supply
A post shared by Perfume | Cosmetics (@parfumoptic) on Aug 28, 2017 at 7:42am PDT
Face care consisted of all sorts of masks that were made from what was at hand. Almost all the fruits, vegetables, berries that were in season at that time were used, because they generously provided the skin with such necessary vitamins. And they made these masks periodically, about once a week.
Season of cucumbers - the skin of the cucumber was applied to the face, neck and hands. There are strawberries - one or two crushed berries smeared the face, and when the berry mass dried, washed off with running water.
Honey was used to hydrate. This universal method also had a rejuvenating effect. An egg yolk or parsley was added to the honey - this made the result even more noticeable. I learned this beauty lesson from my grandmother!
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#darrza_advice Very much like masks from products grown independently ?????????? for the manufacture of home express face masks that give an instant effect, a cucumber is very suitable: ?? refreshes and tones? removes excess shine? reduces redness of the skin? prevents small pimples? bleaches the skin? and even slightly rejuvenates ? for dry skin - rub a cucumber, mix with a spoonful of sour cream and apply to the skin for 15 minutes - mixing with olive ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ← Everything is thought out in nature? → #advice #natural mask #masks #health #cucumber #nature #beautiful skin #healthy skin #mascaisocumber #useful tips #beauty tips #darrza_care
A post shared by? Most beautiful from Nature (@darrza) on Jan 7, 2018 at 4:24pm PST
But instead of night, day and eye cream used "Children's". It was considered a universal remedy for healthy and beautiful skin. It was still possible to mix lipstick, then it turned out blush.
There was no tar soap. It was considered a panacea for many problems. Soap is really quite useful, but the aroma is not to everyone’s liking. These are truly amazing beauty lessons!
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Degtyar NMFA #tar soap #lovely #rejumylo #asmrylo #soaplove #soapasmr #crysmyla
A post shared by Love soap? (@asmr_soap_vik) on May 29, 2020 at 2:35am PDT
To get rid of such an undesirable effect as a double chin, women resorted to the following trick: sitting or walking with a book on their heads. By the way, this simple exercise simultaneously trained posture and strengthened the muscles of the back and neck.
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Young theater and film actress Iya Savvina. October 6, 1960. What movie do you remember her in? Photo by Galina Kmit..? Thank you for? and subscribe to our pages @retro.cccp, @ru.90e (our 90s) and @kino.cccp (our movie). Mossovet Theatre... Zavadsky was gone, and Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov invited me to his place. And I went not to the theater, but to Efremov, because he is not just a talented man, he is a builder. Everyone knows what he did from the “Contemporary” and then broke up, lifting the MHAT. He did a lot of things in the MHAT. Once, after rehearsing a performance where I had a functional role, a scene with Innocent Slavochka, he let everyone go. He left me and said, “Is it embarrassing to say a text?” I say, "Shameful." He laughed and said, "Foolish, the worse the text, the more brazen it must be pronounced." Strangely enough, the next day I tried to do it, and the scene began to work. Efremov is a man of such internal power that he could be a director of the plant, a member of the government, and even a president, if he had the path in this direction, according to the strength of his inner talent, character. #godyssr #Soviet actresses #cinema #past #Soviet Union #actors #nostalgia #Soviet #retrophoto #shooting #shots #actress #episode #cinema #role #remembrance #screen #history #theatre #photossr #old #madeanovsssr #dekino #sssr #artist #union #retro #actor #childhood
A post shared by Movie Movies TV (@kino.cccp) on Apr 12, 2019 at 8:47am PDT
As you can see, there were a lot of different things. populist And the means at hand!
Some of the beauty lessons on this list are worthwhile. For example, an exercise with a book can often be found in newfangled courses on facefitness. And cucumber masks are still held in high esteem in my family.
Do you remember the beauty trends described above? Maybe you're still using some of this? Tell me in the comments.
Previously, women did well without extended eyelashes, fillers and expensive newfangled cosmetics, and at the same time looked 100. Today's edition. "Site" I decided to take a look at the past and remember makeup our grandmothers and mothers. Some tips should be taken to yourself!

The first thing I came across in the preparation of this article is this advice from the magazine “Worker” (May 1958): “Cover your nails with a bright color varnish, it will remind you that you can not bite your nails!”
Earlier. nail-plate produced the Leningrad factory "Northern Lights". Getting beautiful shades was difficult, so women mixed transparent varnish with paste from a blue handle or with blue, green or permanganate solution. Then Kiki varnishes of bright youth shades appeared.
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Shellac from the USSR, the forerunner of all the current innovations and vagaries of design. Which dried up, did not have its own brush, and very easily peeled off the nails, literally after washing hands. Was it tried by me as a child? It was possible to open such a bottle exclusively with your teeth? what are the traces of it on the black lid of the bottle? It was a real dapper, not a varnish. Pearl "Northern Lights" of a bygone era ♥️ How has everything changed? #Sovietlak #ssr #backwards #beautifulgrandmothers #manicurvssr #beauty
A post shared by NailArtist•Manicure•Svetlana (@lakitka_nail_studio) on Jan 26, 2017 at 12:59am PST
By the way, then there were manicure services in the hairdressers. In the magazine “Worker” even indicated the cost of a manicure – 35 cents. But during the manicure you could do hair with curls. Salons received many clients, women came with babies, took books with them, or just talked to each other, discussing the hot news.
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A generation capable of reviving dried mascara, getting out scarce lipstick and tame powder like whitewash, probably knew a lot about caring for themselves. Our mothers and grandmothers are from the USSR. Did they do manicures and pedicures, or were there no services in the Soviet Union? Instead of “Cosmo” and “Glamour” everyone read “The Worker” and books-advice for women жен However, even then, they contained a call to keep your hands well-groomed, despite the production in which you work. It was required to get sharp “professional” forceps to get the opportunity to serve yourself х But scissors and a file could be purchased in the haberdashery departments х You will be surprised, but the masters at that time were also small corners in the hairdresser’s shop х You know so well: hands were kept in a warm soapy solution х #Softened leather was treated, removing the hairstyle in the Soviet era, #mystorovskaya was not so popular for example, Imuyulyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuy
A post shared by Mystique (@mystique_school) on May 6, 2020 at 8:12am PDT
And here's the importance hand-care In 1927, the newspaper The Worker wrote: “Be kind to your hands, they need care no less than your face.” Remember that hands are incorrigible informers, and nothing betrays the age and status of a woman like they do. Do everything that your hands say only good things about you.”
The hands were illuminated with lemon juice, the skin of a young cucumber, smeared with the cream “Nork” or “Scarlet Sails”. By the way, the creams were really great! Nourished and moisturized very well.
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Good Sunday morning everyone and a great mood! While everyone is sleeping, there is a bit of time for themselves. #autumn2016 #autumn #September #cosmetics #dior #diorcosmetics #nailglow #topcoatabricot #liquid cream
A post shared by @ gardner2808 on Sep 16, 2017 at 10:34pm PDT
Eye makeup lessons and now, actually, about makeup. The only in the arsenal of the then fashionistas mascara "Leningrad" for 40 kopecks, solid, with a white plastic brush. It was also called “spitting”, because before use in the box it was necessary to spit and soak dry paint based on soot.
Then the eyelashes were separated with a needle. When the mascara ended, my friends cooked mascara from black gouache, soap and other things, I don’t remember. The mascara turned out wonderful! – my grandmother once told me.
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We are constantly looking for the best carcass in the world. For most Soviet women, there was one single version of "Leningrad mascara", which had to spit to dissolve the hard pigment. Who remembers who used it? #mascara #Soviet cosmetics #tushleningrad
A post shared by Tatiana Kirillovskaya (@parfumselective) on Feb 5, 2015 at 1:34am PST
Long period of time shadow You run the ball. Blue, green shades were a sign of a real fashionista. In the absence of the desired shade of shadows, enterprising women used baby colored crayons for eye makeup. To do this, the necessary chalk was rubbed into powder, mixed with cream and boldly applied to the eyelids.
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Good girl Lida Natalia Selezneva turns 75 years old!?? It is hard to believe, because for us she will always be the girl with mischievous eyes from the Gaidayev comedies. Happy Birthday!? #news #Selezneva #NataliaSelezneva #gaidai #Ivanvasilyevich changes the profession #Caucasian captive #people's artist #days #daydays #artistUSSR #starassr #actress #affair #legend
A post shared by SHOUBISNESS NEWS (@showbusiness.rus) on Jun 19, 2020 at 7:57am PDT
There are women who still remain faithful to the ballet tonal cream. Although it creates the effect of an unnatural mask, it masks flaws well.
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Who remembers this cream? Today I decided to try what is this tonal cream for 35p? Reviews are ambiguous: someone admires, someone says that he smells terribly? But! If they talk, there is something in it!! And so: TONAL CREAM TON natural with LECITIN. Lecithin, which is part of this type of cream, is a strong antioxidant, it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, relieves small redness. Water, mineral oil, titanium dioxide, vegetable oil, stearic acid, lanolin, paraffin, PEG-400 oleate, emulsion wax, glycerol monostearate, talc, burine, lecithin, triethanolamine, dimethicone, cyclomethicone, perfume composition (benzyl salicylate, cinnamon, coumarin, citronellol), pigment red, pigment yellow, carbon, burl, burlatin, burylates, cylatin, and low temperature, this does not contain cortisolatel in autumn, it, it protects from cortisolololate, and lithane. ??? He showed up on my skin with a pinkie. I personally liked the smell. Such a pleasant smell. The texture is soft, pleasant, easy to stew. Reminds me of the day. But! If applied in several layers, it will be pretty dense tone on the skin. I have a combined skin (the T-zone is greasy), so it seemed greasy to me, but if you dip your face with a napkin and apply a thin layer of powder, there will be very nothing. Great for dry skin. The price is certainly surprising. Did I like him anyway? Of course not for a makeup artist's job!! I think you can try it all, the price will please those who are looking for a budget, but good cosmetics for themselves. It will be nice to hear the opinion of those who have tried it.? #reviewscosmetics #bis council #bisblog #budget tonal cream #crembalet
A post shared by Makeup artist? Makeup? Locks (@olga_zwiagina) on Sep 18, 2018 at 8:13am PDT
As if the "highlighter" was not known then, but its effect could be achieved by a much cheaper means - Vaseline. He could protect his lips from the cold.
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So that the smell does not weather longer, after you have applied perfume to the neck, wrists and neckline, lubricate these areas with a thin layer of Vaseline. The smell won't leave you all day. Perfumes from dry skin evaporate faster, due to the presence of alcohol in them, and Vaseline “glues” the aroma that allows it to smell longer. #bithiblog#meriblog#beautyblog #review#blog#post#blog#beauty#beautyblog#beautybloggers#cosmetics#organics#naturalcosmetics#beauty#vaselin
A post shared by ???????? (@meriblog_) on Mar 10, 2019 at 11:04pm PDT
The beauty of lipstick makeup was almost a favorite cosmetic in Soviet times. Its main advantage is a rich shade, for which lipstick was appreciated. Favorite shades of lipstick women were carrot and brown.
Some had bright red lipstick, but at the time they were not popular. Then released lipstick factory "Freedom", "New Dawn" and "Nevskaya cosmetics". However, many women tried to get lipstick from the Latvian factory Dzintars, and lipstick from Dior is just the limit of dreams.
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Svetlana Nemolyaeva (18.04.1937). Favorite films - Garage (1979), Service Novel (1977), Promised Heaven (1991). #svetlananemolyaeva #Soviet cinema #Soviet films #Soviet actresses
A post shared by ALL MOVIEW? (@bestmovies777) on Apr 18, 2020 at 12:53pm PDT
Lancome powder sometimes managed to buy "legally" in the store "Birch", pushing a couple of hours in line. A great tool to remove the shine and slightly powder the nose.
By the way, when the powder itself was finished, the packaging from this Soviet-era cosmetics Few people threw away - where else can you take such a folding comfortable mirror to put in a bag ...
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Lancome maquisatin powder with spare block. It's 250 rubles. Available in our online store http:/parfumell.ru/#lancome#powderlancome#cosmetics#cosmetics#cosmeticsdelivery#powderexpensive#powderlowprice#superlowprice#perfumes#perfumes#powderlotlancom#cosmeticaoptom#costlycosmetics#perfumes#perfumesdeldeldeldeldeldeldel#perfumespreparance#supply#supply
A post shared by Perfume | Cosmetics (@parfumoptic) on Aug 28, 2017 at 7:42am PDT
Face care consisted of all sorts of masks that were made from what was at hand. Almost all the fruits, vegetables, berries that were in season at that time were used, because they generously provided the skin with such necessary vitamins. And they made these masks periodically, about once a week.
Season of cucumbers - the skin of the cucumber was applied to the face, neck and hands. There are strawberries - one or two crushed berries smeared the face, and when the berry mass dried, washed off with running water.
Honey was used to hydrate. This universal method also had a rejuvenating effect. An egg yolk or parsley was added to the honey - this made the result even more noticeable. I learned this beauty lesson from my grandmother!
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#darrza_advice Very much like masks from products grown independently ?????????? for the manufacture of home express face masks that give an instant effect, a cucumber is very suitable: ?? refreshes and tones? removes excess shine? reduces redness of the skin? prevents small pimples? bleaches the skin? and even slightly rejuvenates ? for dry skin - rub a cucumber, mix with a spoonful of sour cream and apply to the skin for 15 minutes - mixing with olive ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ← Everything is thought out in nature? → #advice #natural mask #masks #health #cucumber #nature #beautiful skin #healthy skin #mascaisocumber #useful tips #beauty tips #darrza_care
A post shared by? Most beautiful from Nature (@darrza) on Jan 7, 2018 at 4:24pm PST
But instead of night, day and eye cream used "Children's". It was considered a universal remedy for healthy and beautiful skin. It was still possible to mix lipstick, then it turned out blush.
There was no tar soap. It was considered a panacea for many problems. Soap is really quite useful, but the aroma is not to everyone’s liking. These are truly amazing beauty lessons!
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Degtyar NMFA #tar soap #lovely #rejumylo #asmrylo #soaplove #soapasmr #crysmyla
A post shared by Love soap? (@asmr_soap_vik) on May 29, 2020 at 2:35am PDT
To get rid of such an undesirable effect as a double chin, women resorted to the following trick: sitting or walking with a book on their heads. By the way, this simple exercise simultaneously trained posture and strengthened the muscles of the back and neck.
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Young theater and film actress Iya Savvina. October 6, 1960. What movie do you remember her in? Photo by Galina Kmit..? Thank you for? and subscribe to our pages @retro.cccp, @ru.90e (our 90s) and @kino.cccp (our movie). Mossovet Theatre... Zavadsky was gone, and Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov invited me to his place. And I went not to the theater, but to Efremov, because he is not just a talented man, he is a builder. Everyone knows what he did from the “Contemporary” and then broke up, lifting the MHAT. He did a lot of things in the MHAT. Once, after rehearsing a performance where I had a functional role, a scene with Innocent Slavochka, he let everyone go. He left me and said, “Is it embarrassing to say a text?” I say, "Shameful." He laughed and said, "Foolish, the worse the text, the more brazen it must be pronounced." Strangely enough, the next day I tried to do it, and the scene began to work. Efremov is a man of such internal power that he could be a director of the plant, a member of the government, and even a president, if he had the path in this direction, according to the strength of his inner talent, character. #godyssr #Soviet actresses #cinema #past #Soviet Union #actors #nostalgia #Soviet #retrophoto #shooting #shots #actress #episode #cinema #role #remembrance #screen #history #theatre #photossr #old #madeanovsssr #dekino #sssr #artist #union #retro #actor #childhood
A post shared by Movie Movies TV (@kino.cccp) on Apr 12, 2019 at 8:47am PDT
As you can see, there were a lot of different things. populist And the means at hand!
Some of the beauty lessons on this list are worthwhile. For example, an exercise with a book can often be found in newfangled courses on facefitness. And cucumber masks are still held in high esteem in my family.
Do you remember the beauty trends described above? Maybe you're still using some of this? Tell me in the comments.