At the checkout in the supermarket I often see girls with huge lips, what are the advantages of the increase procedure
Girls often want to get lipstick. Someone buys special cosmetics for this, and especially brave ladies make a special procedure at a beautician in pursuit of the desired shapes. But are there pitfalls in this case?
Since this procedure is still at the peak of popularity, and the sphere of cosmetology itself does not stand still, we decided to share with you the latest information. Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell everyone. The pros and cons of lip augmentation.
Many girls dream of puffy lips. There is an opinion that in this way you can become more attractive. However, most women enlarge their lips just to make them a little bigger and more beautiful. But how not to lose your individuality, if every second uses the services of a cosmetologist?
This issue needs to be dealt with thoroughly. If you want to increase your lips, weigh the pros and cons. Think about whether you really need contour plastic. This procedure has both disadvantages and advantages.
For example, if you don’t like the result, your plump lips will eventually return to their original shape. This is possible thanks to special drugs that the beautician injects into the lips. Hyaluronic acid is one of the most popular among them. And after a certain period of time it will just disappear.
On the one hand, this is a plus, since a woman has the opportunity to choose whether she wants to continue to walk with such lips. On the other hand, lovers of plump lips need to repeat the procedure from time to time. And she, let's be honest, is not cheap. So you have to allocate money from the budget for a separate item of expenditure.
One of the obvious advantages is the absence of age restrictions. Lips can be increased in 17 and 60 years. The main thing is to contact a good specialist for advice. Also, this procedure will allow you to forget about what dryness and windiness are. The substance that is injected into the lips, nourishes them from the inside, due to which even the most dehydrated lips are instantly transformed.
In addition, modern manufacturers of drugs for lip augmentation promise that a person will not have any allergic reactions. This is great news for ladies who avoid going to the beautician because of their tendency to allergies.
Perhaps the most important thing is that women become more confident. If she did not like her lips before, then after the procedure she will look at herself in a new way. I have never liked such procedures. But in my environment there are a lot of girls who regularly increase their lips and get pleasure from it.
Why don’t you enlarge your lips? As mentioned above, this procedure is quite expensive. Plus, it is extremely important to get to a real professional in your field, and not to a person who has passed 2-month courses and thinks himself a beautician. Ideally, the specialist should have a medical education and, of course, a license to do such things.
The procedure will have to be repeated every 6-8 months. It depends on the drug that is injected into the lips. If you decide to enlarge your lips again, the effect will last longer. However, this is all nothing compared to the fact that with an increase in lips you can always overdo it.
It just so happens that girls, having felt the effect of enlarging their lips, want to make them more and more. Sometimes it seems like a manic idea. A vivid example of this is a girl from Bulgaria Andrei Ivanova. She wanted to look like a Bratz doll and began to enlarge not only her lips but also her cheekbones.
In total, she spent about 10 thousand pounds and gave 36 injections. What it looks like visually, you can see in the photo. Doctors discourage the girl from subsequent procedures, as this will certainly affect her health. However, Andrew is not embarrassed.
Obviously, the girl became an anti-example for others. I urge you to take care of yourself and not do that. Health should come first! Agreed?

Since this procedure is still at the peak of popularity, and the sphere of cosmetology itself does not stand still, we decided to share with you the latest information. Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell everyone. The pros and cons of lip augmentation.
Many girls dream of puffy lips. There is an opinion that in this way you can become more attractive. However, most women enlarge their lips just to make them a little bigger and more beautiful. But how not to lose your individuality, if every second uses the services of a cosmetologist?

This issue needs to be dealt with thoroughly. If you want to increase your lips, weigh the pros and cons. Think about whether you really need contour plastic. This procedure has both disadvantages and advantages.
For example, if you don’t like the result, your plump lips will eventually return to their original shape. This is possible thanks to special drugs that the beautician injects into the lips. Hyaluronic acid is one of the most popular among them. And after a certain period of time it will just disappear.

On the one hand, this is a plus, since a woman has the opportunity to choose whether she wants to continue to walk with such lips. On the other hand, lovers of plump lips need to repeat the procedure from time to time. And she, let's be honest, is not cheap. So you have to allocate money from the budget for a separate item of expenditure.
One of the obvious advantages is the absence of age restrictions. Lips can be increased in 17 and 60 years. The main thing is to contact a good specialist for advice. Also, this procedure will allow you to forget about what dryness and windiness are. The substance that is injected into the lips, nourishes them from the inside, due to which even the most dehydrated lips are instantly transformed.

In addition, modern manufacturers of drugs for lip augmentation promise that a person will not have any allergic reactions. This is great news for ladies who avoid going to the beautician because of their tendency to allergies.
Perhaps the most important thing is that women become more confident. If she did not like her lips before, then after the procedure she will look at herself in a new way. I have never liked such procedures. But in my environment there are a lot of girls who regularly increase their lips and get pleasure from it.
Why don’t you enlarge your lips? As mentioned above, this procedure is quite expensive. Plus, it is extremely important to get to a real professional in your field, and not to a person who has passed 2-month courses and thinks himself a beautician. Ideally, the specialist should have a medical education and, of course, a license to do such things.

The procedure will have to be repeated every 6-8 months. It depends on the drug that is injected into the lips. If you decide to enlarge your lips again, the effect will last longer. However, this is all nothing compared to the fact that with an increase in lips you can always overdo it.
It just so happens that girls, having felt the effect of enlarging their lips, want to make them more and more. Sometimes it seems like a manic idea. A vivid example of this is a girl from Bulgaria Andrei Ivanova. She wanted to look like a Bratz doll and began to enlarge not only her lips but also her cheekbones.

In total, she spent about 10 thousand pounds and gave 36 injections. What it looks like visually, you can see in the photo. Doctors discourage the girl from subsequent procedures, as this will certainly affect her health. However, Andrew is not embarrassed.
Obviously, the girl became an anti-example for others. I urge you to take care of yourself and not do that. Health should come first! Agreed?
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