How to get rid of scars at home
Scars... Sometimes as a result of burns, acne, cuts, injuries and other various injuries of the skin, in our life these "battle trophies", is often not desirable. Especially the appearance of scars will be dissatisfied women, because for women the scars don't look like decoration. In this case, the scars I try to conceal.How to get rid of scars? To start we learn what is the anatomy of scars?
These unpleasant formations due to the substitution of the epidermis connective tissue in some areas of the skin. The fact that with the help of scarring the body restores our damaged skin.
If after, at first glance, minor skin lesions You notice that there are keloid scars (that is, the tumour-like growths on the damaged skin), in case of the slightest wounds help prevent the formation of scars. Prevention is the proper and timely treatment of the wound.
How to get rid of scars at home What to do if You already have old scars and scars? To remove them you need to see a specialist or you can get rid of them home? In ancient times, wise men have used effective folk remedies for removal of scars, which we will cover in this article.
We will focus on protivorechivyh masks, ointments, compresses, the positive effect has been proven by experience of many people. Needless to say, apply the mask should be with extreme caution and care, because they have a strong influence on the skin.
• The first method is based on the method of chemical peeling, that is a special controlled chemical burn of the skin carried out to achieve the desired cosmetic result after the wound has healed. Here you can use the Apple cider vinegar, as fruit acids helps the scars to smoothen. Dilute Apple cider vinegar with warm water in the proportion one to three. From the resulting solution make a compress, which apply on the scars three times a day for 10 minutes (not more). Under the influence of acid top layer of skin will dissolve, which will lead to smoothing of the scar.
• The second mask is made from honey and nutmeg. Grate 1 tablespoon of nutmeg and mix it with two tablespoons of honey. The resulting mass in a thin layer, apply to the scar. If you experience a strong burning sensation, immediately rinse all. This method is quite effective, so the time steps are selected individually, starting with 10 minutes.
• Another tip on how to get rid of scars, we give in the form of a prescription of liquid treatment. For its preparation You will need rosemary oil and rosehip oil. Apply on the damaged surface five drops of rosehip oil and two drops of rosemary oil. Please note that the oil should be applied only on the scar. If the oil gets on healthy skin, then You may have acne. This method will help get rid of scars after acne.
• The fourth method of getting rid of scars is to use the ointment of white lilies. It is known that this flower has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. Take the plant early in the blooming buds and mash it until it forms a juice. Then put the whole mass into a jar so that it filled the vessel on the third. There also pour the separated juice from the Lily. Pour in a jar of unrefined vegetable oil, pre-boiled.
The resulting consistency put into storage in a dark place for a couple of weeks. After two weeks, the resulting ointment is applied on the damaged skin several times a day. You will notice that over time, the scars will lose its brightness, and the skin will start to smoothen. Especially useful this ointment will when fresh burns. In this case it can even prevent the very appearance of scars. Store it in the refrigerator. It retains its healing properties for many years.
• The fifth mask is prepared from a blue clay, is also known for its wonderful properties. Take blue clay and add water until you get thick consistency. Apply the paste on the scar. Wait until dry clay and rinse off with water. This procedure is repeated for two weeks, after which you will notice great result.
Clay is much more to heal, so I advise you to read the article on "the Treatment of clay."
• To cook the following recipe, take Shilajit (1 gram) and cream (1 tube). Mix these components and apply on the scar for no more than half an hour. Spread daily for two weeks.
• The last recipe of folk medicine will be indispensable for getting rid of a particularly old scars and scars. You'll need beeswax, spruce resin, interior pork fat (lard) and butter.
Take one part beeswax and one part of spruce gum (resin read more about read the article "Ointment of gum") and four parts interior lard, and four pieces of butter. Melt lard, add the oil, then wax, and then the resin. The resulting mixture bring to boil and moderately cool. Then filter this mixture through cheesecloth or a sieve. Apply the resulting mass on the damaged areas of the skin three times a day. Ointment stored in the refrigerator but before applying, warm it to room temperature.
Now You can not be afraid of the appearance of unwanted "trophies". Let Your skin will always be healthy and beautiful!
Source: vsenarodnaya-medicina.ru
These unpleasant formations due to the substitution of the epidermis connective tissue in some areas of the skin. The fact that with the help of scarring the body restores our damaged skin.
If after, at first glance, minor skin lesions You notice that there are keloid scars (that is, the tumour-like growths on the damaged skin), in case of the slightest wounds help prevent the formation of scars. Prevention is the proper and timely treatment of the wound.

How to get rid of scars at home What to do if You already have old scars and scars? To remove them you need to see a specialist or you can get rid of them home? In ancient times, wise men have used effective folk remedies for removal of scars, which we will cover in this article.
We will focus on protivorechivyh masks, ointments, compresses, the positive effect has been proven by experience of many people. Needless to say, apply the mask should be with extreme caution and care, because they have a strong influence on the skin.
• The first method is based on the method of chemical peeling, that is a special controlled chemical burn of the skin carried out to achieve the desired cosmetic result after the wound has healed. Here you can use the Apple cider vinegar, as fruit acids helps the scars to smoothen. Dilute Apple cider vinegar with warm water in the proportion one to three. From the resulting solution make a compress, which apply on the scars three times a day for 10 minutes (not more). Under the influence of acid top layer of skin will dissolve, which will lead to smoothing of the scar.
• The second mask is made from honey and nutmeg. Grate 1 tablespoon of nutmeg and mix it with two tablespoons of honey. The resulting mass in a thin layer, apply to the scar. If you experience a strong burning sensation, immediately rinse all. This method is quite effective, so the time steps are selected individually, starting with 10 minutes.
• Another tip on how to get rid of scars, we give in the form of a prescription of liquid treatment. For its preparation You will need rosemary oil and rosehip oil. Apply on the damaged surface five drops of rosehip oil and two drops of rosemary oil. Please note that the oil should be applied only on the scar. If the oil gets on healthy skin, then You may have acne. This method will help get rid of scars after acne.
• The fourth method of getting rid of scars is to use the ointment of white lilies. It is known that this flower has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. Take the plant early in the blooming buds and mash it until it forms a juice. Then put the whole mass into a jar so that it filled the vessel on the third. There also pour the separated juice from the Lily. Pour in a jar of unrefined vegetable oil, pre-boiled.
The resulting consistency put into storage in a dark place for a couple of weeks. After two weeks, the resulting ointment is applied on the damaged skin several times a day. You will notice that over time, the scars will lose its brightness, and the skin will start to smoothen. Especially useful this ointment will when fresh burns. In this case it can even prevent the very appearance of scars. Store it in the refrigerator. It retains its healing properties for many years.
• The fifth mask is prepared from a blue clay, is also known for its wonderful properties. Take blue clay and add water until you get thick consistency. Apply the paste on the scar. Wait until dry clay and rinse off with water. This procedure is repeated for two weeks, after which you will notice great result.
Clay is much more to heal, so I advise you to read the article on "the Treatment of clay."
• To cook the following recipe, take Shilajit (1 gram) and cream (1 tube). Mix these components and apply on the scar for no more than half an hour. Spread daily for two weeks.
• The last recipe of folk medicine will be indispensable for getting rid of a particularly old scars and scars. You'll need beeswax, spruce resin, interior pork fat (lard) and butter.
Take one part beeswax and one part of spruce gum (resin read more about read the article "Ointment of gum") and four parts interior lard, and four pieces of butter. Melt lard, add the oil, then wax, and then the resin. The resulting mixture bring to boil and moderately cool. Then filter this mixture through cheesecloth or a sieve. Apply the resulting mass on the damaged areas of the skin three times a day. Ointment stored in the refrigerator but before applying, warm it to room temperature.
Now You can not be afraid of the appearance of unwanted "trophies". Let Your skin will always be healthy and beautiful!
Source: vsenarodnaya-medicina.ru
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