How to get rid of cardiac dyspnea
Sharp feeling short of breath is shortness of breath. Most often shortness of breath is a symptom of some heart disease. Modern medicine knows many ways of dealing with this difficult disease. But traditional medicine is not the last place in the treatment of this disease. Treatment of cardiac dyspnea folk medicine suggests herbal remedies which have a positive effect on the vascular system and heart muscle. Excellent results of treatment of folk remedies can be achieved especially when the first symptoms of shortness of breath.
The most effective folk remedies
1) 2 tsp. chopped birch leaves pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. To insist 30 minutes, drain, infusion add half tsp of baking soda. To drink during the day. Daily preparing fresh broth.
2) helps with shortness of breath and tincture of partitions from walnuts. To prepare the tincture you need 1/3 of liter jars to fill the partitions, and then to the top to pour vodka. To insist in the dark for 2-3 weeks. To take the tincture once a day. Need to make a diluted tincture — 40 drops in a part of cups of water.
3) equally effective in the treatment of dyspnea will be a decoction of herb of Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo. For this you need 1 tbsp. l. grass pour into a glass, pour boiling water. To insist 2 hours. For a pleasant taste you can add honey. Be taken before meals up to 5 times a day. To take no more than 2 tbsp
4) Mix the seeds of wormwood, olive oil (vegetable oil) in a ratio of 1:4. To insist 12 hours. Take tincture need in the morning. To do this, drip 2-3 drops of sugar and dissolve slowly.
5) Mix minced garlic (350 gr.) and the juice of a lemon (24 pieces). Placed in a jar, not tightly sealed, only covered with gauze. To insist night. Before each use be sure to stir the mixture. To take before bedtime. To do this, 1 tsp. of the mixture must be diluted with ½ Cup water. Take 2 weeks.
6) 1 tsp of chopped herbs celandine mixed with 30 gr. of honey and then pour in the white wine (1\2 l). The resulting mixture is boiled on a slow fire. Must remain 4 part. Divide the mixture into 2 parts. Take the first before Breakfast and the second before lunch. This mixture should be prepared daily for months.
7) Instead of tea and make a decoction of the young branches of BlackBerry or cranberry leaves. This tea can be taken without certain proportions and without measure every day.
8) is Indispensable in the treatment of cardiac dyspnea, and collection of herbs: thyme, motherwort, blackberries, cottonweed, Woodruff. Dried and powdered herb to take in proportion (2:4:5:3:4) and mix thoroughly. A decoction of this mixture can be drunk instead of tea. A decoction to do so, on tbsp. boiling water 1 tbsp. l. collection. Leave for 30 min.
9) During an acute attack of shortness of breath helps a great mixture of 0.5 kg. minced onion, one-third tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. carrot juice, 1/3 Cup of beet juice and celery juice, 25 grams. honey. Mix everything and boil on low heat for about 3 hours. To take medicine – 1 tbsp before meal or immediately during an attack.
10) Take 20 apricot kernel and grind in a blender. Add 10 crushed lemons and 0.5 kg of honey. Mix thoroughly, put in storage in the refrigerator. Use 1 tbsp in the morning to Take during the month.
11) 1 tbsp chopped dried Adonis pour 2 liters of boiling water. Let stand. Take every hour 1 tablespoon
12) 1 tbsp dry chopped herbs Leonurus pour into a glass, pour boiling water. Let stand 1 hour. Drink 2 times a day.
13) 20 gr. lemon balm pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. Infuse for at least 25 minutes to Receive up to 3 times a day until the cessation of pain in the heart and relieve breathlessness.
Remember that dyspnea is a consequence of heart disease, so the treatment is advantageously carried out under the supervision of a physician. A mix of traditional treatment and folk medicine always gives the great results of healing.
Source: natural-medicine.ru
The most effective folk remedies

1) 2 tsp. chopped birch leaves pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. To insist 30 minutes, drain, infusion add half tsp of baking soda. To drink during the day. Daily preparing fresh broth.
2) helps with shortness of breath and tincture of partitions from walnuts. To prepare the tincture you need 1/3 of liter jars to fill the partitions, and then to the top to pour vodka. To insist in the dark for 2-3 weeks. To take the tincture once a day. Need to make a diluted tincture — 40 drops in a part of cups of water.
3) equally effective in the treatment of dyspnea will be a decoction of herb of Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo. For this you need 1 tbsp. l. grass pour into a glass, pour boiling water. To insist 2 hours. For a pleasant taste you can add honey. Be taken before meals up to 5 times a day. To take no more than 2 tbsp
4) Mix the seeds of wormwood, olive oil (vegetable oil) in a ratio of 1:4. To insist 12 hours. Take tincture need in the morning. To do this, drip 2-3 drops of sugar and dissolve slowly.
5) Mix minced garlic (350 gr.) and the juice of a lemon (24 pieces). Placed in a jar, not tightly sealed, only covered with gauze. To insist night. Before each use be sure to stir the mixture. To take before bedtime. To do this, 1 tsp. of the mixture must be diluted with ½ Cup water. Take 2 weeks.
6) 1 tsp of chopped herbs celandine mixed with 30 gr. of honey and then pour in the white wine (1\2 l). The resulting mixture is boiled on a slow fire. Must remain 4 part. Divide the mixture into 2 parts. Take the first before Breakfast and the second before lunch. This mixture should be prepared daily for months.
7) Instead of tea and make a decoction of the young branches of BlackBerry or cranberry leaves. This tea can be taken without certain proportions and without measure every day.
8) is Indispensable in the treatment of cardiac dyspnea, and collection of herbs: thyme, motherwort, blackberries, cottonweed, Woodruff. Dried and powdered herb to take in proportion (2:4:5:3:4) and mix thoroughly. A decoction of this mixture can be drunk instead of tea. A decoction to do so, on tbsp. boiling water 1 tbsp. l. collection. Leave for 30 min.
9) During an acute attack of shortness of breath helps a great mixture of 0.5 kg. minced onion, one-third tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. carrot juice, 1/3 Cup of beet juice and celery juice, 25 grams. honey. Mix everything and boil on low heat for about 3 hours. To take medicine – 1 tbsp before meal or immediately during an attack.
10) Take 20 apricot kernel and grind in a blender. Add 10 crushed lemons and 0.5 kg of honey. Mix thoroughly, put in storage in the refrigerator. Use 1 tbsp in the morning to Take during the month.
11) 1 tbsp chopped dried Adonis pour 2 liters of boiling water. Let stand. Take every hour 1 tablespoon
12) 1 tbsp dry chopped herbs Leonurus pour into a glass, pour boiling water. Let stand 1 hour. Drink 2 times a day.
13) 20 gr. lemon balm pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. Infuse for at least 25 minutes to Receive up to 3 times a day until the cessation of pain in the heart and relieve breathlessness.
Remember that dyspnea is a consequence of heart disease, so the treatment is advantageously carried out under the supervision of a physician. A mix of traditional treatment and folk medicine always gives the great results of healing.
Source: natural-medicine.ru