When the elevator is not working, and in the hands of heavy bags, I climb to the eighth floor in an unusual way.
Shortness of breath can appear in a person at absolutely any age. Of course, first of all, it has to do with health. It is also a common phenomenon for those who suffer from bad habits or are overweight. However, most often this problem affects the elderly. Breathing down It prevents them from covering long distances and just walking up the floors.
To cope with the hated steps, sometimes grandparents have a very hard time. Editorial "Site" They will tell you how to solve this problem once and for all. And today we will share with you a simple way that will help you not to lose your breath while climbing the stairs.
In medicine, shortness of breath is called dyspnea. Unfortunately, it cannot be cured as a single phenomenon. After all, the root cause of this problem lies in some ailment. If you suffer from shortness of breath, although you do not see the visible prerequisites, it is best to consult a specialist and check all the necessary organs.
Unfortunately, not all elderly people are lifestyle. And downed breath becomes another stumbling block, because of which you do not want to go out again. What happens if the elevator stops working or doesn’t work at all?
There is one way that will help to climb to any floor without shortness of breath. It may seem elementary to you, but that’s where it works. As they say, all genius is simple!
So, take the first step on the step, for example, with your right foot. Then go up another step with your left foot. Then take another step with your right foot, but put it not on the next step up, but next to your left foot.
Then just repeat this cycle, alternating the legs and steps. In essence, it simply reduces the load and slows down the movement process. When you put one foot on the other, you take a micro-respite. Do not overload the respiratory system.
I admit, at first I was skeptical about this life hack, because it is actually very simple. However, it turned out that it is used by a huge number of elderly people. And it works!
If you don’t believe me, try a little experiment. Take a few flights in the usual way for you and measure your pulse. And then cover the same distance, repeating the cycle with alternating legs. Then take your pulse again. I bet that in the first case it will be much higher than in the second.
It is said that prevention is much better than treatment. If you do not want to be tormented by shortness of breath in old age, you need to train your body young.
It's a great job. meditation. This technique will help not only get used to stable loads, but also relieve stress and improve your mood.
The essence of meditation walking is that Focus your attention on each new step and nothing else. You need to feel the foot-to-ground contact by focusing on the process. When you do this, you will be able to track every sensation in your legs and all the stages you need to overcome to take the next step: lifting, pushing, lowering, touching and pressing.
In words, it seems that doing this is very easy. But in fact, you will have to train, because concentration is a complex and multilevel process. You can practice meditation walking even at home. But it is best to choose some uncrowded place in the fresh air, where there will be no unnecessary noise that distracts.
Shortness of breath in humans: prevention Deep breathing One of the simplest preventive techniques against shortness of breath. Besides, it's really relaxing. You need to lie down and put your hands on your stomach. The legs can be straightened or folded into a butterfly position. Take a deep breath through your nose, inflating your stomach, not your lungs.
Try to hold your breath for a few seconds. Then slowly exhale, lowering the stomach, but not drawing it into yourself. Repeat this procedure for 5-10 minutes. You can do this in the morning after waking up, and in the evening before going to bed. This will help you fall asleep faster and better.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=CWeL1tqjt3w
We suggest you to familiarize yourself with this technique in more detail on the example of breathing exercises from Wim Hof. The famous Dutchman, known as the Iceman, knows exactly how to train his body.
From the editorial board of this article, we want to remind you, How important it is to monitor your health. If you are faced with such a problem as shortness of breath, do not postpone its solution in the long box. Breathing can only get worse. We advise you to consult your doctor and practice various preventive techniques.
Tell me, do you get short of breath after long walks or climbing to the high floor of the house? How do you deal with that? It will be great if you share with us your effective ways to help you stabilize your breathing. We'll see you in the comments!

To cope with the hated steps, sometimes grandparents have a very hard time. Editorial "Site" They will tell you how to solve this problem once and for all. And today we will share with you a simple way that will help you not to lose your breath while climbing the stairs.
In medicine, shortness of breath is called dyspnea. Unfortunately, it cannot be cured as a single phenomenon. After all, the root cause of this problem lies in some ailment. If you suffer from shortness of breath, although you do not see the visible prerequisites, it is best to consult a specialist and check all the necessary organs.
Unfortunately, not all elderly people are lifestyle. And downed breath becomes another stumbling block, because of which you do not want to go out again. What happens if the elevator stops working or doesn’t work at all?

There is one way that will help to climb to any floor without shortness of breath. It may seem elementary to you, but that’s where it works. As they say, all genius is simple!
So, take the first step on the step, for example, with your right foot. Then go up another step with your left foot. Then take another step with your right foot, but put it not on the next step up, but next to your left foot.

Then just repeat this cycle, alternating the legs and steps. In essence, it simply reduces the load and slows down the movement process. When you put one foot on the other, you take a micro-respite. Do not overload the respiratory system.
I admit, at first I was skeptical about this life hack, because it is actually very simple. However, it turned out that it is used by a huge number of elderly people. And it works!

If you don’t believe me, try a little experiment. Take a few flights in the usual way for you and measure your pulse. And then cover the same distance, repeating the cycle with alternating legs. Then take your pulse again. I bet that in the first case it will be much higher than in the second.
It is said that prevention is much better than treatment. If you do not want to be tormented by shortness of breath in old age, you need to train your body young.
It's a great job. meditation. This technique will help not only get used to stable loads, but also relieve stress and improve your mood.

The essence of meditation walking is that Focus your attention on each new step and nothing else. You need to feel the foot-to-ground contact by focusing on the process. When you do this, you will be able to track every sensation in your legs and all the stages you need to overcome to take the next step: lifting, pushing, lowering, touching and pressing.
In words, it seems that doing this is very easy. But in fact, you will have to train, because concentration is a complex and multilevel process. You can practice meditation walking even at home. But it is best to choose some uncrowded place in the fresh air, where there will be no unnecessary noise that distracts.
Shortness of breath in humans: prevention Deep breathing One of the simplest preventive techniques against shortness of breath. Besides, it's really relaxing. You need to lie down and put your hands on your stomach. The legs can be straightened or folded into a butterfly position. Take a deep breath through your nose, inflating your stomach, not your lungs.

Try to hold your breath for a few seconds. Then slowly exhale, lowering the stomach, but not drawing it into yourself. Repeat this procedure for 5-10 minutes. You can do this in the morning after waking up, and in the evening before going to bed. This will help you fall asleep faster and better.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=CWeL1tqjt3w
We suggest you to familiarize yourself with this technique in more detail on the example of breathing exercises from Wim Hof. The famous Dutchman, known as the Iceman, knows exactly how to train his body.
From the editorial board of this article, we want to remind you, How important it is to monitor your health. If you are faced with such a problem as shortness of breath, do not postpone its solution in the long box. Breathing can only get worse. We advise you to consult your doctor and practice various preventive techniques.

Tell me, do you get short of breath after long walks or climbing to the high floor of the house? How do you deal with that? It will be great if you share with us your effective ways to help you stabilize your breathing. We'll see you in the comments!
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