Unusual lifts

modern elevator - is not just a boring metallic boxes designed to transport passengers and cargo. Many of them are kind of tourist attraction, thanks to its unique and extraordinary sight. Here's a collection of the most unusual lifts the world, including the highest and fastest in the world that will give you a lasting impression. 1. The passenger elevator in the aquarium AquaDom, Germaniya

AquaDom in Berlin, Germany, is a cylindrical tank made of acrylic glass with built-in elevator. It is located in the hotel Radisson SAS Hotel near Mite.

The diameter of the tank is more than 11 meters, and the elevator is located right in the middle of the 25-meter facilities. AquaDom is filled with 900,000 liters of seawater, where more than 1500 fish swims 50 different species. It takes about 8 kilograms of food per day, and 3-4 of experienced drivers to feed the inhabitants of the aquarium. 2. The Falkirk Wheel ship lift, Shotlandiya

Falkirk Wheel transports court between channels Union and Fort Clyde. Named after the nearby town in Scotland, it was opened in 2002 and is the only rotating boat lift in mire.

The height difference between the two channels is 24 meters, which corresponds to an 8-storey building. On opposite sides of the wheel are caissons - depressions filled with water, which swim in ships, rotating at the same speed as the wheel itself, but in the opposite direction. The wheel turns at 180 degrees by moving the vessels from the upper level downwards, which takes several minutes. 3. Lift Lifting Skyview, Shvetsiya

SkyView - that's gondola lift, located on the south side of the Globe Arena - the largest spherical building in the world, located in the capital of Sweden - Stokgolme.

Globen Arena made a huge white ball with a diameter of 110 and a height of 85 meters. Lift length of 100 meters consists of two spherical cabins, which takes visitors to the top of the building, opening them to an unforgettable view of the city. 4. The highest outdoor lift Hammetschwand, Shveytsariya

Hammetschwand Lift (Hammetschwand) - the highest outdoor elevator in Europe, which is in Switzerland. It connects the spectacular rocky path to place a review on Mount Burgenstock (Bürgenstock), which offers views of Lake Lucerne. Elevator podnimayuet passengers to a height of 153 meters to the top of Hammetschwand (Hammetschwand) less than a minute. It was built in 1903 and renovated in 1935. Also on this elevator up 007 James Bond during the filming of the movie "Goldfinger". 5. The highest speed elevator Baylong, Kitay

Baylong, which is also called "lift a hundred dragons" - a glass elevator, built on the slope of a huge mountain in Zhangjiajie, whose height reaches 330 metrov.

It is considered the highest and most difficult in the world of outdoor lift. It was opened in 2002 and can accommodate up to 50 people or 1380 per hour. Lift reduces the ascent to the summit of one minute, opening an amazing view of the massive pillars of sandstone. 6. Panoramic lift in the Gateway Arch, SSHA

One of the amazing sights of the city of St. Louis, Missouri is a memorial "Gateway Arch". To get to the top of the arch, the passengers enter the egg-shaped cabin, designed for 5 seats. The composition of the 8 cabins of which retain the desired level, periodically rotating every 5 degrees, raise the passengers to the top of a curved arch, which is an observation ploschadka.

The whole trip takes about 4 minutes up and down the three minutes. On the doors of the booths have narrow glass panels that allow visitors to admire the structure of the arch. 7. Lift Lift Santa Justa Lift, Portugaliya

Santa Justa Lift, or as it is called Elevator do Carmo, in Lisbon, connecting the lower streets of the Baixa (Baixa) and the upper area of the Largo do Carmo (Largo do Carmo) .

Since 1901, when it was built, the lift became a tourist attraction of the capital of Portugal, the city remains the only vertical lift. Upstairs there is a kiosk and an observation deck with panoramic views of the city. The height of the elevator made in neo-gothic style is 45 meters. Each cabin can accommodate 20-25 people. 8. Lift Lacerda, Braziliya

Lacerda lift is located in the city of Salvador in the Brazilian state of Bahia. Elevator connects the Lower City (Cidade Baixa) with the Upper (Cidade Alta), carrying more than 30,000 passazhirov.

Ride the elevator, which costs 5 cents, lasts only 30 seconds, and reaches a height of lift of 72 meters. As the lift in Lisbon, this amazing design is to move people from one city to another level, in addition to spectacular views of the Gulf Coast. 9. The fastest elevator in Taipei 101, Tayvan

The fastest elevator in the world has been installed in the famous Taipei 101. Taipei 101 is a building 101 stories high 509 meters, within which there are 67 lifts, including two elevators, kotoryepodnimayutsya from the 5th to the 89th floor in 37 seconds. The lift at 16, 8 meters per second, surpassing the former record holder - the elevators in the tower of Yokohama in Japan, which reach speeds of 12, 5 m / s. 10. Hydraulic lift in Luvre

Not many people know that in the Louvre Museum, which holds the greatest works of art in history, is one of the most modern and futuristic elevator in the world. This elevator with an open top and hydraulic quietly moves visitors through the museum, as if growing out of the floor. 11. The worst elevator in the Sky Tower, New Zelandiya

This elevator is located in the radio tower of Auckland in New Zealand, it is not for those afraid of heights. Each of the elevator with a glass floor takes visitors to an altitude of 328 meters of 70-storey building every 15 minutes. Lift is moving at a speed of 18 km per hour, and the trip itself lasts 40 seconds. For thrill-seekers, the kind of fast falling under the feet of the elevator will be unforgettable.
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/Samye-neobychnye-lifty-v-mire.html