Fukang meteorite

meteorite weighing 1003 kg was discovered near the city of Fukang, the north-western region of Xinjiang, China still in 2000. Called respectively, it was identified as Pallas, the type of iron-stony meteorites interspersed with crystals olivina.

Pallasites are extremely rare even among the meteorites (about 1% of all meteorites of this type) and Fukang was regarded as one of the greatest discoveries of meteorites 21st veka.

There is speculation that the Fukang meteorite formed deep inside the pristine meteors created during the formation of the solar system about 4, 5 billion years ago, and very few of his specimens survived its descent through the atmosphere Zemli.

An anonymous group of collectors now owns most of it, which weighs 419 kg 5. In 2008, they tried to sell it at auction Bonham in New York for about $ 2 million, but the meteorite found a buyer. Another sample of the meteorite weighing 31 kg is on the balance of the University of Southwestern meteorites in the lab Arizone.

Source: mirfactov.com/