Facts about meteorites (18 photos)
November 30, 1954 a meteorite struck the roof of a house American Ann Hodges and struck her injuries in the shoulder and hip. Women's health concerns did not cause, but a few days she spent in the hospital. Today Anne - the only one in which the meteorite hit, although every day falls to the Earth about 4 billion. These celestial bodies.
Fukang meteorite - the most beautiful meteorite crashed to Earth
In the entire history of observations, scientists have counted 24 thousand. Meteorites, 34 of which, according to astronomers, Martian origin. Astronomers have calculated that the probability that a meteorite falls into a man - 1 chance in 180 years. The longest meteor rain lasted 10:00
At night, November 13, 1833 in the east of the United States passed the longest in the history of planet Earth meteor rain, which lasted for 10 hours. Meteor rain occurred during the most powerful meteor shower, which today is called the Leonids. Just the night fell to the ground about 240 thousand. Meteorites of various sizes. Watch this phenomenon can be a year in mid-November, of course, on a smaller scale.
2. Leonid stream (photo Space Telescope)
The largest meteorite fallen to Earth 80,000 years
The largest meteorite fell to Earth in prehistoric times. It was found in 1920 in Namibia Hoba West Farm, located near the town of Grootfontein, farmer Jacobus. Goba Meteorite excavated and left in the place where found. The weight of the iron giant 66 tons with the volume of 9 cubic meters. and Dimensions 2, 7 2 and 7 meters. Today meteorite Goba - the largest piece of iron natural origin. However, since that time, as a meteorite found he had "lost" to 6 tons, and all because of erosion and vandalism.
3. Goba meteorite - the largest meteorite (Namibia)
The most toxic meteorite fell in Peru
The meteorite, which fell 15 September 2007 at Lake Titicaca in Peru, made a lot of noise. The witnesses first heard a noise resembling the sound of the falling plane, and then saw a body covered by flames of fire. At the site of a meteorite crater depth of 6 meters and a diameter of 30 meters, and from the crater began to beat a fountain of boiling water. Apparently, in the meteorite contained some toxic substances, since 1, 5 thousand. Locals seriously deteriorated state of health, and to develop a strong headache.
4. The fall of the Peruvian meteorite
Chelyabinsk car: the most powerful cosmic explosion of the body since the Tunguska meteorite
February 15, 2013 at the Chelyabinsk meteorite exploded, the energy of which scientists estimated at 500 kilotons of TNT, more than 100 times larger meteorite Sutters Mill, exploded in 2012 in the United States. The diameter of the meteorite before the explosion was estimated to scientists, 18-20 meters and weighs 13 thousand. Tonnes. The largest fragment of a heavenly body weight of 600 kg was able to raise from the bottom of the lake Chebarkul.
5. Place the fall of one of the fragments of the meteorite Chelyabinsk. Lake Chebarkul
Scientists suggest that the Chelyabinsk meteorite - part of a larger asteroid, from whom he was separated 1, 2 million. Years ago.
The extent of damage is impressive. Only in Chelyabinsk it was broken glass in 4, 1 thousand. Houses and appealed for medical aid 1, 2 thousand. People. In the surrounding villages collapsed ceilings, appeared embossed window frames, cracks in walls, stopped electricity supply, gas supply was interrupted and mobile communications.
6. Chelyabinsk after the explosion of a meteorite
The diameter of the Earth's largest meteorite crater about 300 km
Vredefort impact crater in Johannesburg (South Africa) about 300 km in diameter is considered today the largest crater in the world, formed by meteorite. It covers 6% of South Africa. Its age is estimated at 1, 9 billion. Years. Currently, the center of the crater are 3 town and the lake.
7. Vredefort crater - the biggest track of the meteorite on Earth
The largest meteorite crater on the territory of Russia is situated on the Bay of Baidarata Bay on Ugra Peninsula Kara crater with a diameter of 120 km.
The largest collection of meteorites is in Russia
The largest collection of meteorites is the Mining Museum in St. Petersburg - 300 celestial bodies. The largest of the samples exhibited a 450-pound meteorite. To be precise, it is a giant part of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite that February 12, 1947 on the scattered parts of the Ussuri taiga.
8. Collection of meteorites in St. Petersburg
Decree on "the search for heavenly bodies" issued at the time the Empress Catherine II. The first exhibit was the meteorite "Pallas Iron", who discovered the academician PS Pallas in the village of Medvedkovo Krasnoyarsk Territory, in one of the Great Siberian expeditions. It is known that this meteorite found in 1749 a blacksmith Jacob Medvedev, who used his pieces to manufacture various products. Cob, vesivshaya 687 kg, after 10 years got from Siberia to St. Petersburg. Later meteorite cut into 2 parts, which are exhibited in the museum today.
The owner of the world's largest private collection of meteorites is Robert Haag from the US. Celestial stones he collected 12 years. Today, his collection 2 tons of meteorites.
The most expensive meteorite went under the hammer for 330 thousand dollars
Today, meteorites can be purchased in the United States at various auctions, as well as via the Internet. The cost of 1 gram ranged from $ 1 to $ 1,000. This Martian meteorites collectors are valued much more expensive.
Today, collecting meteorites has become fashionable and profitable, experts say the biggest auction houses. The interest in meteorites has been warmed in 1996, when NASA experts reported that Hellen Hills 84001 meteorite age of 4, 5 billion. Years old, found in Antarctica, found the remains of organisms that once lived on Mars.
The most expensive meteorite auctioned today is a fragment of meteorite "Dar al Gani 1058", sold in the US for $ 330 thousand. The weight of this cosmic guest 2 kg, and its distinguishing feature - a flat shape. Meteorite was discovered in Libya in 1998. Dar al Gani 1058 was not only the most expensive meteorite, but also the largest that has ever gone under the hammer.
9. Dar al Gani 1058
A fragment of a meteorite "Seimchan", which was discovered in 1960 in Siberia, sold for $ 44 thousand. That turned out to be 12 times higher than the initial value of the lot.
For $ 1, 3 thousand. Sold a meteorite, which fell in 1972 at the Cow.
Egyptian pharaohs wore jewelry from meteorites
Scientists who study ancient Egypt, have shown that decorate the Pharaohs of this period are of extraterrestrial origin. Recently, the city of Al-Girzy found 9 beads of metal, which related to Gerzeh culture (IV century BC). British scientists studied the decorations using scanner and said iron decorations were made from a meteorite. To such conclusions scientists came as a part of jewelry found up to 30% nickel, and their age - more than 5 thousand. Years. Interestingly, the first data on iron production in this region date back to the VII century only. BC. For metal Widmanstatten characteristic structure - the so-called pattern of large crystals that appear inside the meteorite during slow cooling.
10. Fragments of ancient Egyptian jewelry made from meteorite
Around Buddhist artifact from a meteorite Ching raging controversy
In 2009, an auction was sold to 10-pound sculpture of "Iron Man" - a statue of a Buddhist god Vaishravany belonging to the pre-Buddhist Bon of the XII century. For the first time the statue discovered in 1938 by the Nazi expedition was headed by Ernst Schäfer. Prior to the sale at auction artifact was kept in a private collection. Results of geochemical analyzes showed that the statue is carved from ataxites - a very rare class of meteorites, which is characterized by high nickel content. At the auction, claiming that the ancient statue has been machined out of the Ching meteorite, which fell about 15 thousand. Years ago, somewhere between Mongolia and Siberia.
11. Iron Man of meteorite Ching
Doubts as to the origin of sculpture expressed expert on Buddhism from Germany Achim Bayer. Without denying the extraterrestrial origin of the material, the scientist says that "Iron Man" - a fake XX century, not an ancient artifact. Bayer points to typical "psevdotibetskie line" sculpture: the object "dressed" no boots, and European shoes on it is not a traditional Buddhist robes and pants, big beard, who never had Tibetan and Mongolian sacred sculptures and headgear and I do like a Roman helmet.
Bayer suspects that the sculpture was made in Europe in the period from 1910 to 1970 especially for the sale at auction of antiquities, and the story of the expedition Schaefer invented the seller to raise the price.
Meteorite pressed the Pope on the idea of an Italian sculptor
Italian Maurizio Cattelan, who is known as a provocateur in the art, used the image of the meteorite to demonstrate the deconstruction of binary oppositions as the eternal momentary-divine-human, sacred-profane, nature-civilization. He embodied his idea in sculpture "Ninth Hour", which was sold at Christie's auction for $ 886 thousand.
12. Ninth Hour. Maurizio Cattelan
The sculpture depicts John Paul II, who crushed meteorite. Cattelan says that nothing offensive, he would not say, but only said that "any government that has an expiration date, like milk».
Now we read about the most beautiful meteorite that fell to Earth, which is considered Fukang meteorite.
Fukang meteorite - a precious gift Space weighing 1,000 kg!
The recent fall of the meteorite in Chelyabinsk was another reminder to mankind, what about the safety of our planet is still too early. This cosmic "guest" talked everything from small to large.
13. Fukang meteorite - the jewel of the cosmos
Along the way, she remembered, and other space objects, flew to Earth. One of the most unusual - Fukang meteorite, this precious gift of the universe.
14. As part of the Fukang meteorite - an iron-nickel-based and large inclusions of olivine
Age miracle meteorite - 4, 5 billion years old, it is the same age as our planet. Fukang was found near the city of Fukang (northwest China), in whose honor and was named. Meteorite amazing beauty is 50% of the iron-nickel base and 50% of olivine, which is sometimes called cosmic gem. Olivine (his second name beryl) occurs on the ground, but such large crystals in nature can not be found.
15. Unusual meteorite was found Fukang in China
Amazing meteorite was discovered by an American tourist, who often stop for lunch on a huge rock. Over time, seeing the crystal structure of the rock, he became interested in its origin and, after procuring with a hammer and chisel a few fragments, sent them for examination in the United States. The Americans confirmed that unexpected finding was the meteorite.
16. Fukang meteorite divided into pieces and made a facet
Total space boulder weighing more than a thousand kilograms, but insatiable tourists immediately wanted to "break off" a piece, so that the weight of the space "gift" has been steadily melting. It was decided to split the meteorite on the hundreds of small parts that were put up for auction in the world.
17. Fukang meteorite offered for sale at auction for $ 2 million
In 2008, a fragment of the meteorite weighing 420 kg (!) Marvin Killgore, a member of the Southwest University of Arizona's Laboratory of meteorites, has decided to put up for auction in New York. The starting price of "precious" stones was $ 2 million, but that day, unfortunately, buyers were not impressed by lot. A giant meteorite fragment was divided into several parts, it was made of cut. Today, one of the parts (weighing 31 kg) transferred to the American Museum of Natural History (American Museum of Natural History).
18. Meteorite Fukang - one of the greatest finds of the century

Fukang meteorite - the most beautiful meteorite crashed to Earth
In the entire history of observations, scientists have counted 24 thousand. Meteorites, 34 of which, according to astronomers, Martian origin. Astronomers have calculated that the probability that a meteorite falls into a man - 1 chance in 180 years. The longest meteor rain lasted 10:00
At night, November 13, 1833 in the east of the United States passed the longest in the history of planet Earth meteor rain, which lasted for 10 hours. Meteor rain occurred during the most powerful meteor shower, which today is called the Leonids. Just the night fell to the ground about 240 thousand. Meteorites of various sizes. Watch this phenomenon can be a year in mid-November, of course, on a smaller scale.

2. Leonid stream (photo Space Telescope)
The largest meteorite fallen to Earth 80,000 years
The largest meteorite fell to Earth in prehistoric times. It was found in 1920 in Namibia Hoba West Farm, located near the town of Grootfontein, farmer Jacobus. Goba Meteorite excavated and left in the place where found. The weight of the iron giant 66 tons with the volume of 9 cubic meters. and Dimensions 2, 7 2 and 7 meters. Today meteorite Goba - the largest piece of iron natural origin. However, since that time, as a meteorite found he had "lost" to 6 tons, and all because of erosion and vandalism.

3. Goba meteorite - the largest meteorite (Namibia)
The most toxic meteorite fell in Peru
The meteorite, which fell 15 September 2007 at Lake Titicaca in Peru, made a lot of noise. The witnesses first heard a noise resembling the sound of the falling plane, and then saw a body covered by flames of fire. At the site of a meteorite crater depth of 6 meters and a diameter of 30 meters, and from the crater began to beat a fountain of boiling water. Apparently, in the meteorite contained some toxic substances, since 1, 5 thousand. Locals seriously deteriorated state of health, and to develop a strong headache.

4. The fall of the Peruvian meteorite
Chelyabinsk car: the most powerful cosmic explosion of the body since the Tunguska meteorite
February 15, 2013 at the Chelyabinsk meteorite exploded, the energy of which scientists estimated at 500 kilotons of TNT, more than 100 times larger meteorite Sutters Mill, exploded in 2012 in the United States. The diameter of the meteorite before the explosion was estimated to scientists, 18-20 meters and weighs 13 thousand. Tonnes. The largest fragment of a heavenly body weight of 600 kg was able to raise from the bottom of the lake Chebarkul.

5. Place the fall of one of the fragments of the meteorite Chelyabinsk. Lake Chebarkul
Scientists suggest that the Chelyabinsk meteorite - part of a larger asteroid, from whom he was separated 1, 2 million. Years ago.
The extent of damage is impressive. Only in Chelyabinsk it was broken glass in 4, 1 thousand. Houses and appealed for medical aid 1, 2 thousand. People. In the surrounding villages collapsed ceilings, appeared embossed window frames, cracks in walls, stopped electricity supply, gas supply was interrupted and mobile communications.

6. Chelyabinsk after the explosion of a meteorite
The diameter of the Earth's largest meteorite crater about 300 km
Vredefort impact crater in Johannesburg (South Africa) about 300 km in diameter is considered today the largest crater in the world, formed by meteorite. It covers 6% of South Africa. Its age is estimated at 1, 9 billion. Years. Currently, the center of the crater are 3 town and the lake.

7. Vredefort crater - the biggest track of the meteorite on Earth
The largest meteorite crater on the territory of Russia is situated on the Bay of Baidarata Bay on Ugra Peninsula Kara crater with a diameter of 120 km.
The largest collection of meteorites is in Russia
The largest collection of meteorites is the Mining Museum in St. Petersburg - 300 celestial bodies. The largest of the samples exhibited a 450-pound meteorite. To be precise, it is a giant part of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite that February 12, 1947 on the scattered parts of the Ussuri taiga.

8. Collection of meteorites in St. Petersburg
Decree on "the search for heavenly bodies" issued at the time the Empress Catherine II. The first exhibit was the meteorite "Pallas Iron", who discovered the academician PS Pallas in the village of Medvedkovo Krasnoyarsk Territory, in one of the Great Siberian expeditions. It is known that this meteorite found in 1749 a blacksmith Jacob Medvedev, who used his pieces to manufacture various products. Cob, vesivshaya 687 kg, after 10 years got from Siberia to St. Petersburg. Later meteorite cut into 2 parts, which are exhibited in the museum today.
The owner of the world's largest private collection of meteorites is Robert Haag from the US. Celestial stones he collected 12 years. Today, his collection 2 tons of meteorites.
The most expensive meteorite went under the hammer for 330 thousand dollars
Today, meteorites can be purchased in the United States at various auctions, as well as via the Internet. The cost of 1 gram ranged from $ 1 to $ 1,000. This Martian meteorites collectors are valued much more expensive.
Today, collecting meteorites has become fashionable and profitable, experts say the biggest auction houses. The interest in meteorites has been warmed in 1996, when NASA experts reported that Hellen Hills 84001 meteorite age of 4, 5 billion. Years old, found in Antarctica, found the remains of organisms that once lived on Mars.
The most expensive meteorite auctioned today is a fragment of meteorite "Dar al Gani 1058", sold in the US for $ 330 thousand. The weight of this cosmic guest 2 kg, and its distinguishing feature - a flat shape. Meteorite was discovered in Libya in 1998. Dar al Gani 1058 was not only the most expensive meteorite, but also the largest that has ever gone under the hammer.

9. Dar al Gani 1058
A fragment of a meteorite "Seimchan", which was discovered in 1960 in Siberia, sold for $ 44 thousand. That turned out to be 12 times higher than the initial value of the lot.
For $ 1, 3 thousand. Sold a meteorite, which fell in 1972 at the Cow.
Egyptian pharaohs wore jewelry from meteorites
Scientists who study ancient Egypt, have shown that decorate the Pharaohs of this period are of extraterrestrial origin. Recently, the city of Al-Girzy found 9 beads of metal, which related to Gerzeh culture (IV century BC). British scientists studied the decorations using scanner and said iron decorations were made from a meteorite. To such conclusions scientists came as a part of jewelry found up to 30% nickel, and their age - more than 5 thousand. Years. Interestingly, the first data on iron production in this region date back to the VII century only. BC. For metal Widmanstatten characteristic structure - the so-called pattern of large crystals that appear inside the meteorite during slow cooling.

10. Fragments of ancient Egyptian jewelry made from meteorite
Around Buddhist artifact from a meteorite Ching raging controversy
In 2009, an auction was sold to 10-pound sculpture of "Iron Man" - a statue of a Buddhist god Vaishravany belonging to the pre-Buddhist Bon of the XII century. For the first time the statue discovered in 1938 by the Nazi expedition was headed by Ernst Schäfer. Prior to the sale at auction artifact was kept in a private collection. Results of geochemical analyzes showed that the statue is carved from ataxites - a very rare class of meteorites, which is characterized by high nickel content. At the auction, claiming that the ancient statue has been machined out of the Ching meteorite, which fell about 15 thousand. Years ago, somewhere between Mongolia and Siberia.

11. Iron Man of meteorite Ching
Doubts as to the origin of sculpture expressed expert on Buddhism from Germany Achim Bayer. Without denying the extraterrestrial origin of the material, the scientist says that "Iron Man" - a fake XX century, not an ancient artifact. Bayer points to typical "psevdotibetskie line" sculpture: the object "dressed" no boots, and European shoes on it is not a traditional Buddhist robes and pants, big beard, who never had Tibetan and Mongolian sacred sculptures and headgear and I do like a Roman helmet.
Bayer suspects that the sculpture was made in Europe in the period from 1910 to 1970 especially for the sale at auction of antiquities, and the story of the expedition Schaefer invented the seller to raise the price.
Meteorite pressed the Pope on the idea of an Italian sculptor
Italian Maurizio Cattelan, who is known as a provocateur in the art, used the image of the meteorite to demonstrate the deconstruction of binary oppositions as the eternal momentary-divine-human, sacred-profane, nature-civilization. He embodied his idea in sculpture "Ninth Hour", which was sold at Christie's auction for $ 886 thousand.

12. Ninth Hour. Maurizio Cattelan
The sculpture depicts John Paul II, who crushed meteorite. Cattelan says that nothing offensive, he would not say, but only said that "any government that has an expiration date, like milk».
Now we read about the most beautiful meteorite that fell to Earth, which is considered Fukang meteorite.
Fukang meteorite - a precious gift Space weighing 1,000 kg!
The recent fall of the meteorite in Chelyabinsk was another reminder to mankind, what about the safety of our planet is still too early. This cosmic "guest" talked everything from small to large.

13. Fukang meteorite - the jewel of the cosmos
Along the way, she remembered, and other space objects, flew to Earth. One of the most unusual - Fukang meteorite, this precious gift of the universe.

14. As part of the Fukang meteorite - an iron-nickel-based and large inclusions of olivine
Age miracle meteorite - 4, 5 billion years old, it is the same age as our planet. Fukang was found near the city of Fukang (northwest China), in whose honor and was named. Meteorite amazing beauty is 50% of the iron-nickel base and 50% of olivine, which is sometimes called cosmic gem. Olivine (his second name beryl) occurs on the ground, but such large crystals in nature can not be found.

15. Unusual meteorite was found Fukang in China
Amazing meteorite was discovered by an American tourist, who often stop for lunch on a huge rock. Over time, seeing the crystal structure of the rock, he became interested in its origin and, after procuring with a hammer and chisel a few fragments, sent them for examination in the United States. The Americans confirmed that unexpected finding was the meteorite.

16. Fukang meteorite divided into pieces and made a facet
Total space boulder weighing more than a thousand kilograms, but insatiable tourists immediately wanted to "break off" a piece, so that the weight of the space "gift" has been steadily melting. It was decided to split the meteorite on the hundreds of small parts that were put up for auction in the world.

17. Fukang meteorite offered for sale at auction for $ 2 million
In 2008, a fragment of the meteorite weighing 420 kg (!) Marvin Killgore, a member of the Southwest University of Arizona's Laboratory of meteorites, has decided to put up for auction in New York. The starting price of "precious" stones was $ 2 million, but that day, unfortunately, buyers were not impressed by lot. A giant meteorite fragment was divided into several parts, it was made of cut. Today, one of the parts (weighing 31 kg) transferred to the American Museum of Natural History (American Museum of Natural History).

18. Meteorite Fukang - one of the greatest finds of the century