Fukang - a meteorite-gem

Age Fuca experts estimate is 4, 5 billion years. The world learned about this meteorite due to the auctioneer Bahamas, Marvin Killgore, which is April 30, 2008 decided to sell the precious space under the hammer at a New York auction.

Space stone weighing 419.57 kg, was estimated by experts at $ 2 million. Because of its rarity and beauty of Fukang he was voted the most valuable sample of the meteorite in the world.

The fact that the Fukang refers to one of the rarest types of meteorites - pallasites. Such meteorites 50% consists of an iron-nickel-based and 50% - olivine. The quality of the yellow-green olivine crystals in the huff is so high that they can be classified as gems.

After a meteorite could not find its owner willing to part with $ 2 000 000, it was faceted and divided into several parts, the largest of which was transferred to the American Museum of Natural History (American Museum of Natural History).
via factroom.ru