Diet for glowing skin
Spring has come, and the appearance leaves much to be desired? Work in a stuffy office, lack of sleep systematic, cold wind, dry indoor air, lack of vitamins – all this affects the General well-being first and foremost affects our skin.Unhealthy sallow complexion, pallor, dryness, cracked lips and many other problems cause a lot of trouble each of us. Don't despair! To cope with this will help our special diet! Properly selected and balanced diet will not only freshen the complexion and improve skin condition, but also help to lose a few extra pounds.

He loves our skin? For its brilliance and beauty are very important vitamins and nutrients that we can find in common foods:
Where to find
Vitamin A
Helps relieve dryness and flaking of the skin, fights acne
Melon, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, spinach, fresh apricots, liver
Vitamin E
Protects from UV radiation, evens out the skin maintains its vitality and renews the cells
Almonds and almond butter, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, sunflower oil and sunflower seeds, flax seeds and Flaxseed oil, soybean, olive and butter beans, grains, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, buckthorn, wild rose
B vitamins
B2 – heals cracks
B5 – helps to preserve skin elasticity, retains moisture, than moisturizes the skin and smoothes wrinkles
B6 – helps to reduce the dryness of the lips and cracks at the corners of the mouth
B2 – eggs, fish, meat, poultry, liver and dairy products, broccoli, parsley, spinach
B5 – peas, cabbage, cauliflower, buckwheat, oatmeal, liver, kidney, heart, chicken, eggs
B6 – liver, beef, pork, veal, poultry, tuna, salmon, peanuts, walnuts, avocado
Vitamin C
Struggling with the pallor and dryness of the skin, refreshes the complexion
Black currant, sweet pepper, broccoli, citrus fruits, melon, tomatoes, cabbage, spinach
Vitamin PP
Helps eliminate the symptoms of dermatitis, inflammation and flaking of the skin
Milk, pork, white meat poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, fruits, rose hips, legumes, cereals, figs, sorrel, sage, chamomile, peppermint, fennel, raspberry leaves
Omega-3 and omega-6
Retain the skin's elasticity, firmness and prevent wrinkles, fight acne
Fish (herring, salmon, halibut, mackerel, tuna, trout, cod), seafood (seaweed, shrimp, squid), caviar, eggs, meat, flax oil and seeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, olive, corn and sunflower oil, dill, parsley, cilantro, sprouted oats and wheat
Struggling with acne
Oysters, cocoa, blueberries, peanuts and peanut butter, pine nuts, sesame, lamb, beef and beef tongue, chicken heart, beef liver, buckwheat, lentils, rye, corn, cream, cheese
Retains water in skin cells, provides it with elasticity and smoothness.
Hyaluronic acid rich in meat, tendons and joints of animals. The best way to saturate furthermore their skin – broths and stews. In such dishes when cooking be sure to add bones and meat from the ribs, and after cooking remove.
Building material for cells, renews the skin
Meat, fish, offal and legumes
Clean water
Moistened skin cells, prevents dryness, flaking and the appearance of wrinkles
2-2,5 liters of water a day (excluding other drinks)
Now offer you a menu for a week to our skin always Shine and look good.
Diet for healthy skin Diet for a minimum of 3 weeks, each Monday start the diet first.
MONDAY Breakfast – whole wheat toasts with paste of avocado, broth hips.
Recipe of broth: 100 g of dried hips slightly to stretch, remove the core and pour 1 liter of water. Bring to boil and boil under lid on medium heat for 5-7 minutes. Then remove from heat, infuse for at least 2 hours and strain.
Pasta avocado: half of a ripe soft avocados and mash them with a fork, add chopped fresh herbs and a few drops of lemon juice.
Lunch – steamed red (or white) rice with shrimp, carrot salad with olive oil, green tea without sugar.
Carrot salad raw carrots grate on a fine grater, some pine nuts chop with a knife, mix the ingredients and add 0.5 tsp. of olive oil.
Dinner – baked or boiled chicken, greens, a glass of tomato juice with added bran.
Fillet: meat poultry RUB a mixture of salt and herbs, wrap in foil and bake until ready at a temperature of 180°C.
Before bed – mint broth.
Recipe of mint: 1 tsp. dry or 2 tsp fresh mint pour 200 ml of boiling water, to insist 40-60 minutes, drain. A decoction of lemon balm is made the same.
TUESDAY Breakfast – oatmeal with milk, without sugar, with added dates, finely chopped almonds, walnuts and peanuts, green tea without sugar.
Lunch – green soup with meat, rye bread, broth hips.
Green soup: beef (400-500 g) boil until tender, cool and cut into small cubes. Leek saute 10 minutes in a small amount of beef broth with 1-2 teaspoons of sunflower oil. Put in the broth 200-300 g of green peas, return to the soup, the beef, leeks and cook on slow fire for 10-15 minutes. Sorrel and spinach (1 bunch) finely chop, add to the soup. Cook about 5 minutes, add parsley and dill, bring to boil and remove from heat.
Dinner – cottage cheese salad with tomatoes, boiled egg, glass of kefir with the addition of 1 tablespoon of bran.
Cottage cheese salad: tomatoes cut into cubes and mix with cottage cheese, add Basil leaves or dill, salt and olive oil.
Before sleep – a decoction of chamomile.
The recipe decoction of chamomile: 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers pour 200 ml of cold water and cover with lid. Put in a water bath (boil in a separate pot of water and place the container with the Daisy top) and boil for 15-20 minutes, then remove from the water bath and leave for about 40 minutes at room temperature. Before use, the broth should drain.
WEDNESDAY Breakfast – a sandwich of whole wheat bread with lettuce, cheese and herbs, a small handful of any nuts, green tea without sugar.
Lunch – salmon or cod, steamed cheese sauce with spinach, decoction of leaves of raspberry and mint.
Cheese sauce for fish: fresh spinach, Parmesan and sour cream low fat grind in a blender. Salting the fish and the sauce is not recommended.
Dinner – cabbage salad with lentils and Flaxseed oil, a glass of natural yoghurt with added bran.
Salad: boil the lentils until tender, cabbage finely chopped, add the chopped greens and lentils, and season with 1 tsp of Flaxseed oil.
Before sleep – a decoction of mint and lemon balm.
THURSDAY Breakfast – oatmeal with dried apricots, prunes, dried cherries, nuts and 1 tsp. honey, broth hips.
Lunch – vegetable soup without potatoes and stew with cilantro.
Dinner – casserole of chicken with broccoli and green beans and a Cup of yogurt with bran added.
Casserole recipe: chicken breast crushed into minced meat, add the broccoli florets and green beans, grated on a fine grater carrots, salt and stir the ingredients. Spread in a greased form, level and bake in the oven for about 25-30 minutes at 180C.
Before sleep – a decoction of chamomile and lemon balm.
FRIDAY Breakfast – toast with paste of avocado, carrot salad with sesame seeds and olive oil, green tea without sugar, boiled meat.
Carrot salad raw carrots grate on a grater, season with olive oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Lunch – steamed chicken liver in cream sauce with leek and broccoli, buckwheat, tomato juice.
Stewed chicken liver: leek and chicken liver put in a saucepan, add some water, salt, bring to boil and simmer on low heat for about 15 minutes. Then add broccoli florets, simmer for another 5-7 minutes, add sour cream, stir and remove from heat.
Dinner — salad with celery, meat broth, with fresh chopped spinach, a Cup of yogurt with bran added.
Celery salad: celery root grate, bell pepper and sour Apple cut into sticks, mix, add a few sunflower seeds, chopped greens, fill low-fat sour cream.
SATURDAY Breakfast – fried eggs with tomatoes and herbs, rye bread, green tea without sugar.
Lunch – vegetable soup, carrot salad and pumpkin, broth hips.
Salad recipe: carrot and pumpkin to grate on cucumbers, add the chopped pumpkin seeds and olive oil.
Dinner – baked flounder with leeks and rosemary, natural yoghurt with added bran.
Recipe baked flounder: fish wash, scrape with a knife, put into a sprig of fresh rosemary. A bit of rosemary leaves crushed in a mortar with a pinch of salt, RUB the fish on both sides. Leeks cut into rings. In the sleeve for baking, place a layer of onion on top of the fish, the fish put a few slices of lemon or lime. Bake in preheated oven for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 170-180°C.
Before bed – mint broth.
SUNDAY Breakfast – a chicken sandwich on bread from sprouted grains, a small handful of nuts, green tea without sugar.
Chicken sandwich: boiled chicken fillet cut into small pieces, add the corn, dill, a little natural yogurt, mix well. Bread put a leaf of lettuce, and top the chicken with corn.
Lunch – salad of arugula with cherry tomatoes and cheese, beef broth with fresh herbs and spinach, broth hips.
Rucola salad: tomatoes cut in half, a few almonds and crush with a knife, break cheese into small pieces, mix up the ingredients. Add the chopped boiled beef or jerked meat. Season with a mixture of olive oil, French mustard and balsamic vinegar.
Dinner – boiled cauliflower with low-fat sour cream and steak of beef in the oven, natural yoghurt with added bran.
Steak: cut meat to white fat, RUB a mixture of salt with herbs and crushed garlic, drizzle with lemon juice and leave to marinate for 1 hour. Put the meat in a sleeve for baking and bake in preheated oven for about 90 minutes at a temperature of 160°C. Then open the sleeve and to bring to Golden brown.
Before bed – mint and Melissa.

A little secret for freshness faces
The morning will perfectly refresh and give the skin a wipe with the special ice cubes.
Take one bunch of dill and parsley, one large cucumber, half a middle sized lemon. Skip all through a meat grinder and squeeze juice. Pour juice into molds for ice and freeze. To prepare such useful for skin ice cubes can be of any herbs, herbal teas, fresh mint.
The condition of your skin can be the consequence not only of the spring avitaminosis, cold wind and dry indoor air, but also a manifestation of certain diseases. If the correct approach to skin care does not bring the expected results, you should consult with your doctor to be examined and, if necessary, treatment.

Keep your youth and beauty, stay cheerful and energetic!
Source: domashniy.ru/
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