How to make your skin glow from within or beauty recipe in your plate
What you need for beautiful skin? In the arsenal of the modern woman is the whole artillery of various cosmetic products and procedures. Beauty salons offer the use of the latest technologies that can turn Cinderella into a princess. Do not lag behind and cosmetics manufacturers - different creams tonalniki, powders, fluids, serums and many other interesting tools. But that's not all! There is another - a simple, natural and delicious way to become beautiful. But the act does not have the outside and the inside. Be careful when applying the recommendations! Light glowing skin is able to dazzle))
That's how our body, everything in it is interconnected and one affects the other. the skin condition is a reflection of what is happening inside. And there, alas, it is not always in order. All this, of course, affects the overall health and appearance.
Beautiful skin, first of all - a healthy, clean, smooth, shining from within, without rash, peeling and redness. This is the dream of every woman, regardless of age. But it is not always possible to achieve such a result, even with costly treatments and cosmetics.
Every day, many different factors affect the condition and appearance of our skin. Here are some of them:
1. Dirty air. Here goes full inhabitants of megacities.
2. Lack of water. The daily rate - at least 2 liters. Often suffering water quality, then you can drink it, even the barrels, but the result will not please)
3. The presence of parasites in the body. It has long been no secret that they have almost everyone (more or less). Rashes and various allergies - the result of their work. They are to remind us of its presence)
4. The radiation from household appliances. Computers, telephones and other gadgets affect the skin. To refuse the benefits of civilization nobody calls, but will be very useful to postpone the phone to the side and look through the good old book in paper version))
5. Dry air indoors. Both at home and in the office is helpful to keep a moisturizer that will work for the benefit of our skin. Especially during the cold season.
6. Powerful sources of toxins - cigarettes, alcohol, drugs. Quickly and confidently destroy skin cells that leads to premature aging. Stay forever young with a cigarette in their hands is unlikely to succeed)
7. Malnutrition. Passion for sweets, pastries, fried and fatty foods, as well as a large number of colors, enhancers, sweeteners and other "poisoners" our favorite organism.
So the habit of drinking coffee in the morning with fresh pastries or sweets can lead to skin rashes and loss of elasticity. As is well known, sugar destroys collagen contained in the cells. There is already to choose what is more important - a five-minute fun or beautiful and tightened facial skin)
. The daily human diet in general plays an important role. Not always it is balanced and in case of lack of vitamins and nutrients to the skin immediately begins to signal. We offer a more detailed study of the contents of the plate and find out whether all there in order?
How raw food affects the skin?
How many fresh fruits and vegetables you eat every day? whether the water is enough to drink during the day?
To skin it was always clean, smooth and beautiful you need to provide it with the necessary vitamins, fats, acids and other useful substances. It is obtained from perfect raw foodists, whose diet consists mainly of vegetables, fruits, herbs. And, all of this is used in its raw state, without undergoing heat treatment. Thus, fruits and vegetables do not lose their value, saturating the human body with useful substances in its entirety.
Raw food diet generally has several advantages:
cleansing of toxins, toxins and parasites (they do not like raw food)
restoring the natural intestinal microflora
getting all the vitamins and nutrients in the right quantity
getting rid of allergies and other skin problems
strengthening health
mood improvement Raw food diet - not just the type of food. This is a conscious choice by changing habits and ways of thinking. Instead of cigarettes, alcohol and other harmful "entertainment" in life there are sports, yoga and meditation. Human consciousness is becoming more clear and clean. There are answers to many questions. Quality of life improved significantly.
As for the effect on the skin it is, as experience shows raw foodists - they manage to get rid of a wide variety of problems. Starting from dull complexion and ending with psoriasis (which according to the doctors, by the way, is considered incurable).
An important caveat for those who want to solve problems with the skin, look younger and is ready to proceed immediately to a raw food diet. At that moment, when a person changes the usual omnivorous power to the living (raw), the body begins restructuring and rebellion of residents (parasites). They do not like raw food, so the parasites begin to resist all the forces and poison the body.
In this period it is possible not only deterioration of health, but also the appearance. Eruptions can "decorate" all of your face, but that is no reason for panic. Do not rush to blame the raw products and to declare that such a type of food you absolutely not suitable. They say that all is lost. This is because I do not eat meat. Just the opposite. Such a reaction of the body - a process of purification and after it everything will work - will vivacity, energy, excellent state of health and the skin will get a fresh, beautiful and healthy appearance.
10 foods for beautiful skin.
Even if you do not rawfoodist and are not yet ready for such changes, you can still help your skin. To do this, you need to eat plenty of fresh fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs, and remember water). We have compiled a list of "most-most" of products that must be present on the table.
1. Avocado. This handsome green has long won universal love and deservedly so. It contains large amounts of vitamins A and E, monounsaturated fats, folic acid, potassium and dietary fiber. It nourishes the cells and prevents premature wrinkles, promotes skin renewal. Furthermore it has antioxidant properties. It can be applied in a complex - both inside and outside, as face masks and hair)
2. Lemon. Rich in vitamin C, E, PP, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, B vitamins and others. Useful properties of the fruit to prevent the emergence of those same wrinkles. In addition, it has a strong alkalizing effect, which positively affects the body as a whole. The remaining citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, mandarins) also have a positive effect on the skin.
3. Cucumber. Despite the fact that vegetable to 95% of water, it also contains vitamins B, C, E, and others. It helps relieve inflammation of the skin and supports the production of collagen. Many people use cucumber as a mask or lotion that gives a refreshing effect.
4. Green tea. A great alternative for coffee lovers. Invigorates not nearly as good, but it does not stain the tooth enamel and has a positive effect on the skin. Due to the content of antioxidants protects against premature aging, and prevents inflammation.
5. Spinach. It contains large amounts of vitamin A promotes the synthesis of new cells, it prevents skin dryness and keeps the face fresh and young. Salad with spinach for dinner and here is the recipe of youth and beauty.
6. Nuts and sunflower seeds, flax and sesame. The source of vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. Among them are the almonds, pine, walnuts and pistachios. Has antioxidant properties, are struggling with aging, protect against sunlight, giving the skin a fresh look.
7. Pomegranate. The source of polyphenols and ellagic acid, preventing the development of premature aging and cancer. Grains of pomegranate contribute to the regeneration of skin cells.
8. berries (cherries, strawberries, blueberries). Vitamins C, P, B1, B6, PP make their helpers in the fight for a beautiful and elastic skin. Moisturize, align the complexion, nourishes the skin. The berries are widely used as masks to instantly refresh the skin, and some of them - exfoliate and bleach
. 9. Broccoli. Vitamins B, C, E, folic acid and amino acids. Due to this composition is an excellent means for maintaining a glowing and youthful skin. Besides having a positive effect on the nails, heart, helps get rid of toxins and beneficial for pregnant women. Of course, deserves a place in the plate.
10. Extra virgin olive oil. Due to the high content of vitamins A and E provide moisture and nourishment of the skin, preventing dryness and peeling, promotes rapid cell regeneration.
In that case, when you do not fly away for the winter in warmer climates, and stay at home - do not worry and do not ignore the seasonal vegetables and fruits)) They are no less vitamins than exotic fruits. With the latter should be more careful, for example, unripe mango is able to provoke an allergic reaction in the form of rashes.
In this case it is better to use the usual carrots, rich in vitamins A, C, PP, K and others. Regular consumption of carrots not only improves the complexion, rejuvenate, refresh, protects and smoothes wrinkles, it also helps get rid of excess pigmentation. From it you can make fresh juice, cream soup, salad, to finish in a smoothie or eat in its pure form)
Do not forget about other winter vegetables and fruits. Take, for example, a persimmon. It contains vitamins A, C, P, iodine, potassium, iron, phosphorus, and that's not the entire list. Persimmon is useful not only for skin, but for the body as a whole. The fruit has a restorative and tonic effect, increases efficiency, feeds the heart muscle and strengthens the cardiovascular system.
In the cold season indispensable hips. The champion on the content of vitamin C enhances the great defenses, purifies the blood, speeds up the metabolism. A decoction of rose hips is used as a choleretic, diuretic and slightly down-pressure means. A juice from the hips removes toxins, improves memory and protects against cancer.
I would have paid attention to the cranberries and lingonberries. Winter berries - a real storehouse of nutrients. For example, vitamin C comprises lingonberries, PP, A, B1, B2, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. It has the body antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. As for cranberries, it also contains vitamins B, C, A, and a plurality of acids. This not only has beneficial effects on the skin, but also is an excellent tonic and anti-cancer agent.
All these vegetables, fruit and berry cleanse, refresh and make your skin glow. Yes, and strengthen the immune system. About Winter colds can not worry)
Try to drink plenty of water. She - the basis of life and beauty.
Beauty and health of the skin - this is the daily hard work and a whole range of different factors - sleep, living a useful food, water, proper breathing, exercise, fresh air and a good mood! Remember, beauty is in your hands!

That's how our body, everything in it is interconnected and one affects the other. the skin condition is a reflection of what is happening inside. And there, alas, it is not always in order. All this, of course, affects the overall health and appearance.
Beautiful skin, first of all - a healthy, clean, smooth, shining from within, without rash, peeling and redness. This is the dream of every woman, regardless of age. But it is not always possible to achieve such a result, even with costly treatments and cosmetics.
Every day, many different factors affect the condition and appearance of our skin. Here are some of them:
1. Dirty air. Here goes full inhabitants of megacities.
2. Lack of water. The daily rate - at least 2 liters. Often suffering water quality, then you can drink it, even the barrels, but the result will not please)
3. The presence of parasites in the body. It has long been no secret that they have almost everyone (more or less). Rashes and various allergies - the result of their work. They are to remind us of its presence)
4. The radiation from household appliances. Computers, telephones and other gadgets affect the skin. To refuse the benefits of civilization nobody calls, but will be very useful to postpone the phone to the side and look through the good old book in paper version))
5. Dry air indoors. Both at home and in the office is helpful to keep a moisturizer that will work for the benefit of our skin. Especially during the cold season.
6. Powerful sources of toxins - cigarettes, alcohol, drugs. Quickly and confidently destroy skin cells that leads to premature aging. Stay forever young with a cigarette in their hands is unlikely to succeed)
7. Malnutrition. Passion for sweets, pastries, fried and fatty foods, as well as a large number of colors, enhancers, sweeteners and other "poisoners" our favorite organism.
So the habit of drinking coffee in the morning with fresh pastries or sweets can lead to skin rashes and loss of elasticity. As is well known, sugar destroys collagen contained in the cells. There is already to choose what is more important - a five-minute fun or beautiful and tightened facial skin)
. The daily human diet in general plays an important role. Not always it is balanced and in case of lack of vitamins and nutrients to the skin immediately begins to signal. We offer a more detailed study of the contents of the plate and find out whether all there in order?
How raw food affects the skin?
How many fresh fruits and vegetables you eat every day? whether the water is enough to drink during the day?
To skin it was always clean, smooth and beautiful you need to provide it with the necessary vitamins, fats, acids and other useful substances. It is obtained from perfect raw foodists, whose diet consists mainly of vegetables, fruits, herbs. And, all of this is used in its raw state, without undergoing heat treatment. Thus, fruits and vegetables do not lose their value, saturating the human body with useful substances in its entirety.
Raw food diet generally has several advantages:
cleansing of toxins, toxins and parasites (they do not like raw food)
restoring the natural intestinal microflora
getting all the vitamins and nutrients in the right quantity
getting rid of allergies and other skin problems
strengthening health
mood improvement Raw food diet - not just the type of food. This is a conscious choice by changing habits and ways of thinking. Instead of cigarettes, alcohol and other harmful "entertainment" in life there are sports, yoga and meditation. Human consciousness is becoming more clear and clean. There are answers to many questions. Quality of life improved significantly.
As for the effect on the skin it is, as experience shows raw foodists - they manage to get rid of a wide variety of problems. Starting from dull complexion and ending with psoriasis (which according to the doctors, by the way, is considered incurable).
An important caveat for those who want to solve problems with the skin, look younger and is ready to proceed immediately to a raw food diet. At that moment, when a person changes the usual omnivorous power to the living (raw), the body begins restructuring and rebellion of residents (parasites). They do not like raw food, so the parasites begin to resist all the forces and poison the body.
In this period it is possible not only deterioration of health, but also the appearance. Eruptions can "decorate" all of your face, but that is no reason for panic. Do not rush to blame the raw products and to declare that such a type of food you absolutely not suitable. They say that all is lost. This is because I do not eat meat. Just the opposite. Such a reaction of the body - a process of purification and after it everything will work - will vivacity, energy, excellent state of health and the skin will get a fresh, beautiful and healthy appearance.
10 foods for beautiful skin.
Even if you do not rawfoodist and are not yet ready for such changes, you can still help your skin. To do this, you need to eat plenty of fresh fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs, and remember water). We have compiled a list of "most-most" of products that must be present on the table.
1. Avocado. This handsome green has long won universal love and deservedly so. It contains large amounts of vitamins A and E, monounsaturated fats, folic acid, potassium and dietary fiber. It nourishes the cells and prevents premature wrinkles, promotes skin renewal. Furthermore it has antioxidant properties. It can be applied in a complex - both inside and outside, as face masks and hair)
2. Lemon. Rich in vitamin C, E, PP, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, B vitamins and others. Useful properties of the fruit to prevent the emergence of those same wrinkles. In addition, it has a strong alkalizing effect, which positively affects the body as a whole. The remaining citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, mandarins) also have a positive effect on the skin.
3. Cucumber. Despite the fact that vegetable to 95% of water, it also contains vitamins B, C, E, and others. It helps relieve inflammation of the skin and supports the production of collagen. Many people use cucumber as a mask or lotion that gives a refreshing effect.
4. Green tea. A great alternative for coffee lovers. Invigorates not nearly as good, but it does not stain the tooth enamel and has a positive effect on the skin. Due to the content of antioxidants protects against premature aging, and prevents inflammation.
5. Spinach. It contains large amounts of vitamin A promotes the synthesis of new cells, it prevents skin dryness and keeps the face fresh and young. Salad with spinach for dinner and here is the recipe of youth and beauty.
6. Nuts and sunflower seeds, flax and sesame. The source of vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. Among them are the almonds, pine, walnuts and pistachios. Has antioxidant properties, are struggling with aging, protect against sunlight, giving the skin a fresh look.
7. Pomegranate. The source of polyphenols and ellagic acid, preventing the development of premature aging and cancer. Grains of pomegranate contribute to the regeneration of skin cells.
8. berries (cherries, strawberries, blueberries). Vitamins C, P, B1, B6, PP make their helpers in the fight for a beautiful and elastic skin. Moisturize, align the complexion, nourishes the skin. The berries are widely used as masks to instantly refresh the skin, and some of them - exfoliate and bleach
. 9. Broccoli. Vitamins B, C, E, folic acid and amino acids. Due to this composition is an excellent means for maintaining a glowing and youthful skin. Besides having a positive effect on the nails, heart, helps get rid of toxins and beneficial for pregnant women. Of course, deserves a place in the plate.
10. Extra virgin olive oil. Due to the high content of vitamins A and E provide moisture and nourishment of the skin, preventing dryness and peeling, promotes rapid cell regeneration.
In that case, when you do not fly away for the winter in warmer climates, and stay at home - do not worry and do not ignore the seasonal vegetables and fruits)) They are no less vitamins than exotic fruits. With the latter should be more careful, for example, unripe mango is able to provoke an allergic reaction in the form of rashes.
In this case it is better to use the usual carrots, rich in vitamins A, C, PP, K and others. Regular consumption of carrots not only improves the complexion, rejuvenate, refresh, protects and smoothes wrinkles, it also helps get rid of excess pigmentation. From it you can make fresh juice, cream soup, salad, to finish in a smoothie or eat in its pure form)
Do not forget about other winter vegetables and fruits. Take, for example, a persimmon. It contains vitamins A, C, P, iodine, potassium, iron, phosphorus, and that's not the entire list. Persimmon is useful not only for skin, but for the body as a whole. The fruit has a restorative and tonic effect, increases efficiency, feeds the heart muscle and strengthens the cardiovascular system.
In the cold season indispensable hips. The champion on the content of vitamin C enhances the great defenses, purifies the blood, speeds up the metabolism. A decoction of rose hips is used as a choleretic, diuretic and slightly down-pressure means. A juice from the hips removes toxins, improves memory and protects against cancer.
I would have paid attention to the cranberries and lingonberries. Winter berries - a real storehouse of nutrients. For example, vitamin C comprises lingonberries, PP, A, B1, B2, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. It has the body antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. As for cranberries, it also contains vitamins B, C, A, and a plurality of acids. This not only has beneficial effects on the skin, but also is an excellent tonic and anti-cancer agent.
All these vegetables, fruit and berry cleanse, refresh and make your skin glow. Yes, and strengthen the immune system. About Winter colds can not worry)
Try to drink plenty of water. She - the basis of life and beauty.
Beauty and health of the skin - this is the daily hard work and a whole range of different factors - sleep, living a useful food, water, proper breathing, exercise, fresh air and a good mood! Remember, beauty is in your hands!
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