Craving for sweets: 4 reasons depending
In the book "Without sugar. Scientifically sound and proven program to get rid of sweets in the diet "therapist with 30 years of experience Jacob Teitelbaum tells about the 4 main types of saharozavisimosti and gives simple tips for clear recovery. Many things have become a discovery for me.
For example, constant nasal congestion (chronic sinusitis) and candidiasis, as well as gas, bloating, constipation can be caused by abuse of sweets. Sugar stimulates excessive growth of yeast. "Those who live in our organism yeast reproduce by fermentation of sugars, - says Dr. Teitelbaum. - And make people feed them what they need. Without even knowing it, you feed the yeast sweets. If you remove the body of yeast, craving for sweets falling sharply. »
The author describes in detail the available methods for controlling harmful yeasts and thus does not call to say goodbye forever to the desserts - so do not be discouraged, lovers of cakes
No less interesting to read about the second type, depending on the sugar - it most often attacks the perfectionists who can not live without the approval of others and go crazy even small missteps. Life for these people - the eternal crisis. "You do not live, and react - aptly notes the author. - This creates a chain of events that will inevitably cause stress. Of course, you are confronted with these problems, but the master making mountains out of molehills. You can blow up any little thing to epic proportions. And stretches under the weight of stress to sugar. " Due to the constant stress and anxiety suffered nadpopechniki - like muscles, the load may increase in size in half and wear faster. Dizziness, irritability, swollen glands, headaches - symptoms such dependence
. The third type of sugar, depending on the primary cause of cravings for sweets - the desire to overcome chronic fatigue. Sugar robs people of the energy you are trying to whip up yourself caffeinated, energy and chocolates, but they give only a temporary effect.
The fourth type of saharozavisimosti caused by hormonal imbalances. If the craving for sweets is amplified before menstruation, during menopause, depression - it is necessary to align the hormones. By the way, in psychotherapy depression is treated as depressed or facing inward anger - there is reason to think, however
? Doctor lists the basic steps to get out of each type of addiction. General recommendations are as follows.
1. Reduce the intake of sugar. It is not easy. But probably. Start reading labels - do not buy products with labels sugar in any form (sucrose, fructose, glucose, corn syrup) is listed among the first three ingredients
. 2. No white flour and made of her pasta - they turn into sugar and trigger excessive growth of yeast in the body
. 3. Use a useful sweetener such as stevia.
4. No caffeine - reduce consumption of coffee to 1 cup per day
. 5. Drink more water. "How much water you need to drink a day? Frequently check the mouth and lips. If they are dry, then have a drink of water. It's very simple. »
6. Eat only foods with a low glycemic index (not exceeding 42). Basically - vegetables, meat and fish, nuts, legumes, cereals, fruits, berries, herbs
. 7. There should be little and often - do not bring yourself to the hungry state where grab everything
. 8. Do not drink fruit juice - one orange better than a glass of orange juice
. 9. Very useful soybeans and sprouts - Eat handfuls a day and hormonal storms you can avoid
. In addition, the book provides a detailed and convenient scheme - both for 10 days to find out whether your body is suffering from the hidden food allergies. It has developed a pediatrician, allergist and a specialist in eco-medicine Doris Rapp.
Several important quotes from the book.
How to eliminate nasal congestion
"Studies have shown that more than 95% of patients with chronic sinus infections actually suffer from inflammation caused by propagation of yeast. Infection of the sinuses can bring investment rinsing the nasal cavity. Dissolve in 1 tbsp. warm water half a teaspoon of salt. To the solution was milder and does not irritate, you can add a pinch of baking soda.
Rinse your nose, you can even warm water from the tap without salt, if you so easily. Dial the nostrils a little of the solution, you can use the eyedropper, or dial a solution of palms leaning over the sink. After the solution will type nose, gently blow your nose. Repeat with the other nostril. Continue to rinse them in turn, is not how to clean the nasal cavity. To eliminate the infection procedure should be carried out at least twice a day. Every time rinsing will remove about 90% of germs and your body will be much easier to recover. »
About favorite dishes
"Learn to focus on the good. Some believe that no end to think about the problems - so be realistic. This is not true. Life - like a huge bouquet of thousands of meals. You can always choose what you taste. If a problem does require attention, then work on a solution already you will enjoy. And it turns out that you basically put yourself on the plate exclusively unloved dishes. »
"If because of the chronic abuse of sugar in the body less energy, the immune system becomes weaker, and more likely to pick up any infection, including colds and flu. Saharozavisimye especially vulnerable, because the sugar in a soda enough to suppress the body's defenses by almost a third as much as three hours! Therefore, to prevent infections, sucking the energy out of you, it is extremely important to avoid
sugar. " About the importance of sleep
"As the rest. Maybe you noticed that in infectious diseases during sleep the body temperature rises (this is especially seen in children). The fact that many defense reactions occur precisely at night during sleep. "
For example, constant nasal congestion (chronic sinusitis) and candidiasis, as well as gas, bloating, constipation can be caused by abuse of sweets. Sugar stimulates excessive growth of yeast. "Those who live in our organism yeast reproduce by fermentation of sugars, - says Dr. Teitelbaum. - And make people feed them what they need. Without even knowing it, you feed the yeast sweets. If you remove the body of yeast, craving for sweets falling sharply. »
The author describes in detail the available methods for controlling harmful yeasts and thus does not call to say goodbye forever to the desserts - so do not be discouraged, lovers of cakes

No less interesting to read about the second type, depending on the sugar - it most often attacks the perfectionists who can not live without the approval of others and go crazy even small missteps. Life for these people - the eternal crisis. "You do not live, and react - aptly notes the author. - This creates a chain of events that will inevitably cause stress. Of course, you are confronted with these problems, but the master making mountains out of molehills. You can blow up any little thing to epic proportions. And stretches under the weight of stress to sugar. " Due to the constant stress and anxiety suffered nadpopechniki - like muscles, the load may increase in size in half and wear faster. Dizziness, irritability, swollen glands, headaches - symptoms such dependence
. The third type of sugar, depending on the primary cause of cravings for sweets - the desire to overcome chronic fatigue. Sugar robs people of the energy you are trying to whip up yourself caffeinated, energy and chocolates, but they give only a temporary effect.
The fourth type of saharozavisimosti caused by hormonal imbalances. If the craving for sweets is amplified before menstruation, during menopause, depression - it is necessary to align the hormones. By the way, in psychotherapy depression is treated as depressed or facing inward anger - there is reason to think, however
? Doctor lists the basic steps to get out of each type of addiction. General recommendations are as follows.

1. Reduce the intake of sugar. It is not easy. But probably. Start reading labels - do not buy products with labels sugar in any form (sucrose, fructose, glucose, corn syrup) is listed among the first three ingredients
. 2. No white flour and made of her pasta - they turn into sugar and trigger excessive growth of yeast in the body
. 3. Use a useful sweetener such as stevia.
4. No caffeine - reduce consumption of coffee to 1 cup per day
. 5. Drink more water. "How much water you need to drink a day? Frequently check the mouth and lips. If they are dry, then have a drink of water. It's very simple. »
6. Eat only foods with a low glycemic index (not exceeding 42). Basically - vegetables, meat and fish, nuts, legumes, cereals, fruits, berries, herbs
. 7. There should be little and often - do not bring yourself to the hungry state where grab everything
. 8. Do not drink fruit juice - one orange better than a glass of orange juice
. 9. Very useful soybeans and sprouts - Eat handfuls a day and hormonal storms you can avoid
. In addition, the book provides a detailed and convenient scheme - both for 10 days to find out whether your body is suffering from the hidden food allergies. It has developed a pediatrician, allergist and a specialist in eco-medicine Doris Rapp.
Several important quotes from the book.
How to eliminate nasal congestion
"Studies have shown that more than 95% of patients with chronic sinus infections actually suffer from inflammation caused by propagation of yeast. Infection of the sinuses can bring investment rinsing the nasal cavity. Dissolve in 1 tbsp. warm water half a teaspoon of salt. To the solution was milder and does not irritate, you can add a pinch of baking soda.
Rinse your nose, you can even warm water from the tap without salt, if you so easily. Dial the nostrils a little of the solution, you can use the eyedropper, or dial a solution of palms leaning over the sink. After the solution will type nose, gently blow your nose. Repeat with the other nostril. Continue to rinse them in turn, is not how to clean the nasal cavity. To eliminate the infection procedure should be carried out at least twice a day. Every time rinsing will remove about 90% of germs and your body will be much easier to recover. »
About favorite dishes
"Learn to focus on the good. Some believe that no end to think about the problems - so be realistic. This is not true. Life - like a huge bouquet of thousands of meals. You can always choose what you taste. If a problem does require attention, then work on a solution already you will enjoy. And it turns out that you basically put yourself on the plate exclusively unloved dishes. »
"If because of the chronic abuse of sugar in the body less energy, the immune system becomes weaker, and more likely to pick up any infection, including colds and flu. Saharozavisimye especially vulnerable, because the sugar in a soda enough to suppress the body's defenses by almost a third as much as three hours! Therefore, to prevent infections, sucking the energy out of you, it is extremely important to avoid
sugar. " About the importance of sleep
"As the rest. Maybe you noticed that in infectious diseases during sleep the body temperature rises (this is especially seen in children). The fact that many defense reactions occur precisely at night during sleep. "
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