Clean water can be obtained from the manure...

Cow dung has become a material to generate electricity or any product. Scientists have now got the cleanest water, and when technology is developing work nutrients that can be used as fertilizer.
The problem of disposal of manure is long overdue. With statistics, day one domestic animal remains from 22 to 45 kilograms. In addition to large quantities of ammonia and carbon dioxide, manure contains pathogenic microorganisms that pollute the environment. With all this, the manure is Yes, 90% consists of water.

The new system, which was in development for about 10 years, is called the McLanahan Nutrient Separation System (McLanahan nutrient separation) capable of producing 50 gallons of clean water from 100 gallons of manure. This water can then be used as a drink for cattle or for watering plants. Nutrients derived from manure in the system used for the production of fertilizers. Otherwise, they might just pollute the soil, water and degrade air quality.
The developers note that the new technology could become an important complement to agricultural activities. This is especially true in dryland areas.
Source: greenevolution.ru