How to remove scars, scars and smooth the skin folk remedies?
Old scars on the skin completely impossible to remove, even surgically. Only with the help of expensive and complex transplantation of large skin. But to get rid of fresh scars is realistic with the help of folk remedies.

For scars removal at home will take time and patience. Arsenal of recipes of traditional medicine that helps to smooth out skin and get rid of scars, huge. You need to choose a few tools and use them until, until you reach a satisfactory result. Does not necessarily buy at the drugstore special creams that are not cheap and packaged in small tubes. All the expensive cream, only artificial substitutes of natural which can be used to better advantage and without harm to health.
The juice of onion
The best means of getting rid of scars is the onion. It contains enzymes that start the regeneration of the skin. Pre-steamed skin of the scar is necessary several times a day RUB fresh onion juice. And at night to make a poultice of roasted onions. Daily for several months. Get ready for what the result will be noticeable immediately. But it will certainly, if you observe the regularity of the treatment and not to quit.
Mask melon seeds
A good way of smoothing the scar tissue is the mask of melon seeds. You have to dry them, grind into powder, adding a little egg shell. Mix with olive oil and apply the resulting mush at night as a compress to the affected area. At least a month. In a month will be noticeable inspiring result that will give the opportunity to "hold out" for another two months, until the disappearance of the scar.
Cucumber-banana-lemon in addition to compresses (in parallel with) shramirovaniye area of the skin should be lubricated several times a day with juice of fresh cucumber, a slice of banana or a slice of lemon.
Herbs herbs regenerating effect are chamomile, sage, nettle, calendula, parsley, plantain, milkweed, dandelion, green tea, mint, St. John's wort and yarrow. Good to do from decoctions of these plants lotions, alternating, or mixed in equal proportions. Gadgets also must be done regularly for two to three months.
Badger or bear fat Effectively lubricate the scarring badger or bear fat. This should also be done regularly and for a long time. You can add to fat alcoholic extracts of juice of celandine, Rowan, wormwood, Kalanchoe, mixed in equal parts with strong drink. Also the juice of these plants can be used offline.
Honey has worked Well in the scars treatment honey. It should be rubbed into the scar tissue twice a day. After several months of use of honey is noticeably pale and smooths even very fresh scars.
Essential oil Healing and regenerating effect on the skin of essential oil. Leaders are lavender, rosemary and tea tree oil. Also successfully struggles with scars sea buckthorn and castor oil.
Paraffin or bees wax At home can smooth the skin with a mask of warm paraffin wax. As well as beeswax. With wax it is best to prepare the ointment. Take one part beeswax and three parts sunflower oil. Heat the oil, melt it in the wax (in a water bath). Apply cold to lubricate scars.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: domashniy.ru/