7 reasons to give up bread

Among those people who from your diet dramatically eliminated the bread, more than 70% during the first two weeks lost weight. Modern bread is not on merit is the basis of the food pyramid, which starts children in school.
Some of these children become nutritionists and you can continue at the expense of bread to preach this nonsense. Processed grains from which bread is produced, it is absolutely not necessary and even dangerous for the body, for some types of metabolism. And here's why:1. Whole wheat bread can improve blood sugar levels better than a Snickers bar
In fact, in the whole wheat bread does not contain whole grains. Flour obtained through the grinding of the grains, which turn into powder. In fact due to powder form, the digestion of bread the body is easier and allows the resulting glucose into the bloodstream. This increases the level of the hormone insulin, which enhances synthesis of fat. Glycemic index tselnozernovym bread even more than chocolate bars like Snickers.
Contained in bread, starch is rapidly cleaved in the digestive tract, and in the form of glucose goes to the bloodstream. Because of this, there is a sharp spike of sugar in blood and insulin increases appetite. This creates a vicious circle: food→hunger→food again.
High blood sugar can cause glycation at the cellular level is when the blood sugar begins to react with the proteins of the body, and this is one of the causes of aging.
This is the reverse side high carbohydrate diet that is often promoted.
2. bread contains a lot of gluten
Wheat contains a lot of protein called gluten.
Gluten is a substance that your consistency resembles glue, this allows the dough is soft and elastic. Glue in English — glue.
Recent data suggests that the population is sensitive to gluten.
In the use of bread containing gluten (rye, wheat, barley, and spelt), the immune system starts to attack the digestive tract gljuteinovye proteins.
Some cases of schizophrenia and cerebellar ataxia is often associated with sensitivity to gluten (both of these are serious brain disorders).
Most likely, gluten is dangerous for everyone, or for most people, not just those who are diagnosed glutinuous disease or sensitivity to gluten. The only way to test whether you are sensitive to gluten will be the exclusion from the diet for a month and then re-start drinking it and see whether there are side effects.
3. Modern wheat is dangerous
The world's most popular grain is also the most deadly. Dr. William Davis, cardiologist and leading expert on wheat, said that modern wheat is not wheat, and the excellent and constant poison.
As soon as the agricultural industry began to grow crops with high yields, wheat has become very hybridized, and their genetic code is not like the wheat that was grown before. Nutritional value of contemporary culture of wheat, in unprocessed and naturally fell by 30% in comparison with its predecessors. Nature created a balance of mineral elements in wheat have been changed.
4. Modern breads contain preservatives and chemicals
Like many modern food products subjected to technological processing, many modern types of bread contain corn syrup with high fructose and sugar.
Many grains also contain phytic acid. It is considered one of the main problems of soybean. Phytic acid binds calcium, zinc, iron, not allowing them to enter the bloodstream, and it is important minerals for the body. Proponents of eating soy, much higher than the permissible norm of Filatov (that is, the salt of phytic acid) through soy tofu, milk, grain and other food products that were exposed to technological processing. In bread quite often soy lecithin and soybean oil.
Consisting of diamide isohalines acid leavening agents of the dough was made only recently.
Here presents the most modern loaves:
Ingredients: wheat flour, wholewheat, wheat gluten, corn syrup, contains many fructose, water, yeast, molasses, honey. Contains 2% or less of: wheat bran, soybean oil, soy flour, soy lecithin, leavening agents dough (ethoxycarbonyl mono and diglycerides, calcium dioxide and/or diamide isohalines acid, stearylamine sodium), calcium sulfate, salt, Supplement for yeast growth (sulfate or bisulfate Amon Amon, Amon chloride), calcium propionate (to the product was preserved freshness), vinegar, whey.
5. bread is not nutritious
The bread contains no nutrients that can be obtained from other foods in much larger quantities. The bread can even slow down the process of absorption of nutrients.
Gluten damages the intestinal lining and slows down the process of absorption of nutrients by the body.
Despite the number of calories the bread contains less nutrients than for example vegetables.
Thanks to wheat tissue, the body begins faster to use vitamin D reserves, which causes the lack of it and sometimes even can lead to diabetes, cancer and death.
6. The link between diabetes and wheat
Dr. Andrew Rubman, Director of treatment at the clinic for traditional medicine says that eating wheat can lead to diabetes among those who are genetically prone to this disease. And he adds that those who already suffer from diabetes, can be very useful to eliminate from the diet gluten.
7. Genetically modified enzymes
Enzymes (often genetically modified) are added to the dough and the flour to the loaf of bread was more and retain their softness for a few days or weeks.
But according to research recently conducted transglutaminase is one of these enzymes, which is used in the food baking. He can convert some proteins from the wheat flour in a toxic to humans substance. Even organic bread, made in large enterprises, may contain these substances.
Some manufacturers produce so-called "elite" breads that contain folic acid, inulin, omega 3 etc. But if not look at the ingredients contained in the composition of bread, the diet will resemble as industrial waste with nutrients. published
Source: lubim-zhizn.ru/