12 romantic comedies for light and cozy weekend
Seven million five hundred thirty four thousand seven hundred seventy seven
For those who have already planned a lazy and relaxing weekend, the Website has prepared 12 light romantic comedies, which inspire positive emotions and help to forget about all the problems.
Friendship and no sex? The F Word
Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Zoe Kazan, Megan Park, Adam Driver
Wallace and Šantri met at a party and immediately realized that they were kindred spirits. The young people continued their conversation, and everything went so smoothly, suddenly became clear: Chantry already have a boyfriend. Light humor, a good movie about feelings familiar to all of us.
Starring: miles teller, Analysis Tipton, Jessica Zor, Scott Mescudi
Because of the terrible snow storm, she stayed at home guy for the whole day. So weather disaster turned into a great opportunity to get to know each other better. The movie was intimate, not too stereotypical, with amusing dialogue and a cute love story.
Starring: Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton, Keanu Reeves, McDormand, Amanda Peet
Harry had a heart attack in the house of Erica, the mother of his young mistress. As a young doctor who came to help, Harry falls in love with Eric. And then begins a whirlwind of emotions, passions and contradictions. In this love polygon there are absolutely no rules and restrictions. A great situation Comedy with a terrific cast.
Starring: Vincent Cassel, françois cluzet, Lola Le Lann, Alice Isaaz
Two lifelong friends go on vacation with their young daughters. There's some pretty 18-year-old girl and falls in love with 42-year-old man. All would be nothing if the father of beauty was not... best friend, threatens to kill anyone unworthy boyfriend girl. Mix sun, sea, love, passion and French humor — and get a great cocktail for a pleasant stay at the screen.
Starring: Greta Gerwig, Ethan hawke, Julianne Moore, bill, bill Hader
Maggie married John — anthropologist, previously lived in an unhappy marriage with Georgette. Everything seems to be going well, but soon Maggie begins to feel miserable, and then she has a plan to fix it. Comical and romantic film about love too smart people. Bonus — elegant and subtle humor.
Starring: Sally field, Norma Michaels, Steven Ruth, Wendy Mclendon-Covey
Doris — the usual office worker, she has more than 60 years, and she recently lost her mother. She goes to workshops on self-help and motivation, and on the way to work read love novels. Soon, quite unexpectedly to herself, Doris ears falls in love with a colleague at work who is half her age. A very positive film that in this world everything is possible.
Starring: lake bell, Simon Pegg, Rory Kinnear, Olivia Williams
Nancy, 34 years old, is an ordinary girl who is desperate to find happiness in his personal life. But one day, fate throws her a surprise, and Nancy is on a blind date with a man who had all the chances to become 'the one' for her. That's just one problem: Nancy impersonating another woman. While watching this movie flies by.
Starring: Chris Evans, Alice Eve, Maria, Braman, Emma Fitzpatrick
By chance, these two spent the night together. Just one night they seemed to fall out of reality to look at your life from a different angle. No vulgarity, just a sweet story that will not leave the viewer indifferent.
Starring: Melanie Bernier, Clovis Cornillac, Leela Fogle, Philip duchen
He is the inventor of the puzzles, which for concentrated work need quiet. She is an excellent pianist who can't live without music and spend hours preparing for important competition. And how these two coexist together? This easy and fun French Comedy about how important it is to learn to understand the other person and what's going on in his world.
Starring: Audrey Tautou, françois Damiens, Bruno Todeschini, Melanie Bernier
Beauty Natalie had the temerity to kiss his colleague Marcus. Just like that, for no particular reason. But now the guy can't think of anyone except Natalie. He is ready to great lengths to win her heart. Touching, sweet, sincere and eccentric — a film that will definitely brighten up your evening.
Starring: rose Byrne, Rafe spall, Anna Faris, Simon Baker
Witty film about various problems faced by newlyweds in their first year of marriage. The history of the painting proves that love is the glue, without which it will collapse any Union, and not worth wasting time in a relationship where we don't feel happy. Filed this idea vividly and with a touch of humor.
Starring: Bryan Cranston, James Franco, zoey Deutch, Megan Mullally
The film tells the story of how rich and simple guy trying to win the love of his girlfriend's father. But it is with great difficulty, because it is entirely devoid of complexes and verbal filters. Here, not much romance, but there are plenty of awkward situations, jokes, and a pinch of kindness.
Materials kinopoisk.ru
See also
11 chic Comedy to just laugh heartily
15 life-affirming movies for the long weekend
15 romantic comedies that you can watch together
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/15-romanticheskih-komedij-kotorye-mozhno-posmotret-vdvoem-1260915/
For those who have already planned a lazy and relaxing weekend, the Website has prepared 12 light romantic comedies, which inspire positive emotions and help to forget about all the problems.
Friendship and no sex? The F Word

Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Zoe Kazan, Megan Park, Adam Driver
Wallace and Šantri met at a party and immediately realized that they were kindred spirits. The young people continued their conversation, and everything went so smoothly, suddenly became clear: Chantry already have a boyfriend. Light humor, a good movie about feelings familiar to all of us.
- A rating of "Kinopoisk" — 6,5; IMDb — 6,8

Starring: miles teller, Analysis Tipton, Jessica Zor, Scott Mescudi
Because of the terrible snow storm, she stayed at home guy for the whole day. So weather disaster turned into a great opportunity to get to know each other better. The movie was intimate, not too stereotypical, with amusing dialogue and a cute love story.
- A rating of "Kinopoisk" — 6,5; IMDb — 6,4

Starring: Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton, Keanu Reeves, McDormand, Amanda Peet
Harry had a heart attack in the house of Erica, the mother of his young mistress. As a young doctor who came to help, Harry falls in love with Eric. And then begins a whirlwind of emotions, passions and contradictions. In this love polygon there are absolutely no rules and restrictions. A great situation Comedy with a terrific cast.
- A rating of "Kinopoisk" — 7,2; IMDb — 6,7

Starring: Vincent Cassel, françois cluzet, Lola Le Lann, Alice Isaaz
Two lifelong friends go on vacation with their young daughters. There's some pretty 18-year-old girl and falls in love with 42-year-old man. All would be nothing if the father of beauty was not... best friend, threatens to kill anyone unworthy boyfriend girl. Mix sun, sea, love, passion and French humor — and get a great cocktail for a pleasant stay at the screen.
- A rating of "Kinopoisk" — 6,2; IMDb — 6.3 a

Starring: Greta Gerwig, Ethan hawke, Julianne Moore, bill, bill Hader
Maggie married John — anthropologist, previously lived in an unhappy marriage with Georgette. Everything seems to be going well, but soon Maggie begins to feel miserable, and then she has a plan to fix it. Comical and romantic film about love too smart people. Bonus — elegant and subtle humor.
- A rating of "Kinopoisk" — 6,1; IMDb — 6.3 a

Starring: Sally field, Norma Michaels, Steven Ruth, Wendy Mclendon-Covey
Doris — the usual office worker, she has more than 60 years, and she recently lost her mother. She goes to workshops on self-help and motivation, and on the way to work read love novels. Soon, quite unexpectedly to herself, Doris ears falls in love with a colleague at work who is half her age. A very positive film that in this world everything is possible.
- A rating of "Kinopoisk" — 6,5; IMDb — 6,7

Starring: lake bell, Simon Pegg, Rory Kinnear, Olivia Williams
Nancy, 34 years old, is an ordinary girl who is desperate to find happiness in his personal life. But one day, fate throws her a surprise, and Nancy is on a blind date with a man who had all the chances to become 'the one' for her. That's just one problem: Nancy impersonating another woman. While watching this movie flies by.
- A rating of "Kinopoisk" — 6,5; IMDb — 6,8

Starring: Chris Evans, Alice Eve, Maria, Braman, Emma Fitzpatrick
By chance, these two spent the night together. Just one night they seemed to fall out of reality to look at your life from a different angle. No vulgarity, just a sweet story that will not leave the viewer indifferent.
- A rating of "Kinopoisk" — 7,2; IMDb — 7,0

Starring: Melanie Bernier, Clovis Cornillac, Leela Fogle, Philip duchen
He is the inventor of the puzzles, which for concentrated work need quiet. She is an excellent pianist who can't live without music and spend hours preparing for important competition. And how these two coexist together? This easy and fun French Comedy about how important it is to learn to understand the other person and what's going on in his world.
- A rating of "Kinopoisk" — 6,6; IMDb — 6,4

Starring: Audrey Tautou, françois Damiens, Bruno Todeschini, Melanie Bernier
Beauty Natalie had the temerity to kiss his colleague Marcus. Just like that, for no particular reason. But now the guy can't think of anyone except Natalie. He is ready to great lengths to win her heart. Touching, sweet, sincere and eccentric — a film that will definitely brighten up your evening.
- A rating of "Kinopoisk" — 7,1; IMDb — 6,6

Starring: rose Byrne, Rafe spall, Anna Faris, Simon Baker
Witty film about various problems faced by newlyweds in their first year of marriage. The history of the painting proves that love is the glue, without which it will collapse any Union, and not worth wasting time in a relationship where we don't feel happy. Filed this idea vividly and with a touch of humor.
- A rating of "Kinopoisk" — 6,0; IMDb — 5,7

Starring: Bryan Cranston, James Franco, zoey Deutch, Megan Mullally
The film tells the story of how rich and simple guy trying to win the love of his girlfriend's father. But it is with great difficulty, because it is entirely devoid of complexes and verbal filters. Here, not much romance, but there are plenty of awkward situations, jokes, and a pinch of kindness.
- A rating of "Kinopoisk" — 6,7; IMDb — 6,6
Materials kinopoisk.ru
See also
11 chic Comedy to just laugh heartily
15 life-affirming movies for the long weekend
15 romantic comedies that you can watch together
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/15-romanticheskih-komedij-kotorye-mozhno-posmotret-vdvoem-1260915/
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