Wild Africa, the island where the lions hunt only during the day
We're all used to the nocturnal predators lions, and they hunt only at night. But in the north of Botswana, among impenetrable swamps and marshes there is an island where everything fell on its head. There's lions are forced to hunt only in the morning and the evening, another chance they do not have.
23 photos via gorshkov-sergey
1. You can not make a single shot during the day and three, but a minute later to start is, the dream of everyone who takes in Africa.
Events can develop so that in a few minutes you can remove so much that in other places and did not take off your whole life.
Here you need to take patience.
Here you need to know life in Africa.
Here it is necessary to know the habits of pride and herds of buffalo.
Here it is necessary to trust the conductors, and if your patience is rewarded.
2. The baby elephant was lucky he escaped from the jaws of a lion, but he tore the tail. This lesson he will remember for a lifetime!
The first time I got there in 2002. It was the first trip to Botswana. I was shocked, two days saw a few elephants, a couple of antelope kudu, antelope and several borodavchnikov lechve.
3. In the evening I asked to be transferred to another camp. At that time I did not understand the charm of this place.
4. On the third day it all began. I took off my hunting lions on a buffalo. And now, when I go to Botswana, then I will try to get into the camp.
5. This is the first picture taken on film Nikon F5. The dust raised by the flock - a signal for the lions and photographers - are now all begin!
In nature, the struggle for survival has not stopped for a minute. In my eyes there is a set of events from the life of wild animals. And I am far from seeking to portray the nature of a pink and fluffy, and devoid of suffering.
I have witnessed many successful hunts, some I took off, and some do not have time and so happened more often! In the photo is difficult to convey emotion, and the atmosphere - you need to experience and feel. I will say that such a scene is not for the faint of heart, and after them I sometimes in a few days come to life! The result - you see it, but you see a picture, and what happened there - it is impossible to convey, it is written only in my memory, and sometimes at night I fight with lions or bears. I see it very often, but get used to everything. Eventually it stopped paying attention. If I was worried, my heart has burst and I would not have been here, but it's wildlife and my task is to observe and shoot anything that's going on there!
6. When we observe the lions think that lions do not have a specific goal, lions simply run a herd of buffalo, and they do not want to kill. In fact, they sort it, looking for any signs of vulnerability of the victim. In this they go watch. Buffalo powerful animal and lions know that it is better to choose sacrifice a sick or weak.
7. Lions in turn makes the attack by checking the victim, this tactic allows you to save power. And when the buffalo begins to take the lion rushes to the victim. At the right moment the strongest starts to the final attack.
Here I was many times and the first 5 times I always shot the interaction of lions and buffaloes. But the last 4 times I failed. In April 2009, the buffalo were gone to another island Paradise and because of the high water, we were not able to drive. In September 2009, the buffalo were gone and back again, the day before my otlleta.
8. In January 2010, many lionesses appeared little kittens, and Pride at the time collapsed.
9. In February 2010 began calving in buffalo and lions can easily singly or in twos and threes, in a herd of McDonald's go and collect newborn calves that are born every day in the herd.
I came back in June and again a failure, after a week I'll be there and I hope that this time I was lucky. I go back because I have ideas that I can implement only there!
10. I know very well the history of this place. This is a huge island on which lives a large herd of buffalo about 1,200 heads. Which constantly move in search of fresh greens. Sometimes they leave the island, and the last few years - it happens more frequently. It is home to two lion pride and Skimma Tsaro. Tsaro lives on the big island, and Skimma the neighboring island of Paradise. And he's still in control of the territory Vumbura.
11. During the 9 years they controlled and protected the two males, named "Oak Boys." But in December 2008, a young male came and killed one lion, and the second drove from Pride. Later Guides saw old male, he tried alone to hunt buffalo, but he was already 17 years old and buffaloes killed him. Thus ended the story of these brothers, who ruled the Pride of 9 years.
12. The focus of the Pride was a young and strong male. He immediately killed all the kittens from old male and began to make new cubs. And soon have cubs and lionesses appeared Pride collapsed.
13. Ask why - all just afraid to give young lioness cubs in the pride, so as to have pride 3 old lioness who constantly kill strangers kittens. At the time, until the cubs did not grow, and they are not connected.
Generally Tsaro Pride is already very old and he lost his agility and playfulness. When I got there, there were nine lionesses. They should come down the years and the remaining nine, but they are all old.
14. Still, each year, some of them give birth, but no one kitten survived.
15. The main reason - a high water, they sink to the crossings, they are caught crocodiles!
16. This is the oldest lion pride with an eyesore, but they say the guides is the most experienced hunter, that she is starting to hunt and that it kills all the kittens! Why, I do not know, perhaps jealous, but I think that it becomes harder to get food and it eliminates food competitors (but that's just my thoughts).
17. Skimma Pride contrary very young and active and he never missed an opportunity to attack the buffalo.
18. The Lions are always looking for weak animals which would be easier to handle.
The most important thing for me is not to miss a moment, you need to follow and wait. This is the main key point of hunting. Be witnesses of such events is very interesting and very difficult, it is impossible to keep the emotions, it is very difficult,
but I had to endure and shoot. If the victim begins to move, it is easier to calculate the lions old and weak animals. Lions are always carefully choose the time and are not particularly at risk. First, it is a test of strength. But when the victim is chosen, they distilled it from the herd. The process of hunting a long, but the lions are patient - a lonely lion good hunter, and pride is a dangerous weapon. Acting at the same time pride can sovladet with animals, which has not managed to single. Lowering of production - it is the most crucial moment of hunting buffalo can easily cause a fatal blow lion, but a lot of lions, and the victim has no chance.
19. This calf lions killed a long time and could not kill a tourist from India even lost consciousness. It seemed to me that in adult lions cdali nerves, and one female approached, drove the young people and it finished off.
20. Vultures and marabou - a thread that could lead to a predator. They can usually be seen from afar. And it's almost 100% guarantee that the next predator.
21. I do not like bloody footage!
22. I forgot to mention - why Lions are hunted only from dawn to dusk. The main reason - a buffalo, which by night stand in kare, and not one lion is not able to break these impenetrable ranks! A day buffaloes relax and begin to move, eat, and at that moment attacking lions. During the years of the Lions Pride developed tactics of hunting, which is characteristic only of this place, and only for this pride, as his specialty - buffalo !!!
23. However, not all 100% successful attacks of lions, only about 30-40%, they can get a buffalo!
23 photos via gorshkov-sergey
1. You can not make a single shot during the day and three, but a minute later to start is, the dream of everyone who takes in Africa.
Events can develop so that in a few minutes you can remove so much that in other places and did not take off your whole life.
Here you need to take patience.
Here you need to know life in Africa.
Here it is necessary to know the habits of pride and herds of buffalo.
Here it is necessary to trust the conductors, and if your patience is rewarded.

2. The baby elephant was lucky he escaped from the jaws of a lion, but he tore the tail. This lesson he will remember for a lifetime!
The first time I got there in 2002. It was the first trip to Botswana. I was shocked, two days saw a few elephants, a couple of antelope kudu, antelope and several borodavchnikov lechve.

3. In the evening I asked to be transferred to another camp. At that time I did not understand the charm of this place.

4. On the third day it all began. I took off my hunting lions on a buffalo. And now, when I go to Botswana, then I will try to get into the camp.

5. This is the first picture taken on film Nikon F5. The dust raised by the flock - a signal for the lions and photographers - are now all begin!
In nature, the struggle for survival has not stopped for a minute. In my eyes there is a set of events from the life of wild animals. And I am far from seeking to portray the nature of a pink and fluffy, and devoid of suffering.
I have witnessed many successful hunts, some I took off, and some do not have time and so happened more often! In the photo is difficult to convey emotion, and the atmosphere - you need to experience and feel. I will say that such a scene is not for the faint of heart, and after them I sometimes in a few days come to life! The result - you see it, but you see a picture, and what happened there - it is impossible to convey, it is written only in my memory, and sometimes at night I fight with lions or bears. I see it very often, but get used to everything. Eventually it stopped paying attention. If I was worried, my heart has burst and I would not have been here, but it's wildlife and my task is to observe and shoot anything that's going on there!

6. When we observe the lions think that lions do not have a specific goal, lions simply run a herd of buffalo, and they do not want to kill. In fact, they sort it, looking for any signs of vulnerability of the victim. In this they go watch. Buffalo powerful animal and lions know that it is better to choose sacrifice a sick or weak.

7. Lions in turn makes the attack by checking the victim, this tactic allows you to save power. And when the buffalo begins to take the lion rushes to the victim. At the right moment the strongest starts to the final attack.
Here I was many times and the first 5 times I always shot the interaction of lions and buffaloes. But the last 4 times I failed. In April 2009, the buffalo were gone to another island Paradise and because of the high water, we were not able to drive. In September 2009, the buffalo were gone and back again, the day before my otlleta.

8. In January 2010, many lionesses appeared little kittens, and Pride at the time collapsed.

9. In February 2010 began calving in buffalo and lions can easily singly or in twos and threes, in a herd of McDonald's go and collect newborn calves that are born every day in the herd.
I came back in June and again a failure, after a week I'll be there and I hope that this time I was lucky. I go back because I have ideas that I can implement only there!

10. I know very well the history of this place. This is a huge island on which lives a large herd of buffalo about 1,200 heads. Which constantly move in search of fresh greens. Sometimes they leave the island, and the last few years - it happens more frequently. It is home to two lion pride and Skimma Tsaro. Tsaro lives on the big island, and Skimma the neighboring island of Paradise. And he's still in control of the territory Vumbura.

11. During the 9 years they controlled and protected the two males, named "Oak Boys." But in December 2008, a young male came and killed one lion, and the second drove from Pride. Later Guides saw old male, he tried alone to hunt buffalo, but he was already 17 years old and buffaloes killed him. Thus ended the story of these brothers, who ruled the Pride of 9 years.

12. The focus of the Pride was a young and strong male. He immediately killed all the kittens from old male and began to make new cubs. And soon have cubs and lionesses appeared Pride collapsed.

13. Ask why - all just afraid to give young lioness cubs in the pride, so as to have pride 3 old lioness who constantly kill strangers kittens. At the time, until the cubs did not grow, and they are not connected.
Generally Tsaro Pride is already very old and he lost his agility and playfulness. When I got there, there were nine lionesses. They should come down the years and the remaining nine, but they are all old.

14. Still, each year, some of them give birth, but no one kitten survived.

15. The main reason - a high water, they sink to the crossings, they are caught crocodiles!

16. This is the oldest lion pride with an eyesore, but they say the guides is the most experienced hunter, that she is starting to hunt and that it kills all the kittens! Why, I do not know, perhaps jealous, but I think that it becomes harder to get food and it eliminates food competitors (but that's just my thoughts).

17. Skimma Pride contrary very young and active and he never missed an opportunity to attack the buffalo.

18. The Lions are always looking for weak animals which would be easier to handle.
The most important thing for me is not to miss a moment, you need to follow and wait. This is the main key point of hunting. Be witnesses of such events is very interesting and very difficult, it is impossible to keep the emotions, it is very difficult,
but I had to endure and shoot. If the victim begins to move, it is easier to calculate the lions old and weak animals. Lions are always carefully choose the time and are not particularly at risk. First, it is a test of strength. But when the victim is chosen, they distilled it from the herd. The process of hunting a long, but the lions are patient - a lonely lion good hunter, and pride is a dangerous weapon. Acting at the same time pride can sovladet with animals, which has not managed to single. Lowering of production - it is the most crucial moment of hunting buffalo can easily cause a fatal blow lion, but a lot of lions, and the victim has no chance.

19. This calf lions killed a long time and could not kill a tourist from India even lost consciousness. It seemed to me that in adult lions cdali nerves, and one female approached, drove the young people and it finished off.

20. Vultures and marabou - a thread that could lead to a predator. They can usually be seen from afar. And it's almost 100% guarantee that the next predator.

21. I do not like bloody footage!

22. I forgot to mention - why Lions are hunted only from dawn to dusk. The main reason - a buffalo, which by night stand in kare, and not one lion is not able to break these impenetrable ranks! A day buffaloes relax and begin to move, eat, and at that moment attacking lions. During the years of the Lions Pride developed tactics of hunting, which is characteristic only of this place, and only for this pride, as his specialty - buffalo !!!

23. However, not all 100% successful attacks of lions, only about 30-40%, they can get a buffalo!
