The shocked all - the EU, the US, Russia

Andrey Tymofeiuk

I think that now is a situation where all around in shock from the hells happening.

First of all, the guys in shock from the EU. They portrayed themselves fucking diplomats, the descended to communicate with cultureless barbarian leader of the Third World countries, dazed, waiting for handouts in the form of an association agreement, which certainly allowed him to buy bitching status "great evrointegratora" in his banana republic and win the election 2015 th year. From the height of its diplomatic mission, they miss the key moment when the barbarian suddenly fuck them do for 46 million of his slaves opt orkovskogo Mordor, not elven Valinor. Because of bureaucracy and lack of understanding of hell Ukrainian realities they allowed initially peaceful situation turn into almost a civil war. They, in fact, not needed here fuck hard kneading with crowds of refugees, terrorist attacks, tanks and other pleasures - they will make every effort to prevent this, even if they have to leave power stupid barbarian leader. But the problem is that the leader, march, absolutely crazy. Now we have to not only respond to the very complex issues of European viewers like "as part of the protesters skhuyali there with our flags are nationalist paraphernalia? and if they are peaceful, then a dick they throw Molotov cocktails at the cops? "and" Che, they want so much to us in the EU? Th vnature and we take 46 million of these barbarians to us? ", but to argue that the situation is under control and that the attacks by 5 Ukrainian NPP no permit. In general, old Europe is shocked, she had ever seen since the days of Yugoslavia. Especially shocked European Commissioner Fule and Catherine Ashton - their diplomatic career under threat because their efficiency is very low: as a representative of the EU in Ukraine to achieve the transition completely peaceful rally in the phase of fierce fucking could and Arab immigrant from the suburbs of Marseille.

Opposition leaders also shocked. They wanted to take advantage of the energy of the Maidan to satisfy personal political ambitions - and raskochegarit all so that Mama Do not Cry! They are politicians, not field commanders - they really do not know what to do all this moving. They are insanely difficult task: on the one hand, they need to portray ardent revolutionaries, to the barricades pizdyuley not discharged from the stage nafig not thrown off, and, on the other hand, they need hard cry on the West, so that they believe in a purely peaceful nature protest, they are not considered the leaders of illegal armed groups, and the legitimate leaders of the peaceful protest, and then assigned them the main thing when it's over. So far, the handle is bad: the "Cool head", "we agreed to a truce." The fact that they somehow control the protest, already trips, and do not believe they will.

And Yanukovych himself too shocked! After all so well it evolved: rose from the bottom to the top, was one of the kings of Donbass, survived the disastrous year 2004 and then all bent, provided the entire family and, as a crown of success, built himself a fucking mansion and there zaebashil golden toilet. The kid came to a total success! Moreover, in 2015 it expected several options to win elections, and before you know, it would be possible to learn from Putin and Lukashenko in terms of an infinite reign. But greed has destroyed fraera same: adventure autumn with the association with the EU turned into a disaster. It was all hushed up several opportunities, but Dad made missteps, constantly listening to its "hawks", and now the situation is extremely foul. What does he do now - finally clear. After 18 February the situation had back in the state of "I am a bad president, but dosizhu before the elections in 2015" will not return, forces Berkut all non-overclocking, and Putin, he is already quite Jam their greed and tupizna and help from him is fraught with loss of power and assets. There remains a chance to build the capital of the Donbass in Yenakiyevo, and should be immediately sebat there by helicopter from Kiev, where there will be too hot. But suddenly will not work to create it? And, besides, how to throw a golden toilet on the right bank? It is not clear ... And if you run out of the country, where? Who needs without the influence and assets? No ... What if hanged ?!

In shock and "hawks". Boys sincerely think that there is only saber slegontsa shields, so once all flee. Because, you know, all the "real boys", "sharp guys, something decisive," "respected people with ties" are well known and it seemed to support the "hawks", and all these pros, farmers and students - it's all "fuckers full. " And the "hick - a fate!" They brought the golden eagle, explosives, traffic police, the SBU, titushek, criminals, idiots just zazombirovannyh - began their assault. Once we started ... Nihuya. The second time began ... Nihuya. The third time began ... Nihuya! Do not miss, you bastards !!! On the contrary - you hit them valish them, but on the contrary they are more and they are stronger. The hands begin to tremble after seeing fun burning APC, previously inspiring absolute confidence. Dad, of course, its not pass: but now do something EPT? Use the army? But they did not work, not unlike zadobryali cops and prosecutors - a sudden change?

Ordinary berkutyata an even greater shock. Soldiers known organized crime groups "Golden Eagle", who work part-time by the police, faced with unprecedented garbage: in fighting them united businessmen, which they milked the last few years, and football hooligans, with whom they fought constantly in the stadiums. At first it was fun: participate in the motion in the city center, fully protected pohuyarit baton unarmed people and then get a medal with the money and return home. But it somehow neebicheski delayed. Those who are more stupid (well most of them), are now angry as the features at all, do not understand why more Yanyk gave the order to disperse all (and shoot for Ebony Posters) and believe that Yanyk - rag. Those who are more intelligent (and they are a minority), clearly understand how dangerous acceleration. Firstly stupid not the fact that it's successful, but the fact that the losses will be large - and die for the golden toilet is not desirable. Second, even if all disperse, because tomorrow it will be wet berkutovtsy alone in the hallways because there is a database with their names and addresses. And, unlike the regionals, sebatsya abroad, they do not have time, and all the charm of popular anger they learn. They are now desperately want to Yanyk returned everything back as it was, but the likelihood of falls with each passing day.

The Kremlin is also in shock. They were a fine KGBshnuyu game, supporting the Donetsk bandits gradually increasing influence in Ukraine and buying key assets. Slowly planned annexation of half of Ukraine in the form of "voluntary accession" developing here this fifth column rather than a situational Donetsk gangs. But then this stupid ass first Jam for their maneuvers extortion of money for entry into the vehicle, and then clumsily began to play and made some quite unnecessary trash right now. In good need to tanks to enter in the Donbass and the Crimea, it is too late, but that the Olympics can not spoil, and generally fucking is not ready - there is not a small Georgia, nice and fast to do everything without training does not work, and if you do not beautiful, it is possible get at least visa problems in Courchevel, and at best the Third World. Propaganda Kremlin looks at how now on Independence forged modern Ukrainian nation, and weeps tears of blood - dick Now all these people explain that they "Little Russians" that their language invented artificial and that they are of a dick should return to the fold Empire and unfasten Moscow tribute. But even that all garbage in comparison to the fact that the simple Russian man, accustomed over the years to the servility to the fact that "nothing can be changed", now looks at the TV screen and see how heavily armed Berkut third month He can not do anything with a handful of previously always funny and absurd Ukrainians. The thought occurred to him come the bad, and
I am very concerned about the Kremlin. The Belarusian man one step higher in the development, he has moved away from the screen to the window, and not least in thought looking already at the nearest police station doors, where from it recently knocked bribe.

And the United States with Britain in shock. He somehow fuck is actually the suffering of the local Aboriginal people, the main thing that Russia could not immediately increase, but Yanukovych has just recently was pleasant impression dictator who never falls completely under these terrible Russian, and at the same time, it can be negotiate the business. In particular, shale gas and other resource nishtyak. And then it began to spin! Molotov cocktails, armored vehicles, catapults, all the garbage. Yanukovych's campaign can throw - and who will damn obligations to respect, understanding? Right quadrant, right? And who is now the talk of the business conduct? With Kozak Danilyuk, huh? And suddenly Russian lomanutsya and effort - perhaps this can be tolerated?

China, which is also its own interests in the Crimea, not so much shocked as puzzled why the local barbarian still can not dispel his opponents? In China itself, in 1989, it had the same crap on Tiananmen Square, but without unnecessary sentimentality killed hundreds of unarmed students and it quickly ended. The West, of course, a little poburchal, but then began to actively cooperate economically. The Chinese unclear why the dictator can not do the most obvious way, but in general, they fuck: all this is very far away, in the Eastern European showdown until they delve seriously. In general, on the nose of the case is more serious: the party has set the task to win everything medal at the Olympic Games in 2016 and hoist the red Chinese flag on Mars not to Ukrainians today.

Active not indifferent population of Kiev in shock for several months. Continuously shocked. Shock every day grew, but at some point it completely replaced the enthusiasm of action. It is best to bring drugs into Michael's Monastery and huyarit omelchenkovskuyu tiles on Maidan than watching horror on Gromadsky and experience at the screen.

Passive indifference population of Kiev is still drinking beer on a bench, laykaet fotochki vkontaktike looking Matchmakers-6 and tramples dumplings. It still does not understand what is happening. But if an unwritten state of emergency (including a limit on the entrance to the city), arranged Yanykom to last a couple of days and the city will miss the Hawk - then it would be so shocked, which has never known in his life.

I do not think we are shocked today only the Cossack, I met this afternoon at the Independence. He has a long forelock, wide trousers and camouflage stripes on the text like "Vіysko Zaporіzke." He smiled confidently walked to the front line to the golden eagle, holding in one hand and a shield with the inscription "Glory to Ukraine!", And the other some fearsome stick. He cheerfully singing a song, and in me there was confidence that this man is not worried "how I get home tonight?", "Whether there will be with me for something?" And "What to us all will be then? ».

He is at ease. He fuck.



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