Interesting facts about Hugh Laurie

Due crazy popularity of the series and one of the most popular shows on television, the most famous doctor in all countries of the world was Dr. House. November 16, 2004 TV series with the same name was launched on US screens. Last 177th series was published May 21, 2012. As many as 8 years and 8 new season brought a series of prestigious awards, including "Amy" and "Peabody." Interestingly, Hugh Laurie, specialty - social anthropologist, he graduated from the University of Cambridge. 1977 was marked by the fact that the actor has managed to become the champion of Britain in rowing and go to the Junior World Championships as a representative of the United Kingdom. Many famous actors have tried to get the role of Dr. House. However, neither Rob Morrow - FBI agent Don Epps in the TV series "Numbers" or Dennis Leary who played George Stacy in the film "New Spiderman", neither Patrick Dempsey, who played Dr. McDreamier in the TV series "Grey's Anatomy" nothing did not work. The role went to Briton by birth, speaking with a remarkable American accent - Hugh Laurie. Although the Hugh Laurie auditioned for the role of best friend and companion in the film House - Dr. Uilsona.

Almost all of the action of the series take place in the teaching hospital of Princeton-Plainsboro. In the life of this place is a clinical center at Princeton University Frist.

Laurie grew up in a family of the doctor. He and Lisa Edelstein (Dr. Cuddy) fathers - real doctors. The actor feels a bit uncomfortable because television work paid better than his father's work. Lupus or systemic lupus erythematosus is a systemic autoimmune disease, in the film it is mentioned so often that it has become an indispensable symbol of Doctor House. DVD-version of the second season is notable for the presence of a special video, which contains all of the fragments, where all the characters from the team of House in his own mention lupus as a presumptive diagnosis of the patient. Like the hero of the series, the actor loves good music and even play many instruments, such as drums, guitar, piano, harmonica, and even a saxophone!

Spontaneous proposal in the film was the desire of the actor to put on a doctor in sneakers. Shooting wardrobe hero of the film has 37 pairs of Nike sneakers 44th size. All 8 seasons, Dr. House is only two hours: Hamilton Khaki King Automatic, which cost $ 370, and Casio Sea Pathfinder SPF 40-1V, which have unusual electronic scoreboard and cost about $ 150. It is well known that the directors are great admirers of Conan Doyle, so obviously similar to the character of Sherlock Holmes. Gregory House lives at number 221B, as well as himself Sherlock. Also, there is a similarity in the names of the characters: House - Holmes, Wilson - Watson. Not just in the office of Dr. Wilson's posters adorn the walls of the cult detective Alfred Hitchcock's "Vertigo" and the film in the genre of criminology Orson Welles' Touch of Evil. " Moreover, many critics feel free to express their assumption that the image of House to some extent resembles the image of Sherlock Holmes, as evidenced by even well-established expression, reasoning, for example, "It's not lupus," "All patients are lying," and " All patients and colleagues - are idiots. "

It is not known why, but under a license agreement, the Russian version of the show in the opening credits music is played the same as in the final credits of the original series. One of the heroes - Dr. Chase, like an actor playing this role, Jesse Spencer - Australian, so absolutely no coincidence that Dr. Chase specializes in intensive care (resuscitation), which is in the United States is very rare profession, while it is quite common in Australia. In the series House has an unusual transport - motorcycle Honda CBR1000RR Repsol Replica. The actor also likes motorcycles, even his first royalties Laurie spent on the purchase of Triumph Bonneville 790. Dr. Gregory House has a rat, which he called the name of a favorite actor - Steve McQueen. Doctor House lucky number in the film is considered to be the number 42. An interesting fact that the three main characters (Wilson, Cuddy and Foreman) - left-hander. The 15 and 16 series of the 4th season in a cameo bartender removed Fred Durst - lead singer of Limp Bizkit.

Hugh Laurie has appeared in a cameo role in the famous youth series «Friends» (Friends). He got the role of a passenger on the plane, while Rachel is sent to the wedding of Ross wants to tell him about your feelings. For a casual traveler, played by Hugh Laurie, in his characteristic manner voiced the main character of the opinion that the desire to tell Ross about his feelings lead to negative consequences. For his contribution to the development of dramatic art Hugh Laurie in 2007 he received the title of Officer of the Order of the British Empire. See also: 10 unknown facts about Madonna. 30 facts about Lady Gaga. 10 facts about Paris Hilton. 40 facts about Eminem. 20 facts about Steve Jobs.
Source: www.fresher.ru/2012/07/01/lyubopytnye-fakty-o-xyu-lori-i-doktore-xause/