How do you understand female logic?
Men blame ridiculous actions on women’s logic, and for us women there is nothing special about it, because it is simply difficult for men to understand our subtle female nature. Why do we buy an extra pair of shoes or another jar of nail polish, do they think we're stocky? Of course, if that happy date with the prince of our lives comes, and we have a black day, because the varnish is out, the tights are torn, and this should not be.
Our right hemisphere, which is guided by women is responsible for emotions, men live at the behest of nature beyond the left hemisphere, which gave them rationality of thought. But women are lucky in this regard, because we can simultaneously turn on two hemispheres of the brain, so we do several things at the same time (cooking soup, changing diapers, playing with the baby, washing clothes, communicating online with friends). And men take turns, first chemistry, and then football on the street.
A woman’s thinking differs from a man’s in that the stronger sex immediately gives a clear answer “yes” or “no”, and the weaker sex is characteristic of “possibly”. For women always rely on their intuition and emotions, and men build their logical chains, fighting for their place in the sun.
Take, for example, a business lady. Any person, going to a business meeting, begins to carefully prepare for it in advance. Be sure to think through all the pros and cons in advance and 100% sure that he will win, sign a contract, etc. And a woman can easily be late or not come at all for no apparent reason, thereby confusing any man, which will result in many benefits.
Women's logic still exists, but who is to blame for men not being able to understand it? Anecdotes are made about our logic, of course, for a man it is better than admitting defeat, just making fun of us. A woman should be respected, without us, the world will be so monotonous. Our logic is not subject to any analytical actions, but you still need it.
Source: /users/147