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Reprogramming the brain: how to make myself not to buy unnecessary

Cure thoughtless potrebleniyaVse we occasionally buy things that we really do not need. Allow yourself this is quite normal, but only for as long as you control it. If you struggle with erratic, impulsive purchases, after which you remorse, it becomes increasingly difficult, the following note on the instructions below, which may be, shall be entitled to your brain.

Understand how your brain works against Vasnev is no secret that the stores use a variety of tricks, forcing to part with your money, and your brain is actively helping them in this. Here are some methods by which manipulate stores buyers.

Colour. Shops use color to make the products more attractive, in addition, they are using a specific color and on price lists. Red catches the eye and can cause you to act, since it is usually associated with advertisements. So when you see red, remember, with this color, they try to manipulate your brain.

Location of goods. Before you get to what is really necessary, you will have to pass by a multitude of unnecessary, but seductive things. Before going to the store, make a list of everything that you need. And entering the trading floor, head straight to these things, I imagine that here only sell them.

Factor touch. The goods that the store wants to sell quickly, usually placed so that before they could easily reach and touch. Do not do this! Once you have something in hand will take, the more likely buy because your mind suddenly feel the owner of the object.

Smells and sounds. Going to the store, you can hear the classic, pleasant melodies. Soft music makes you happy and joyful, and familiar tune makes you feel comfortable. To turn off your mind, and uses pleasant smells. A happy mind is placed in a comfortable environment - a very dangerous combination for a purse. With that virtually nothing can be done, unless you are buying goods online. But at least you should be aware that you manipulate.

Of course, you can blame the stores around, but their methods of work this will not change. All that we can - it is to know about how our brain gets on their bait. Even if the store did not have the brain still I would have worked against you - because of some cognitive biases.

For example, so-called confirmation bias makes you believe only the information that matches your prior convictions, and everything else in this case is considered to be less important.

Advertisers use this feature directly, convincing you that one thing is better than another, visual images accompanying this and other tricks, all of which are often completely unrelated to the specific facts. So it applies to all impartially.

Make a list of everything you have, and get rid of hlamaTeper when you know you're struggling with anything, it's time to change the image of your thoughts. Before you stop buying junk, you need to define what is meant by the word. The first step in this direction - to list all the things you own. This may seem extreme, but in order to reprogram your mind, you have to collect all possible data.

The purpose of this exercise is twofold: you will see that you already have, and therefore do not need to buy again. Plus, you can see what you do not have to buy.

When the list is still your property, break it into categories. This is extremely important, as far as possible, be honest with yourself.

Here is a set of categories:

  • «necessary»: this thing you absolutely needed because it is used on a daily basis.
  • «It is necessary only occasionally": this thing is too much for you every day, but occasionally you use it.
  • «I want": you bought this thing, because I want to, not because it was you need.
  • «Trash": you can not explain why you need this thing. < /
    When was the last time I used this thing? When I use it again? It gives you the joy of this thing? Do not forget to be honest with you. There is nothing wrong in keeping the things that you once wanted. These things can bring joy to many people, but you should make sure that the things on your list of "want" is really a joy and really widely used.

    If a thing is rarely used or its use does not make you happier, it must be sent to the "trash." But before you get rid of trash, take a picture of all of these things together. Print or save photos to the computer. Some of these things are likely to gifts, but in general all this stuff that you've bought something and that you no longer need.

    Look how much money and time you spent on things that vybrosiliSeychas again take a look at the category of "rubbish", and calculate how much you have spent on it. Remember the picture with the trash, mentioned above?

    Attach it to the total cost of all your stuff to figure clearly visible.

    With the money sorted out, now look at other costs.

    Time - a resource like any other, with a finite resource. Think of how much time you spent on the purchase of these things, and how much time you use them, make a note of these numbers. The assessment may be approximate, yet add up the time spent. Now attach the resulting figure to the above picture and think of the other activities to which you could spend all this time. This should give your brain the information in an easy to understand format.

    Intangible things make you schastliveePrishlo time to make another list. Material things can be a lot of fun, but in life there are other things - you can not buy them, but they make us happy.

    List them on a separate sheet of paper. If it can not be bought, it must be on the list. It does not matter if it makes you smile or just while you are jumping for joy - Lists all. It is likely that these are the things you really need. Think about it, when you go to the store.

    If you can not remember your list, put it in your wallet. And the next time you feel the urge to buy something, expand the list and remind yourself why this thing is you do not need.

    Stay some time away from material things, it clarifies a lot

    If you really start to have serious problems with the extra costs, it may be useful to step back completely from the material things.

    When you are constantly surrounded by things and have the opportunity to buy them, then get rid of the habit of impulsive purchases can be very difficult.

    Spend a day in the park, go hiking with friends or go on an excursion to the place where you have not been before.

    In fact, you have to prove yourself that you do not need new purchase to have a good time. When you understand how much fun you can get without all these gadgets, you can find the strength to resist the urge to buy them.

    Create a personal test called "Should I buy it?" If you do not have the test, now is the perfect time to develop it. When, in your field of vision was the thing that you think you need (or you really want), before you buy it, it has to pass your test. Use it in the data that was collected before. Here are some important questions:

    • This planned acquisition?
    • Will not this thing in the end, the list of "stuff»?
    • Where do I put?
    • Will this allow my budget?
    • Why would I want it?
      For example, you have a weakness for the purchase of high-tech devices. Ask yourself, what kind of problem hesitant to buy the gadget. If you can not clearly answer the question, or you already have a device that solves this problem, you do not need to buy new.

      Learn to postpone the pleasure and the desire to destroy itself to customer impulsuMy love to enjoy immediate and impulsive buying new tides cause pleasure. We like to think that we control our impulses, but the reality is just the opposite, and that is the main problem for our wallet.

      The solution is to inspire the brain that the expectation of pleasure - this is good. You can do this every time you want something. Look at what you have in mind to buy, then banish this thing through a personal test, referred to above, and get away for a while.

      When you go back to this thing again, you'll find that you need a fun, connected with the process of buying the thing, not the thing itself.

      If you buy something online, you can do the same thing: a move away from your desk or put your smartphone in your pocket and go do something else.

      More you can avoid unnecessary expenses, to complicate the buying process itself. Block sites online stores, if your card is sparsely money. In regular store, try not to buy things, if you are hungry, angry, lonely or tired simply because all this inhibits your ability to think rationally.

      And the last thing you need to consider when it comes to impulse purchases, called "artificial replacement." As explained by Trent Hamm blog The Simple Dollar, artificial replacement can happen if you cut down the time spent on their main interests:

      «Every time I have consistently reduced the time allocated to the main interests in my life, I began to yearn for him. In a "typical day" I really gave a lot of family time, but the other two of my interest were absent. And because it lasted a long time, I really began to read less. I really became less play board games with your friends. And then what happened? And then I began to compensate for their frustration: if I can not afford to sit down and read a book a couple of hours, I'll be looking for an alternative way to fill in those tiny intervals that I was able to carve out. And I'm starting to spend money ».

      blockquote> In your life, probably there are a lot of things, pleasurable, so try not to replace their impulsive purchases. Always supervise, whether you are happy, and you have enough time to do what you love to do most. So you will not have the subconscious desire to fill the void useless junk.

      Multiply savings dengiPosle you reprogram your mind and stop buying junk, you will have some free cash. Invest the money in their future. Maybe you need a new house or a new car, or something else. But you will not get anything unless it can plan in advance.

      Start with the repayment of all debts which you have. Mortgage payments, payment of study fees, and even gasoline can make you live from paycheck to paycheck.

      Extinguish small debts first, then large, then stop creating new debt. Decide what payments are paramount, and which are secondary, create a payment schedule.

      Having dealt with the debt, create a fund for a rainy day.

      No matter how well you have planned everything, accidents, illness and emergencies has not been canceled.

      To pay the debt and to prepare for difficult times, you can begin to save for something big. The money is not wasted on the purchase of rubbish can be saved, invested and multiplied that allow you to purchase a little more safety and comfort.

      You have worked hard to re-program your mind, so make sure that you will reap the rewards of their work for many years.

      via lifehacker.com/how-to-program-your-mind-to-stop-buying-crap-you-don-t-1690268064