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20 regular brand names, which are always misinterpret

It's all about naming. Edition Site , for example, only not declined unfortunate Hyundai, until it became clear from this article that the correct version of the one, and it - Hyundai! Translated from Korean - sovremennost.Davayte same date and will remember the correct name brands that once not misinterpret. So:

1. Nayki

brand name comes from the name of the goddess of victory Nike and sounds "Nike" in the original. That's how it pronounced in the United States. However, ignorance of this fact on the one hand, and reading the English word "of nike" rule on the other hand, led to widespread in Europe in general and in Russia in particular, incorrect transcription of "Nike". Incorrect actually the name stuck and not only stuck, but also used in the title of the official representative of the company in Russia.

2. Lamborgini

Italian manufacturer of luxury sports cars called "Lamborghini". According to the rules of reading in Italian, if after the "g" is "h", it reads like a "T". However, in Russia so common incorrect pronunciation "Lamborghini" that even Google auto search system shows exactly it. But if we say, Lamborghini Italian familiar way, you look like an idiot who caused serious offense.

3. Garner

Previously Garnier brand voiced himself in Russian as the Garnier (mark has been registered in Russia since 1991) - in the tradition of French brands such as Perrier (of Perrier), or Courvoisier (Courvoisier). Later on the results of focus groups Brand refused to correct pronunciation and transcription replaced on transliteration - assuming that buyers so it's easier to read the name. And she became Garnier, despite the parasitic association with garnish. But as I hear, and almost written.

Cosmetic renaming, despite the weight of the media, is not helped: people continue to write the network name and an old-style, and even the full transliteration: Garnier, Garnier, Garnier and even the Guarani

. Tone Throwing sets the brand itself, using the Russian site three variants Neumann in one sentence: "The history of the brand Garnier began in 1904, when Alfred Amour Garnier - barber, perfumer and haberdasher Blois - released its first product, hair lotion Garnier».

And in general, without naming subbrendovom Carl and Clara did not understand: Color Nechralz, Dusёr Blonde Garnier, Garnier Belle Color ...

4. Hёnde

Translated from Korean «Hyundai» means "modernity". Proper Russian transliteration of the word - "Hyundai" with the accent on the last syllable. In the name of the Russian advertising delicately try not to say, limited to only English-language writing, although used writing "Hyundai" on the official website of the company. In people, the Korean automaker's name and "Hyundai" and "Hyundai", and even "Hyundai».

Similar difficulties with reading Hyundai also found in other countries. Therefore cars in the USA advertising agency Goodby, Silverstein & amp; Partners was coined a slogan, designed to help Americans remember the correct pronunciation of the English brand: «Hyundai. Like Sunday ». Please note that under the Americans brendneym slightly adapted.

Similar confusion arises in the pronunciation of the names of some Hyundai models. So, SUV Hyundai Tucson is often called Tusan, Tuksan, Tucson, Tucson. And on the Hyundai Tucson actually named after the North American city in the state of Arizona and correctly pronounced Tussal.

5. Porshe

Pronounced "Porsche" with the accent on the first syllable of the name of company founder Ferdinand Porsche. Russians or confused syllable or losing end, wondering why did not read the final «e» in the name of a luxury SUV Cayenne (Porsche Cayenne).

An interesting situation with the pronunciation of the name brand ASUS (Asus) in the United States. From the lips of Americans ASUS becomes like a not entirely decent «asses». The company even had to carry out promotional and educational work about the correct pronunciation of brand names, which took place from the word Pegasus (Pegasus).

6. Baie-Em-Ve

Some of the fighters for the correct naming of the whole and the whole claim, you need to say "Bee-Em-Double-U". It is not necessary - because "Baie-Em-Ve" - it is absolutely adequate pronunciation for BMW, the German automaker, whose name is known to have occurred, a decrease of Bayerische Motoren Werke. In German, the letters included in brendneym called so, and W -. It

7 "CE". Hennessi

Another story about the fans "authenticity": Hennessy cognac in France called "Ensi" and, therefore, the view on the theme "We also need to call this brandy right" becomes increasingly audible. But in reality, as well as we used to - "Hennessy". And this is connected not with the rules of French pronunciation, and on the name of the founder of the cognac house. Richard Hennessy was an Irishman.

8. Moet e Shando

Contrary to popular opinion in Russia, in the name of world-famous brand of sparkling wines in the pronunciation is not removed "t" in the word of Moet, and the "n" word in Chandon. Union "and", presented in the name of the ampersand is read, as it should be in French, "e".

9. Tag Hoyer

Not "Hauer", not "Bauer" or even "yor" (there are some bold proposals). Hourly production Heuer was founded in Switzerland in 1860, Swiss Edouard Heuer. Prefix TAG names have appeared only in 1985, it means Techniques d'Avant Garde, «avant-garde technique." The very same acronym - the name of the company that owned watch brand for 14 years, until it was bought by LVMH group

10.. Lewis or Livayz

Careful studies have shown that both options have long and firmly established in general use, and even in the United States are prevalent both. People continue to be interested, to argue, to prove, but all the evidence is in this case boils down to two points: native English speakers often say Livayz because Levi according to the rules of the English name is read as "Lebanon"; but the creator of the first jeans called Levi. Levi Strauss was a German Jew, at birth received the name of Loeb. At age 18, he moved from his native Bavaria in San Francisco, and his name for the casting facilities in the US turned to Levy. And if you follow the grammar of the English language, the correct

11 'Lewis. ". Ermes

The name of the French luxury brand was not so much the name of the Greek god Hermes, as the founder of the family. The fashion house was created by Thierry Ermesom in 1837. And therefore not correct to say "Hermes" and "erme" and "ermes" with the accent on the last syllable. Or "ermez" if closer to the English pronunciation. In addition, the emphasis on the second syllable E involves reading the letter S at the end of a word.

12. Mitsubisi

The Russian representative office of the Japanese automaker Mitsubishi in its latest campaign to focus on the version of "Mitsubishi". Penultimate sound in the Japanese language actually reads like a cross between "s" and "sh", but closer to the "c" than to the "sh", so the vast majority yaponista and translators from Japanese continue to insist on "Mitsubishi". And their throws from the word "sushi" - there is exactly the same sound, and hence the "sushi." At this point, it begins to throw longer yaponista and simple lovers of rice and fish.

The same was adopted in 1930 and has not yet been rejected by Polivanov system speaks quite clearly about the "c" and "ts". "T" - is a simple blueprint of English language alphabet in which there is simply no sign to indicate sound "ts". And we have, and therefore the right "Mitsubishi". Therefore variant of the Russian office twice puzzling.

13. Ziroks

Surprisingly, the "ziroks" fact, not a "photocopy". In the US, initial letter «X» is always read as "Z". "Xena - Warrior Princess", too, by the way, is spelled "Xena". But in Russia, from the very first copier Xerox copier was called, and now no one will understand what is at stake, if you hear "ziroks».

14. Diskuaed

Dsquared - the name of which is not so easy to read, if you see it for the first time. And Russian letters reproduce its correct pronunciation, and even impossible. Nevertheless, young people in Russia knows that Dsquared in Russian is pronounced as "Diskvaer" or "Diskverd". Maybe not quite right, but it so happened.

15. Lёvenbroy

Löwenbräu (. It Lion Brewery, Lowenbrau pronounced in Russia often incorrectly pronounced as Lowenbrau) - German brewing company located in Munich

16.. Klarans

The most common version is - "Clarins" or "Clarín". But neither the one nor the other option is not correct. "Clara (n) to" - the surest of all possible options. The truth is the second "a" bow-it is not in Russian. Mark French, according to the rules read the French language -rins reads -r / \ ns.

17. Bulgari

With these words practically no problems, but there are two "but" - a strange accent and V instead of a vowel. Italian brand, so pronounced "Bulgaria", and not as many say "Bulgari" or "Bulgaria". And the unusual shape of the letters «u» in the logo of the world famous jewelry brand explained the origin. Italian company founded Greek Sotirios Vulgaris, and in modern Greek, his name was written that way - Bvlgaris. From the last letter immediately refused to give the name sound more Italian.

18. Samson

Samsung in Russia pronounced as "Samsung", but more correctly "Samson", with the accent on the first syllable, which means

19 "three stars".. Lonzh'in

Since word came from the French, the right to say "lonzh'in", softening the sound of "g".

20. Glenfiddih

In Russia, the brand of Scotch whiskey is often called Glenfiddich or Glenfiddik, though, as the manufacturer says, a correct one is the one that with the sound "s" at the end.

Not Adme not Adma and Admi. Edmi. With the accent on the first syllable - similar to hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me. But we do not take offense to any of your options;)


Burberry - [bёrberi] Tissot - [Tissot '] Hublot - [yublO] Moschino - [Moschino] Montblanc - [Mont blanc] Dior Homme - [Dior ohm]. Homme is "male, male", and everywhere and always read as [ohm]. Femme means "female woman", and everywhere and always read as [FAM]. Accordingly, the names of the spirits "to him» - pour homme - will be read [Pur Ohm] and "for her» - pour femme [Pur Fam]

. via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-reklama/brendy-po-russki-219355/