10 "important life goals", the achievement of which will not give you happiness
When reality is worse ozhidaniyMnogie of us dream of one day to do something amazing. No matter what it is - a victory in the Super Bowl, or climbing Mount Everest. But between dream and reality there is a big difference. And in some cases, the implementation of our goals in life can not look more like a dream, but a nightmare.
1. After winning the lottery, you have ceased to enjoy zhizniVeroyatnost winning the lottery is so low that it is often referred to as a tax on stupidity. However, millions of people still playing, hoping to get his lucky ticket. But we have bad news for you: get lucky ticket can completely destroy your ability to enjoy life.
Users annually winning small amounts, is much happier than those who have won a large sum just once h4> In his famous work in 1970 psychologists from Illinois interviewed the winners in the lottery and those who I did not win, and found that the winners are not much happier than ordinary people.
The study of data collected between 1957 and 2004 showed, that women in positions of power, most will show signs of depression, than women, depending on the boss h4> Many top managers of life is full of despair. Psychopathy - one of the most characteristic features peculiar to highly paid executives. But beyond this line there is anger, paralyzing fear and depression. The study of data collected between 1957 and 2004 found that women who have the power are likely to show signs of depression than women, depending on the boss.
1. After winning the lottery, you have ceased to enjoy zhizniVeroyatnost winning the lottery is so low that it is often referred to as a tax on stupidity. However, millions of people still playing, hoping to get his lucky ticket. But we have bad news for you: get lucky ticket can completely destroy your ability to enjoy life.
Users annually winning small amounts, is much happier than those who have won a large sum just once h4> In his famous work in 1970 psychologists from Illinois interviewed the winners in the lottery and those who I did not win, and found that the winners are not much happier than ordinary people.
I won the lottery, people were much more difficult to enjoy everyday things. According to the study, the winners of "received a lot less fun" of such everyday things as communication chatting with a friend, receiving compliments, or reading magazines.
According to the NBS, it happens maybe because winning the lottery "shifts" our base level of happiness: to feel at least some fun, we need more and more thrills. And if winning the lottery does not make us so happy as we expected, we feel depressed.
However, not everything is so bleak. Separate Harvard study found that people who annually winning a small amount, much happier than those who have won a large sum just once.
2. Becoming a silver medalist of the Olympic Games can be a very neschastnymZavoevanie Olympic medals - the most vivid proof of what you objectively do something better than others. Most of us can dream of a gold medal, but we can assume that winning the Olympic silver or bronze will give us approximately the same joy.
However, the real winners would disagree. The fact that the Olympic silver medal is often considered a sign of an unfortunate failure.
In 1992, researchers studied the reaction of the winning athletes of the Olympic Games in Barcelona. In the experiment, each athlete was assigned a "happiness level" range from 1 (the agony) to 10 (ecstasy).
Gold medalists, usually at a high level, and silver felt awful. When results are announced, the average "happiness level" silver medalists was 4, 8. And here at the bronze medal he reached 7, 1.
This happens due to the nature of our thinking. Rather than just take the second place, silver medal winners tend to become fixated on a set of minor errors, not allowing them to get the gold. A bronze medalists enjoyed even a small victory that allowed them to stay in the top three. This, in turn, increases self-esteem and makes them much happier than silver medalists.
3. Moving abroad can destroy semyuV unlike winning the lottery, and winning at the Olympics, moving abroad - the dream is quite realistic. Annually, overseas leave millions of people. Some call it the best decision of his life. But many call it a nightmare.
Moving to a foreign culture can create tension in the marriage. Such a move usually means that one of the partners takes on the role of breadwinner in the family, and the other stays at home and gradually begins to feel his own uselessness. When it involves young children, things get even worse. A study of 1990 found that about 40% of marriages after the move breaks down as a family and could not adapt to new conditions.
Even when parents and younger children are thriving abroad, older children have a harder time. A study of American teenagers living abroad showed that they are not too confident in its future and in their interpersonal relationships, compared with teenagers who stayed in the United States.
And this applies not only to the Americans. A study in 2014 showed that the people of Northern Europe, moved to sunny Spain, on average, were less happy than those who stayed at home. So moving abroad can be a dream to do for some, but this way does not guarantee happiness.
4. If your company earns billions, it can lead to depression late 90s a huge number of billionaires, made his fortune in the dotcom suffering from depression. There are lots of theories about why this happened, but chief among them has always been a theory that says that people need a sense of progress is vital.
Depriving them of a sense of movement forward - and they will soon start to feel miserable and useless. And there is no better way to bring that feeling than to make a fabulously wealthy man by the end of this year.
The technical name for this phenomenon - "a syndrome of fatigue from the wealth," and it makes to our daily lives feeling of boredom and isolation. A lot of people have made a fortune in his business, become sluggish and inert. In addition, they are socially isolated from friends, family members - from all except his fabulously rich compatriots.
5. Your appointed CEO stressuPomnite can lead to the day when your company's policies seemed very ridiculous to you and you know that for sure would be able to do everything better?
But have you ever thought what would happen if you really appoint the CEO? If it happened, then you probably would get that amount of stress, which can hardly be handled.
The study of data collected between 1957 and 2004 showed, that women in positions of power, most will show signs of depression, than women, depending on the boss h4> Many top managers of life is full of despair. Psychopathy - one of the most characteristic features peculiar to highly paid executives. But beyond this line there is anger, paralyzing fear and depression. The study of data collected between 1957 and 2004 found that women who have the power are likely to show signs of depression than women, depending on the boss.
CEOs of both sexes, in spite of the huge salary, often feel their isolation and the pressure of the notorious "corporate culture." The result of this (especially in the financial industry) can be "blown" serious health problems and even suicide.
Did you really get bored working in his office cubicle, but moved into the chair head, you risk to face a complete emotional collapse.
6. Pregnancy can damage your zanyatostiVse talk about the joys of motherhood. And it does not say that motherhood leads to disability.
According to the report for 2014, working women who plan to become pregnant, at risk of being demoted, posted on unpaid leave or be dismissed.
One British study found that half of all pregnant women could feel them at work is biased, and 30 000 women interviewed said they were forced to leave their jobs.
And even if the child has already been born, the problems do not end there. Studies have shown that the business women who are mothers, lose about 5% of his salary for each child that they have. A child can be a great joy for you personally, but it can also be a disaster for your career.
7. Become a more athlete in college - this is a very bad ideyaMnogie high school students dream of getting an athletic scholarship and become the stars of the sport. For some lucky people, this dream became a reality. And for some it becomes a one-way ticket to social isolation and sadness.
A study in 2010 found that college athletes chosen sport devote an average of 32 hours per week. It's almost enough to qualify as a class part-time, and these activities prevent them from leading a normal social life.
Not surprisingly, many of the beginners miss the most important events in life and their formation goes isolation from peers. If this athlete is injured, he can stay all alone, and he will begin the problem with studies.
In addition, many coaches are used in working with young athletes approach of "natural selection," which leads to overtraining, anxiety, depression, and "burnout." As a result, the risk of getting a mental disorder in a young athlete is much higher than the average student.
Also typical for young athletes is an eating disorder, alcoholism and suicidal thoughts. And all of this is complicated by the fact that many athletes are hesitant to discuss their condition with a coach or teammates.
8. Errors when writing the biography can make you bankrotomDlya some people, there is nothing better than to write a biography of his hero, which will become a bestseller. Such people as Napoleon, Lincoln, or Malcolm X is written as many books that you do not have enough life to read them all.
But there is a historical figure, which is not necessary to write. If you believe the blog Freakonomics, an attempt to write a biography of Winston Churchill almost certainly make you bankrupt.
Unlike other celebrities heirs heirs of Churchill very concerned about copyright and love to sue. If you want to quote from his book, Churchill, you have to pay for it a lot of money. Most recently, one biographer said that had to pay 40 cents per word when quoting the famous British prime minister.
So if your book about Churchill will not be a bestseller overnight, you are unlikely to cover all the costs of her writing.
Around the same story it was with James Joyce. While the validity of the copyright in his work is not expired in 2012, his successors have done everything possible to any mention of this famous man was extremely expensive, including suing the artist who captured on film one passage of "Finnegans Wake." < br />
Children of Martin Luther King put forward claims against the people who dared to reproduce his famous speech "I Have a Dream", and the heirs of William Faulkner once tried to push a lawsuit against Woody Allen because he misquoted 10 words from the novel by Faulkner.
9. Rural life is connected with depressieyDlya many city dwellers have nothing desirable move for the city. Most of us are sitting in cramped urban apartments and dreams touch the beautiful clean nature. At least we think so.
The reality is that all these dreams can lead to clinical depression. A recent study by the University of Michigan found that non-Hispanic white women, constantly living in rural areas are "far higher rates of a strong 12-month depressive disorder and mood disorders," compared with white women living in the city.
Interestingly, the black women the result was just the opposite. Although the study is not an exact explanation of this phenomenon, the researchers allowed themselves to put forward a few assumptions about its possible causes.
While rural black women have a fairly wide circle of friends, white, rural women often feel lonely and too overloaded with household chores.
10. Life is getting worse after getting diplomaV unlike all of the above, higher education - a goal attainable for many. But sometimes this important step in life for some people end badly.
"Depression is a graduate" - a phenomenon that has existed for several decades. In most cases, it manifests itself in the form of total apathy, followed by the feeling that life has no meaning. Beyond the structured world of university research graduates, many were surprised to discover that the universe is deeply do not care, they do well in life, or not.
That is why the transition from the institution where you can always get the support and in which even the most nasty lecturer can listen to your problems, it becomes a nightmare for the graduate.
Although no official data on the "depression graduate" does not exist, a review in The Independent says that 95% of the surveyed seniors believe that "depression graduate" - it is a real phenomenon.
via listverse.com/2015/04/19/10-life-goals-that-arent-nearly-as-awesome-as-youd-think/
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